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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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Dunno if you're open to gameplay suggestions/advice, but Astra/Sol is generally as good as or better than Luna/Sol, especially if you're using DLC to grind (which you're going to need to do if you want to clear RaR3).

If Frederick passes DG+ to Morgan instead of Luna, Morgan can leave GK at Lv.10 instead of Lv.15 as well.

Anyway, I'll be watching.

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Even though you don't like him, Chrom is Freddy's family as well. :P Well, basically. Wasn't Frederick accompanying Chrom since always?

I'd try not to use Chrom too much, though, to make things harder.

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Yeah, but they're not family. :P I'd think we'd have seen some indications if Frederick was related to Chrom in any way. They've probably known each other for a long time and are good friends, but nothing more. But I'm still using Chrom in skirmishes just so he isn't weak in the Endgame.

I've used families before for just skirmishes, but never for the full blown story. Are you going to do all the paralogues too or just the ones needed to get Severa and Morgan? Regardless, good luck with your run!

Oh, I'll be doing as many as I can except for the ones for the kids that I won't be recruiting. And thanks. ^^

Dunno if you're open to gameplay suggestions/advice, but Astra/Sol is generally as good as or better than Luna/Sol, especially if you're using DLC to grind (which you're going to need to do if you want to clear RaR3).

If Frederick passes DG+ to Morgan instead of Luna, Morgan can leave GK at Lv.10 instead of Lv.15 as well.

Anyway, I'll be watching.

Oh sure, I'm open! I like pseudo Aether because I like Aether though. :P And yes, I'm aware I'll have to grind for that map, I was going to grind regardless because skills.

Good point about Frederick and Morgan though, I'll go for that.

Oh yeah, and one thing I forgot to mention in the OP. Chrom will be marrying Olivia as usual in my runs. Which means I guess I'll also do Inigo's paralogue, but for grinding purposes. I'll recruit him as well since I'm an Inigo fan, I just won't use him. :P

EDIT: Oh, and one thing I forgot to add to my last update. I got a Reeking Box from an event tile, so I'll be able to fight plenty of Risen soon. :P

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Chapter 2!

Kelli: So this is the Shepherds' garrison huh? Interesting place you guys got here. (What's with the hunk of armor in the corner though?)

Lissa: Yep! Neat, isn't it?

Kelli: Oh, yeah, it's nice! (If you like random armor in the corners)

Lissa: Guys, this is Kelli! She's our new tactician!

Vaike: *BUUUUUURP* Oh, nice to meet ya!

Kelli: Um...yeah. (even random armor beats this)

Maribelle: VAIKE YOU ARE DISGUSTING! Kelli, say something!

Kelli: *keeps looking at the weird, ugly armor*

Maribelle: Ugh! *leaves*

Kelli: ...Oh! Oops.

Lissa: Oh, she'll come around, don't worry. Maribelle warms up to people kinda slowly.

Kelli: So I can see.

*Sumia walks in and trips*

Kelli: She just tripped...over nothing?

Sumia: Oh, not again...

*Chrom walks in, followed by Frederick*

Sumia: Captain! *trips again*

Kelli: Do you seriously trip over nothing every ten seconds?

Sumia: Oh...um... Sorry...

Chrom: ...Okay, everyone. We have a new mission. March to Regna Ferox and get their barbarian people to ally with us!

Kelli: Oh, finally! ...Wait, barbarians?

Chrom: ...Uh, good barbarians.

Kelli: ...Works for me! Let's go! *darts out*

Frederick: Well, she's certainly eager. (and pretty...)

Everyone else: ...

*later, after Stahl shows up*

Chrom: Gods! The Risen have spread this far already?!

Kelli: I had a feeling...

Frederick: So did--

Chrom: STOP. I get it!

Frederick: Er, right, milord. Everyone, we must exercise caution, and remember that certain weapons have advantages over others. We must fight strategically! Kelli, if you ever need any assistance or need a break from commanding us, I am here. I'll protect you if you so desire as well.

Kelli: Oh, thanks, Frederick! That's really kind of you. (wow... For a hardass, he's such a gentleman... I want to get to know him better! I need to ask to train with him later!)

Vaike: W-Wait a minute! I can't draw my axe! What's goin' on here?!

Stahl: Huh, I can swing my sword around just fine...

