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What is some of your favorite music in the Fire Emblem series?


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FE3/FE12: Advance, Liberation

FE4: Disturbance of Agustria, Dragon Knights of Thracia

FE5: Charge A, August Talks A

FE6: Beneath a New Light, Within the Magnificent Nature

FE7: Distant Travels, A Road of Trials

FE8: Determination, The Final Battle

FE9: The First Fight, Crimea Attacks

FE11: The Time to Act, Footsteps of Fate

FE13: Duty, Dry Your Tears Love This is Not Goodbye

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10.) Ally Phase- FE1

9.) Celica Map- FE2

8.) Recruitment- FE4

7.) Thracia Castle Town

6.) FE Theme- FE5

5.) Dragon Knights of Thracia- FE4

4.) Versus Mediuth- FE3 Book 1

3.) Leaf- FE5

2.) Final Map- FE2

1.) Defeat is Near- FE5

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FE6: Suspicious (just a killer theme) and In the Name of Bern (It has a lovely, almost Wave Race-y sort of sound to it. Nothing interesting becomes of the time signature, but it keeps the pace well. It's the kind of song that functions well on a loop),

FE13: Don't speak her name! (one of the few vg songs I'd listen to w/out the benefit of context) and Id (Dilemma) (really, really entrancing). Duty is great too.

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I have a top 10 FE songs video as well, though it was made before Awakening came out. :P

In case you don't feel like watching, here's the list it goes through.

10. Preparing to Advance (The Sacred Stones)

9. Congregation of Ambition (Path of Radiance)

8. Crimea Attacks (Path of Radiance)

7. Bittersweet Victory (Path of Radiance

6. Together We Ride (The Blazing Sword)

5. Unstoppable Destiny/Against the Black Knight (Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn)

4. Victory is Near (Path of Radiance)

3. Fire Emblem Theme (Path of Radiance version)

2. Stalwarts Unite (Radiant Dawn)

1. Eternal Bond (Radiant Dawn)

Thankfully for me, a lot of these are in Smash Bros. Brawl. ^^

I just found Tellius's music to be in a league of its own, really, and much better than anything else in the series (that I've played/listened to).

Edited by Anacybele
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FE6: Suspicious.

FE7: Companions

FE8: Comrades, Rise Above, Determination

FE9: Holding Your Own, With Us

FE10: Eternal Bond, Conviction, The Devoted, Wheeling Corby, Opening Movie (? Dunno what this one's called)

FE13: ID Returns, Conquest

I had to limit myself here, there's far too much FE music. Haven't played 4/5/12 either.

Rise Above, Conquest, The Devoted, and whatever that song from Radiant Dawn's opening is called would be my top four.

Edited by Wander
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The BK's battle theme would be Against the Black Knight in PoR and Unstoppable Destiny in RD. The one I just mentioned. lol Don't ask me why it has a different title in RD while the music itself essentially remains the same, because I really don't know. :P

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I always feel like an oddball in these kind of threads because I never turn the sound/music on. I find Gameboy music generally sounds bad (quality-wise) and is far more repeptitive than from other consoles. Though that could just be because the music doesn't make itself so noticable with bad quality. I rather watch youtube videos or listen to podcasts while playing, oops.

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FE1/3B1/11 - Showdown in Doluna Keep, Clash of Two Virtues

FE2 - Celica Map 1, Final Map

FE3B2/12 - Into the Darkness, Liberation

FE4 - Awakening of the Holy, Dancing in the Sky

FE5 - Scout For Enemies, Leaf (Final Map)

FE6 - Beyond the Sky, Path of the Divine Generals

FE7 - Distant Travels, Inescapable Fate

FE8 - Truth, Despair and Hope, The Prince's Despair

FE9 - Congregation of Ambition, Side Battle

FE10 - Wisdom of Ages, Hymn of the Righteous

FE13 - Such bonds are the true strength of this army, Champion ~ Ablaze

I had so many I almost picked (especially from FE10, easily my favorite FE OST) but I decided to narrow it down to only two per game.

I always feel like an oddball in these kind of threads because I never turn the sound/music on. I find Gameboy music generally sounds bad (quality-wise) and is far more repeptitive than from other consoles. Though that could just be because the music doesn't make itself so noticable with bad quality. I rather watch youtube videos or listen to podcasts while playing, oops.

There are a lot of divided opinions when it comes to video game music on older/less powerful systems. I think it's strictly preferential and that there's nothing wrong about whether or not someone happens to enjoy "less advanced" (I swear I had an actual term for this but it lost me :I) music or not.

Edited by Topazd255
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@Ana: You know, I just watched/listened to your video, and I don't remember Congregation of Ambition playing in game at all. And it's a pretty good track so I'm surprised, guess I need to replay PoR sometime.

Back on topic, Radiant Dawn really does have the best soundtrack in my opinion. Rise Above might be my favorite over all though. I've heard FE4 has a really good soundtrack, but I still need to play it.

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There are a lot of divided opinions when it comes to video game music on older/less powerful systems. I think it's strictly preferential and that there's nothing wrong about whether or not someone happens to enjoy "less advanced" (I swear I had an actual term for this but it lost me :I) music or not.

It's not so much that I dislike the music of older systems in general. My all time favourite video game music are Secret of Mana and Mystic Quest Legend. I think it's just that the loud speaker of the handhelds aren't that good.

