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A few questions about FE8


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Hello everybody I'm new here and I'm new to Fire Emblem hacking/modding as well. I've been playing around with FE8 rom to get used to the tools. So far I've managed to grasp the basics of Nightmare and FEditor.

So while trying out different things I wanted to make the 4 dance rings usable. I've managed to do somewhat well and it did work but I came across a few problems:

1) I can't seem to make the dancer's animation play while using the ring, only the map sprite animation shows

2) For some reason I cannot set the "Use Item Description" to anything higher than 0xFF, if I set it to anything more the first digit is cut off (0x404 --> 0x04)

3) After dancing the unit with effect has some japanese text in the HP bar part, I assume it is status effect and most likely it can be changed. However because it's in japanese I cannot find it FEditor (since I can't type in japanese). I will be grateful if someone can point me to where that text is located

Thanks in advance ^^

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the dancing rings are meant to be dummied out and nobody has really figured out how to make them work

the japanese text is probably due to it using a set of glyphs that don't exist in the regular font (ie "str" as one character or something), hence why it isn't garbage

for "Use Item Description", open the item editor nmm file in a text editor and look for something like this

Use Item Description
change the 1 to a 2
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for "Use Item Description", open the item editor nmm file in a text editor and look for something like this

Use Item Description
change the 1 to a 2

thanks for your reply, but

when I opened my Item Editor module with notepad++ it was already set to "2". But this did work for the Class Description in Class Editor module where I faced a similar problem.

I became confused why it didn't work for Item Editor so I tinkered with the Item Editor for a while and figured out that only staves have use description, and that staves have item number set to 0x04 (all other items have it set to 0x00) so after I changed the rings' item number to 0x04 the description indeed work. Even though i dont know what item number does the fact that it helped me solve one of the problems made me happy ^( ^-^)^

and although i didn't do anything the rings seems to work fine


nevermind the names, i was too lazy so i just borrowed the staff's name


dancer animation is only played on the map, even though i set it through custom battle animation it just doesn't work :(





everything looks it's working fine, except for jap text


and the ring effect does work


as you can see with the dmg boost

So now i only need to find the japanese text location and change it in FEditor (i hope it is possible) and figure out a way to make dancer anim work









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Not much of a hacker...

But in any case, welcome to Serenesforest, we hope you can find it adjustable here.

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You can see the ring's effects in the last image.

A common glitch is for an effect to look like it is doing some thing without actualy doing it. Try attacking the bandit, and see if the damage done matches the damage displayed. Also, try searching for the game's font in unlz or a simaler program, and then graphically changing/removing the Japanese characters directly.

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A common glitch is for an effect to look like it is doing some thing without actualy doing it. Try attacking the bandit, and see if the damage done matches the damage displayed. Also, try searching for the game's font in unlz or a simaler program, and then graphically changing/removing the Japanese characters directly.

ys, the damage is actually boosted as displayed.

thanks everybody for replying

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