Lissa: You too, Vaike? Geez! A lot of us can't use our weapons lately!

Frederick: So only myself, Kelli, and Stahl can fight...

Kelli: And Chrom can only fight if he's attacked. Yeah, this is making less sense by the minute.

That armor is actually Kellam, of course. lol

Okay, I almost messed up badly here, but all is good now! Frederick got a level and Kelli got another level. Stahl didn't quite get one though. But hot damn, Frederick got HP, strength, defense, speed, and res! AND A 1% CRIT HOLY SHIT YEAH. :D He knows I love him! lol All three of them got one hit each on the boss. Kelli keeps getting low on HP, but thankfully there are forts lying around to let her heal in. I actually almost forgot I was planning to use Stahl too, but yeah. lol

Kelli gained defense again, what. :o

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/04     21   09   07   07   06   06   08   04
Freddy   --/02     29   14   02   12   11   06   15   04
Stahl    --/02   base

Freddy and Kelli reached C support after this as well. ^^

Kelli: Frederick! You really helped me out back there. I thought that boss had me!

Frederick: Well I...I was only looking out for a comrade.

Kelli: Funny, not too long ago you said you didn't trust me at all.

Frederick: I-I don't! But milord has faith in you, so...I do what I must.

Kelli: Well, aren't you sweet. Can you...um, help me train? I feel I could learn a lot from you.

Frederick: ...S-So you can be strong enough to betray us later?

Kelli: *growls* What?! No! I just want to be more helpful in combat as well as in strategy! Seriously, Frederick! (honestly, how DO Chrom and Lissa put up with this guy?)

That's all for today, I just feel like doing a million things at once. lol

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So, your main motivation for this run is to integrate your view of the characters into your gameplay?

Can't wait to see more of your shots at Sumia.

Edit: Let me clarify for people that are thinking this post is flamebait.

I am legitimately and honestly curious how she will portray Sumia.

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So what if I take a couple shots at her? I'll probably take shots at other characters as well. Hell, I've been taking shots at FREDERICK of all people constantly, calling him a hardass and stuff. lol However, I wasn't actually planning to do much with Sumia since I won't be using her.

And I didn't think your post was flamebait, actually.

I'm doing the dialogue to make following this run more entertaining. It's not necessarily my view of the characters entirely. Like, I wouldn't actually have Chrom call the Feroxians barbarians if this was serious. :P

I'm probably not as funny as Sangyul, but I can give you guys a laugh every now and then, I hope?

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Chapter 3 is complete! Though I messed up once and let Chrom get killed because I did something I didn't mean to. xP

Kelli: S-So this is F-Ferox... It's so freaking cold I feel like my fingers will fall off!
Lissa: I KNOW, right?! F-Freberick, I'm f-freebing!
Frederick: Stay close to me, milady, my horse will keep you warm.
Kelli: (Sweet ol' Frederick... Hee hee, he's cute when he cares)

*the group arrives at Ferox, but the Feroxians mobilize for battle*

Chrom: W-What?! We're not brigands!
Frederick: How dare you! You stand before Prince Chrom of Ylisse himself!
Raimi: LIES!!
Kelli: Who is THIS crazy guy?
Raimi: I'M A WOMAN, FOOL! And NO ally of Chrom's would make that mistake! YOU'RE ALL BANDITS!!
Kelli: ...Oh. Well damn it.
Frederick: Kelli! Next time, how about you NOT say anything?
Kelli: How about YOU shut up?!
Chrom: This is no time for bickering, you two! Anyway, I swear to you, we aren't brigands!
Raimi: LIES!!
Chrom: Please, just listen--
Kelli: (Damn she's annoying...)
Raimi: KILL HIM!!
Chrom: Okay, screw it! Have it your--HOLY MOTHER OF NAGA'S LEFT BOOB!!

*Javelins come flying at Chrom*

*A Pegasus soon swoops in and saves him. Sumia is riding it*

Kelli: Oh, so she CAN be useful. Her talent with animals isn't half bad either... WAAAH!! HOW DID THAT RANDOM ARMOR FROM THE GARRISON GET HERE?

