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No Shops Run


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Does anyone think a no-shops run would be interesting? It's an idea my cousin suggested, and as far as a quick Google search can tell me it hasn't been done before. This would be my first attempt at a playlog.

The rules


-No visiting shops on the world map

-No Outrealm Gate or Wireless Menu

-No Skirmishes

-No Event Tiles

-No Barracks

-No Falchion (regular, Exalted, or Parallel)

-No Armsthrift

Not sure if I missed anything. I thought it would be interesting to see if the weapons/items obtained throughout the game will be enough to get through the whole thing. Grima should also be quite tough without any Braves or effective damage. Maybe I should allow Falchions for just the last chapter?

So, do you think this could interesting? If so, should I ban Armsthrift? Also, should I play on Hard/Classic or Lunatic/Classic? I'm not very good at Lunatic, but on the other hand Hard might end up still being pretty easy even with these restrictions.


MaMU Geir

Build 1/Face 1/Hair 2/Hair Color 9/Voice 1

+ Strength - Luck

Paired Lissa with Chrom, Fred with Geir. Unequipped Fred and killed everything with Thunder while keeping Chrom out of range. For the boss, I paired unequipped Chrom with the Avatar with Lissa and Fred below and left of him.

Thunder is at 24. Heal is at 27. Rapier, Silver Lance, Bronze Sword, and both Vulneraries are unused.

Level HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Chrom 1.00 20 7 1 8 8 5 7 1
Geir 7.64 23 10 8 10 9 4 8 6
Frederick 1.00 28 13 2 12 10 6 14 3
Lissa 1.60 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4

Edited by isetrh
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That sounds interesting, forcing you to be resourceful and putting a soft restriction on grinding without any rules preventing it. I wonder if you'd actuallly run dangerously low on weapons doing this.

Will follow along if you do this. Voting for Lunatic.

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There are too many enemies in Lunatic for it to work out without Falchion/AT. On Hard it's probably not a very big deal, and if you use Rescue to skip a few chapters then it should be really easy (you get ten Rescue charges from normal gameplay). If Rescue isn't viable, Pass shouldn't be too impossible to get and could do the same thing if you switch to a bulky class after getting it.

Class route would probably be Tactician -> Peg -> DF -> Assassin -> Wyvern Lord -> Grandmaster, using an Avatar x Chrom solo. Chrom would be unequipped once the Rapier breaks (gotta save all the swords for Avatar as an Assassin). Avatar would use mainly Thunder/Fire to reach Lv.10. Sully's Bronze lance will easily last to Lance D, at which point you have a Javelin and two Iron Lances. After promotion you'd break Elwind and Cord's Steel Lance, Elthunder should last until the Assassin reclass. The first Arms Scroll (Par.4) would go here (D Swd/Bow, needed because there aren't any E rank Bows in the game). Virion's Iron Bow, two Bronze Swords, a Killing Edge and I think there's a Silver Sword in Cht.12 should last to Lv.15, reclass to Wyvern for mobility + Axes. Cht.15's Arms Scroll goes here (no E Axes), you've got Vaike's Iron Axe and two Hammers and a Steel Axe and a Killer Axe from there. You can also skip all fights once you're strong enough (except for Cht.23/24). If you run out of Axes/Lances (a few should drop during Valm), get Morgan and loot his Sword and Tome and reclass to Grandmaster for the finale (only after Helswath/Gungnir break, though). Valflame should be powerful enough to take down Grima on Hard with a few hits if you're at A tomes- you should be (Excellus's Bolganone can give a boost if you're not, I think the boss of Cht.15 drops a Tome too).

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It sounds like a really interesting idea. I think it should be possible on at least Hard, probably on Lunatic as well but it'd be tougher and require more planning.

I've done it on FE8 before, and it wasn't as hard as I expected. I think Awakening might be easier at least because there's no weapon weight and it's easier to solo. Also, if you want you can take advantage of AT and make it not even that hard beyond the midgame. If you Avatar x Chrom solo'd and went Mercenary first thing. Of course you might want to avoid AT like you said.

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A run like this would probably actually make me use a lot more of my weapons. Most of the time in in awakening and sacred stones i only use iron weapons, trying to conserve money for when I need (which I never do) and special weapons for tough situations (which never come up). I only splurge on the absolute final chapter.

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Yeah, I'd at least allow event tiles (so as to not discourage actual tactics in an effort to achieve the challenge), and the Falchion at least until you get access to the Inventory selection screen.

Armsthrift should be allowed, since it's not like you'd get many characters that have it without getting lucky Second Seals from villages. You'd basically just have Gregor, Inigo, Severa, and Flavia.

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Yeah, I'd at least allow event tiles (so as to not discourage actual tactics in an effort to achieve the challenge), and the Falchion at least until you get access to the Inventory selection screen.

Armsthrift should be allowed, since it's not like you'd get many characters that have it without getting lucky Second Seals from villages. You'd basically just have Gregor, Inigo, Severa, and Flavia.

If he decides to play Lunatic, there's no way he is getting these two with these restrictions. Even on Hard they would end up being more trouble than they are worth.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I'd say this is near impossible on Lunatic, and NOT just because of Grima - good luck dealing anything you can even call damage to a 53 defense behemoth that halves damage. And that's IF you even get that far.

Armsthrift should be allowed, since it's not like you'd get many characters that have it without getting lucky Second Seals from villages. You'd basically just have Gregor, Inigo, Severa, and Flavia.

Uh, yeah, as to that... Inigo would be more trouble than he's worth, and I'm not sure Severa would be worth recruiting with the restrictions as they are (assuming hard mode).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I'd say this is near impossible on Lunatic, and NOT just because of Grima - good luck dealing anything you can even call damage to a 53 defense behemoth that halves damage. And that's IF you even get that far.