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It's not so much that I dislike the music of older systems in general. My all time favourite video game music are Secret of Mana and Mystic Quest Legend. I think it's just that the loud speaker of the handhelds aren't that good.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have added that 'older' to the statement when I essentially meant the GBA with it's somewhat "grainy" soundfonts in general. The NDS also has that problem to an extent in some games where the speakers themselves hinder the sound quality.

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FE2: Final Battle theme, Alm map theme

FE4: Conversation 1, Lover 2, Decision 3, Ending Ballad, Doors of Destiny (and so many more, it's really hard to choose with FE4)

FE5: That final map theme, Thracia theme

FE6: Beneath a new light

FE7: Silent ground

FE8: Truth, Hope, and Despair

FE9: Bittersweet victory, Power Hungry Fool

FE10: Sorrowful Prince Pelleas, Bearer of Hope, Ascent

FE11: Footsteps of Faith

FE12: Holy War, One Who Carves a New History, Reign of Despair

FE13: Don't Speak Her Name

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@Ana: You know, I just watched/listened to your video, and I don't remember Congregation of Ambition playing in game at all. And it's a pretty good track so I'm surprised, guess I need to replay PoR sometime.

I think I recall it playing on a few maps in the latter part of the game. I know it's a map theme, anyway. :P

Oh, and btw, for you FE4 fans out there, PoR has a track that is actually remixed from one of FE4's tunes. It's a trial map theme called Side Battle. I actually find this track to be pretty awesome as well, and the beginning of it makes me think of Disney. lol

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Yeah, I probably shouldn't have added that 'older' to the statement when I essentially meant the GBA with it's somewhat "grainy" soundfonts in general. The NDS also has that problem to an extent in some games where the speakers themselves hinder the sound quality.

That's why I use headphones (and why other people use headphones with their nearby iPods).

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FE1: Come, Join Us (or whatever the recruitment theme was called in this game)

FE2: Ally Attack

FE3: Ally Attack (Shh don't tell)

FE4: Dancing In The Sky, Recruitment

FE5: Conquest, Afterwards

FE6: Enemy Attack, Enemy Phase

FE7: Reminiscence, Respite in Battle

FE8: The Prince's Dispair,

FE9: Congregation of Ambition

FE10: Unstoppable Destiny

FE11: Prelude, Fire Emblem Theme, Strike!

FE12: Initiative, Reign of Dispair

FE13: We Battle Supported by Bonds, Id- Serenity, "Don't speak her name!", "The Vaike never forgets! I just don't always remember.", Farewell... my friends..."

...That's a grand total of 4 ally attack themes. Wow. 5 if you count "Don't speak her name!".

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I'm so sad that nobody is listing A Hero's Destiny from FE11/12, that song is hands fucking down the best map theme in the entire series.

It's a brilliant juxtaposition to the early game map theme, as they rearrange it into minor key. Such a great contrast to the early positive outlook that Marth has, it fits the somber, melancholic tone of the latter third of the game so well. Even just listening to this song gives me the chills and puts me into the scene of Marth's army's marching with heavy hearts towards the finale.

There are other fantastic map themes (notably Tellius) but almost none of them get close to the bleakness of this song. I think only FE8 can get near to rivaling it.

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Ohh I really like some FE music, so I thought to just make a post here.

FE4 has my favourite music overall, but 2 and 12 are reallyyy close; Lion King Eltshan and Festival of Naga are my overall favourites probably.

I have yet to play 9/10 and haven't taken the time to listen to its soundtrack so I excluded them..

FE2: Enemy Phase 2, Final Ally Phase, Chapter 5

FE4: Lion King Eltshan, Disturbance in Agustria, New Thracia Palace

FE5: Adversity, August Talks A

FE6: For the Commanders, Polar Region

FE7: Distant Travels, Companions

FE8: Rise Above, Determination

FE11: Footsteps of Fate

FE12: Festival of Naga, One who Carves a New History

FE13: Destiny, Storm Clouds; I really like transitioning themes idea between map and battle in general

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I like "The Kingdom of Bern" from FE7. It reminds me of the Imperial March from Star Wars and the Stormwind theme from World of Warcraft (although I know FE7 came out before World of Warcraft).

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Well, here's my list....

FE1/11: Come, Join Us; A Hero's Destiny; Clash of Two Virtues; Last Revels

FE2: Alm's Player Phase; Celica's Player Phase; Alm's Enemy Phase

FE3/12: Dark Emperor Hardin; Reign of Despair

Haven't really heard 4 or 5's music.

FE6: Winning Road; In the Name of Bern; Battle for Who's Sake; Sorceress/Shaman in the Dark (both versions)

FE7: Rise to the Challenge; Softly With Grace; Companions; Unshakable Faith; Campaign of Fire

FE8: Rise Above; Determination; Truth, Despair, and Hope; Land of Promise; Powerful Foe; The Prince's Despair; Ray of Hope

FE9: Move Out!; Clash; Decisive Attack; A Mighty Foe; Rising Morale; Ike's Resolution; Crimea Attacks; Congregation of Ambition; Against the Black Knight

FE10: The Black Knight Lives; Stalwarts Unite; Backsliding; Pray for Victory; Eternal Bond

FE13: Conquest (both); Duty (both); Storm Clouds (both); Divine Decree (both); Id (Serenity, Sorrow, Return, Purpose); .......; Don't Speak Her Name!; Monstrosity

Whew... long list....

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