Okay, thankfully, Stahl's first level up was even better than in the attempt where I messed up. He got strength, speed, skill, def, and magic if I recall. ^^ Kelli also got another level-up, Chrom got one (there was no way I could split up just three units without a bunch of people getting killed), and Frederick did too, actually. He got a pretty nice level up again as well. :D I recruited Kellam and just sat him next to Sumia. I had Lissa hang out just in case I screwed up and needed her staff to prevent screwing up again (and thus saving good level ups). :P

But dang it, when's Kelli going to get more strength? xP

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/05     21   09   08   08   06   06   08   04
Freddy   --/03     29   15   02   12   11   06   16   05
Stahl    --/03     23   09   01   07   07   05   08   02
Chrom    --/03     22   09   02   09   09   06   07   03

Since I can manage inventory now, I've started giving everyone more/better weapons and I need to pick up more Vulneraries for people.

Chrom: Wow, Kelli, thanks to that pair-up strategy, we ruled the day! You're pretty amazing, you know that? (and just plain pretty...)

Frederick: I must agree, that was a good tactic. (why is Chrom looking at her like that? ...And why does it bother me?)

Kelli: Aw, thanks, you guys! Hey Frederick, still thinking about that favor I owe you?

Frederick: Oh, of course. But I haven't thought of what to ask of you, I'm afraid.

Kelli: Ah, don't worry, just take your time, handsome! But do ask me eventually! Please?

Chrom: *bites lip*

Frederick: *blushes* Heh, well, if you say so.

You might understand what's going on here a bit better next time I update. Heh heh.

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OH, oh, okay! I was just confused then lol.

Next up is a couple of Risen spawns since one appeared on my map and I still have the Reeking Box I picked up earlier in chapter 1. I won't be doing any dialogue for these except for the very first one though.

But everyone that's reading, stay tuned! ^^

EDIT: Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention. I did seriously mistake Raimi for a guy when I did chapter 3 in my first playthrough. lol

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Risen spawns done! Though I had some trouble for awhile, because FREAKING WYVERNS ugh. They're hard to beat this early, even with Chrom's Falchion! >_< Anyway.

Kelli: I should've known the Risen would spawn in places we've already been. Ugh!

Frederick: They also appear to be stronger than the human adversaries we've been facing. We must fight with caution.

Chrom: Good point, especially since only a select few of us can fight for some reason. And it seems that I'm able to draw my weapon if we face these Risen, so I can help this time.

Kelli: That's a relief. No one else has been able to fight except us and Stahl. I feel like I'm going to go INSANE HERE.

Got some nice level ups here for everyone! ...Except Frederick sadly. Only HP and skill ugh. But he managed to B support Kelli and C support Chrom, so pair ups work better now (and I laugh every freaking time I see the naked Chrom poster bit, just OH MY GAWD FREDERICK XD). Stahl, though, just dayum. He's looking amazing so far. Dat strength, speed, and def. His highest stats right now. Chrom is looking too fragile though. He's as fragile as Kelli, ugh. Same exact def and res. I'll have to fix this or else he's going to get beat too much. And speaking of Kelli, she's also looking too slow. And that will be bad if she remains really fragile. >.>

Those wyverns were annoying, but thank the gods for forts and pair up.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/06     23   10   09   09   07   07   08   04
Freddy   --/04     31   15   02   13   11   06   16   05
Stahl    --/06     26   12   01   09   10   07   10   02
Chrom    --/06     25   12   03   10   11   08   08   04

Kelli is the SLOWEST UNIT ugh.

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Asset is strength, flaw is defense. In my first playthrough, Kelli had excellent speed and was one of my fastest units. She just had uber shitty defenses. xP So she's speed screwed here so far. But that can get fixed.

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Tsk. RNG screwage. Happens to me all the time when I'm trying to boost certain stats for tournament entries. Then again, being 50/50 on the growth gives it the old "one side of the stick or another" situation. Resistance is always the hardest to get, though, lest someone goes with the resistance asset.

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Well, at least you have a good Stahl. Dunno how much Renown you have, but you can use the statboosters from there for a temporary fix. You might also want to slow down on Fred's exp until your other units can hold their own, he'll be able to stay in the action with pretty much nothing at least until the desert chapters (thanks partly to a lack of Mages).

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Did Paralogue 1 and added Donny to the party (even though I won't use him either, no matter how adorkable I find him. xP)!

