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Character and support rearrangement


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I've been thinking of changing up some of the characters in FE7, but, of course, if I do that, then it would make sense to also change up the support conversations accordingly. I have a guess on how it's done, but I thought I should bring it up in case there's a step I'm missing, or if I'm completely off-base, and even if I'm right, this might work as a tutorial.

Say, for instance, that I want to replace Heath with Farina.

Aside from the obvious story editing required, changing of name and portrait pointers, replacement of the corresponding unit, stat adjustment, and all that, all of which is pretty easy to do, I imagine that first, I should go to one of the support slots including Heath that won't be needed anymore, like his support with Kent.

EDIT: Actually, Farina has a support with Kent already, doesn't she? Okay, this might not be the best example, but I'm too lazy to go back and take more screenshots...

In cases like this, where the replacer and the replacee have supports with a common character, all that needs to be done is to change up the text pointers.

Next, I reference one of Farina's existing supports, like her support with Hector, and take note of the support conversation text pointers...


Then I go back to Kent and Heath's support slot, replace Kent with Hector, and replace the text pointers...


Now for the paired endings.

I go to one of Heath's paired endings slots that will no longer be needed, like his ending with Priscilla...


Next, I go to the paired ending I'll be replacing it with, namely Hector and Farina's ending, and take note of its corresponding text pointer...


Finally, going back to Heath and Priscilla's slot, replace Prissy with Hector, and replace the text pointer, and there we have it!


Granted, depending on how many supports Heath has, I might not be able to switch over all of Farina's supports without doing something complicated, but whatever.

So, is my guess correct or close, or am I forgetting about something, or am I wrong altogether? If so, what's the right way?

Edited by valin24
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