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Pairings for max. # of kids with 100% Armsthrift activation without Limit Breaker

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Okay, for my next playthrough, I want to maximize the number of children with a 100% Armsthrift activation rate without Limit Breaker. A character needs two things to have the potential to have a 100% Armsthrift activation rate:

  1. 50+ Max Luck, or 45+ Max Luck with Rightful King
  2. Access to the Mercenary class

The best set of pairings that I could come up with is the following, yielding four children with 100% Armsthrift activation:

  • Chrom x Olivia
  • Male Avatar with Luck as his Asset and a Flaw with no Max Luck penalty x Any waifu with a non-negative luck modifier, as well as a child of her own
  • Donnel x Any waifu with a luck modifier of at least +1

Can anyone come up with anything better, or is 4 children the upper limit without Limit Breaker?

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I see five kids in your analysis.

Things that are missing: All Stats +2, tonics, and rallies. If I factor in tonics/rallies, this widens the pool considerably. If this is for a Streetpass team, don't bother - Armsthrift is useless in that situation.

Mothers that "pass" it on: Olivia, Cordelia

Fathers that pass it on: Gregor, Donnel, Vaike (daughter only)

The wild card: Avatar

Assuming you use rallies (Gerome/Owain can do this), you can expand the number of kids to the following:

- Nowi x Vaike

- Olivia x Chrom

- Gregor x Maribelle

- Avatar (M) x your favorite waifu

- Cordelia x Ricken

- Donnel x any remaining lady

. . .for a grand total of eight. As I'm not sure what you've planned, take this with a few grains of salt.

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Notes that for frontliners, 45 Luck is generally sufficient. Having a support partner with 30 Luck results in a +3 bonus (minimum, as this can be higher if the support class also has a Luck bonus) and then a Luck Tonic can be used for +2, bringing the total to 50. It gets a little trickier for supports, but even 45 max + Tonic can still net a 94% proc rate for minimal effort.

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Can't you include Limit Breaker and lower the Luck requirement considerably?

Limit Breaker gives everybody 50 or over luck. However, he either doesnt have Limit Breaker or just wants to see how many people can get 50 or over luck.

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Not -Lck Gaius!Noire!Morgan. She's got a Lck mod of -7 and only reaches 48 with LB.

Ok really, why would anybody do that pairing anyway lol. Just give it a luck tonic or the +3 from pair ups boost and call it a day.

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