This is assuming they use Bows/magic.

So "quarter" would be it half the time since it only works 80% on the front row.

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This is assuming they use Bows/magic.

So "quarter" would be it half the time since it only works 80% on the front row.

That too. Point is, this sounds downright impossible.

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Thanks for all the input. I'll start on Lunatic with AT and event tiles allowed. It seems like a lot of you have put way more thought into this than I have.


Female Avatar: Ragna

Build 1/Face 1/Hair 4/Hair Color 15/Voice 1

+ Defense, - Luck

Frederick kills the west Myrmidon on turn 1, and weakens the two Barbarians on enemy phase while Chrom misses the east Myrm. Ragna finishes the Barbarians on turn 2 without getting hit. Fred kills Chrom's Myrmidon. The mage behaves himself. Then it's just water trick. (Thank you Interceptor for this method. I couldn't beat Lunatic no-grind without it.)

Turns: 57 Heroes: Ragna & Lissa

I got a Tiki's Tear and 25 exp for Ragna from the event tiles. Silver Lance is at 26 uses, Rapier at 34, Bronze Sword at 46, Thunder at __, Heal at __, and my last remaining Vulnerary at 2 because Ragna missed the Mage. Great luck with Ragna's level ups, though Lissa got a Lissa-level-up (+1 Strength).

I don't know how to make a table, sorry.

Chrom Lv 1.10

Frederick Lv 1.30

Ragna Lv 7.45: HP 24, Str 11, Mag 8, Skill 10, Spd 8, Lck 5, Def 12, Res 6

Lissa Lv 2.53: HP 17, Str 2, Mag 5, Skill 4, Spd 4, Lck 8, Def 3, Res 4

Thank you for reading! Any tips on my playing or writing style? I plan to give more detail from hereon, but my strategy on this chapter isn't exactly original.

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I don't know how to make a table, sorry.

Chrom Lv 1.10

Frederick Lv 1.30

Ragna Lv 7.45: HP 24, Str 11, Mag 8, Skill 10, Spd 8, Lck 5, Def 12, Res 6

Lissa Lv 2.53: HP 17, Str 2, Mag 5, Skill 4, Spd 4, Lck 8, Def 3, Res 4

Do the following (ignore the numbers, they're just random):

Unit       Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom       1.10    20   00   09   01   02   06   00   00
Robin       7.45    24   00   04   07   02   05   09   02
Frederick   1.30    32   07   40   01   04   07   04   00
Lissa       2.53    17   02   05   04   04   08   03   04
Edit: Don't quote me. I put double code blocks so the "code" tags would show up. Just copy it straight up from my post. Edited by shadowofchaos
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Armsthrift should be allowed, since it's not like you'd get many characters that have it without getting lucky Second Seals from villages. You'd basically just have Gregor, Inigo, Severa, and Flavia.

Even on Lunatic, AT makes this so trivial that you might as well not be doing it- Avatar gets AT, in case you didn't notice. In an Avatar x Chrom duo (the safest/fastest/easiest way to play Lunatic), Chrom gives a ton of +Lck and if your Avatar isn't -Lck it's not too unfeasible to have 100% AT by the end of the game and you'll almost definitely have 75%+ by Valm. Weapon shortages? What weapon shortages?

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Can't wait for Chapter 7. Totally one of the best chapters, especially since you get a certain Pegasus Knight...

Will you be doing the childrens' paralogues too? If so, I'd love to see Severa's paralogue when you get there!

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You're going to have to get lucky with Second Seals, then. You'd need 2 just to really make the Avatar anything more than another Gregor or Flavia.

Even with just one, your stats will be an order of magnitude higher than Flavia/Gregor (especially since Gregor has bad Lck), and there are two before the first arc finishes. There are a pile in Valm too.

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First off... I'm in favor of banning Armsthrift for all the reasons Czar_Yoshi stated. Second... A female avatar named Ragna... Really now?

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What's wrong with the name Ragna? I like old Scandinavian names.

I could start over with MaMU so that Chrom/MU family is out. Should I still ban AT if I do that?

Thanks for the table Rey.

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What's wrong with the name Ragna? I like old Scandinavian names.

I could start over with MaMU so that Chrom/MU family is out. Should I still ban AT if I do that?

Nothing, really. Well, other than the fact that the only Ragnas I can think of are male (Ragna the Bloodedge, Ragnadaam III).


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First off... I'm in favor of banning Armsthrift for all the reasons Czar_Yoshi stated. Second... A female avatar named Ragna... Really now?


-Thumbs up-

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A support gives the same amount of stat boosts as S support, and the DS rate doesn't matter because Chrom won't be attacking. All picking M over F will do is make it so you don't get an extra Elfire/Steel Sword from Morgan. No Galeforce either, but that'll just make it take a little bit longer (you'll get Pass sooner, so it might actually save weapon uses). So no, Avatar's gender won't change -that- much.

I'm personally in favor of Hard/No AT. No opinion on Ragna.

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I like the Hard/no AT idea. Thanks Yoshi.

Any thoughts on MaMU's wife? I'm open to anyone who comes before Olivia. I'll go with the first one someone posts.

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Nowi is the best one here because she draws from a pool of weapons Avatar can't use, and thus is able to make Dual Strikes without taking weapons from him. If you get Morgan and Nah, their Dragonstones might even keep her going until endgame, and Manakete pairup bonuses are pretty good ingame. Panne could work on similar grounds but Beaststones are rarer than Dragonstones and Taguel aren't as strong.

If you object to her on aesthetic grounds, Sumia and Cordelia have flight utility but will run out of weapons. Fortunately since you won't be going through Pegasus yourself they'll have free reign over the early lances, of which there are plenty.

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