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Is the BEXP worth it

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I don't think it's worth it. For one, like others said, you could get as much if not more exp from killing enemies. Second, you'd miss out on treasure. I don't recall anything too useful from that chapter, but I like plundering the chests anyway. Put those lazy thieves to work.

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I don't think it's worth it. For one, like others said, you could get as much if not more exp from killing enemies. Second, you'd miss out on treasure. I don't recall anything too useful from that chapter, but I like plundering the chests anyway. Put those lazy thieves to work.

Actually, I was able to keep stealth AND get all the chests. Only the guards must not be able to see you. the boss and his two myrmidons can.

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My strategy is basically to stay stealthy for as long as possible w/ Ike, Volke, Oscar, and Titania. But I usually screw up just after talking to everyone, so I just kill all the baddies for fun. Then, when only the boss is left, I have Titania rescue Sephiran and drop him just outside of the boss' room so that he blocks it off. From there, I snipe away at him with three long-range attackers, have Volke grab the rest of the chests, and get everyone out.

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  • 2 months later...

I thought about trying it, but there's no way I could pull it off and be satisfied. Plus you get weapon level ups by not going stealthy

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Tried it once, it was frustrating. Not worth it, in my opinion.

Since this is related because it's also about BEXP- has anyone tried to get the bonus for not killing any enemies in chapter 15? Not including the boss, of course. I started on it earlier today, but 4 turns in I got frustrated and restarted.

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Tried it once, it was frustrating. Not worth it, in my opinion.

Since this is related because it's also about BEXP- has anyone tried to get the bonus for not killing any enemies in chapter 15? Not including the boss, of course. I started on it earlier today, but 4 turns in I got frustrated and restarted.

I tried, but phailed miserably each time. It's like enemies want to die or something...I say killing them all is more worth it, anyway...since it's easy when they're untransformed and they give guite a bit of experience.

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Even if you kill a few, you still get BEXP for every laguz not killed, so I actually managed to leave about half of them alive when I went through it today. It ended up being worth it, because with only half of them left it was easy to avoid the ones I hadn't killed. Still got a good deal of BEXP for it.

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The main question is: Is killing the Laguz worth more EXP than the BEXP you gain by not killing them? If so, then kill away, I say.

Easy mode: ~60 EXP per kill, 60 BEXP per not-kill. Not worth it, you get more from just killing them.

Normal Mode: 40~50 EXP per kill, 40 BEXP per not-kill. Not worth it, you get at least the same from killing them.

Hard Mode: 30~40 IIRC per kill, 40 BEXP per not-kill. May be worth it as you may get more (B)EXP by not killing

enemy units, but you won't get Weapon EXP, which is scarce in this game.

So I still recommend to kill all of them.

As for the Chapter 10, I always go stealth, with a guide, which would be completed in 12 days, but I won't get some chests then, so I always end it in like turn 18. If I'm ever gonna do the chapter again, I'll just pwn everyone, you also get Weapon EXP, and that pwns.

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There was this one time, I had a huge amount of it left at the end of an Easy PT. (5000+)

So I decided to blow it all on Jill, who I had neglected to raise at all. I gave her a knight band and startede abusing.

She ended up with max Str, Def, Spd, Skl.

But then I loaded RD only to hear



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There was this one time, I had a huge amount of it left at the end of an Easy PT. (5000+)

So I decided to blow it all on Jill, who I had neglected to raise at all. I gave her a knight band and startede abusing.

She ended up with max Str, Def, Spd, Skl.

But then I loaded RD only to hear



cuz easy dont work to load to RD :P

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