Kelli: These bandits are picking on all these poor people, including an innocent boy as cute as this one? This is more insane than those gross Risen!
Donnel: I agree! I think... Heh. *blushes*
Chrom: Don't worry, Donny, we'll help you save your people! Just stay close!
Donnel: W-Wait just one darn pickin' minute yer lordliness! I ain't no warrior! *shudders*
Chrom: Don't be chicken, you can do it! Using a weapon isn't much different from...whatever you do with the wheat.
Donnel: Are ya sure? I'm afraid...
Chrom: No one's born a fighter. You should grow stronger so you can continue to help your village.
Kelli: *in a sweet voice* Indeed! Someday you could grow up from the adorable scrawny boy you are and become a fine man capable of defeating any foe! Even the gross zombie things we've been running into!
Donnel: Well, okay! Yeah! ...Wait. ZOMBIES?!

Kelli finally picked up some speed! Though her defenses remain the same... Grrr. I didn't level up Freddy or Stahl this time, I was more focused on getting Donnel a level so he could join. I had Donnel glued to Stahl as I had done in my first playthrough and he got exp off of archers mainly since they wouldn't be able to counterattack him. Chrom also got another level which gave him defense, which is good. I'm glad Donnel comes with a Vulnerary, otherwise I might've had some trouble.

I just wish those event tiles had given me something better than a couple glass weapons. >.>

Oh, and Freddy and Kelli reached A support already. That was faster than last time lol. But I'll hold off on getting their S support for a bit.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/09     23   11   10   11   10   10   08   04
Freddy   --/04     31   15   02   13   11   06   16   05
Stahl    --/06     26   12   01   09   10   07   10   02
Chrom    --/07     25   13   03   11   12   09   09   04

Donnel: I did it! I actually did it!

Chrom: Indeed you did!

Kelli: Wait to go! You and that accent of yours are amazing for one so young!

Donnel: Aw shucks, thanks a lot! So, uh... Can I come with you, your lordliness? I should continue getting stronger!

Chrom: Sure, I don't see why not!

Donnel: Yeah!

Kelli: You should meet Chrom's little sister! I think you two would like each other!

Donnel: H-Hwa?! Really?

Chrom: Uh, can we take things one step at a time here?

*later on*

Chrom: There Kelli goes feeding Frederick meat again. What's going on with those two? Whey are they spending so much time together?

Lissa: Kelli's just helping him with something, I think! But why do YOU sound so irritated? Hmm?

Chrom: Uh... *cheeks go deep red*

Lissa: Aha! You like her!

Chrom: Huh?! N-No I don't! I mean, I like her as a friend and ally, that's it!

Lissa: Suuuure.

Chrom: Well... Maybe I do like her a little more than that. There's just something about her that makes me smile and feel like there's nothing to worry about at all. And she's pretty.

Lissa: I knew it! I won't go shouting it to anyone though, don't worry. That's for you to do, heh heh. But personally... I think Kelli might--

Chrom: She's coming this way, shut up! *cups Lissa's mouth*

Kelli: Oh, hey you guys. Uh...Chrom, why are you holding Lissa's mouth shut?

Chrom: *quickly lets go* Oh! Uh, she was about to sneeze on me. Heh... *wipes hand on hip*

Kelli: Uh huh.

Chrom: Well, I'm going to turn in for the night, so good night!

*Chrom leaves*

Kelli: That was kind of awkward.

Lissa: My brother is like that sometimes.

Kelli: I see... But that Frederick, just oh my gods. He is so ridiculous at times. Helping him is hard work. Even though he's...such a gentleman and sweetheart.

Lissa: Heh. Kelli, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in love with him!

Kelli: W-What?! That's ridiculous, he's a rude and overbearing hardass! *cheeks go pink anyway*

Lissa: Hee hee, your blushing tells me otherwise!

Kelli: I...well... I guess I am quite fond of him. He's handsome, he's charming, and as I said before, he's a sweet gentleman. He's just dreamy! And...something tells me that I wanted to marry a knight from the beginning.

Lissa: Heh, this is becoming quite interesting.

Kelli: Huh? What is?

Lissa: Oh, nothing! Just thinking aloud.

Kelli: Oh. Well, hopefully Frederick can love me as much as I love him...

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I got a good bit from my first playthrough, but I doubt I have much in this file since I'm still at the beginning of the game. :P

Renown carries over from past playthroughs. Every time you beat Grima, your Renown from that file is saved, and when you start a new file it comes with the highest amount you have.

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