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Replace a skill!

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Alright, this is a thread where you take a skill you don't like, either because it's over or underpowered or just plain stupid, and replace it with one you think is more suitable. Note that the skill you replace has to belong to the same class that you removed a skill from. You can, however, re-order the levels at which skills in that class are obtained. I'll go first:

Replace: Defender. It's outclassed by one of the most trivial-to-obtain DLC skills, and it's borderline useless compared to what you can obtain from rallies and such.

Replace with: Canto. Move again after performing any action, but you cannot perform an action again that turn. Will activate after Galeforce has been triggered. This would be a much more useful skill, essentially serving as a galeforce safety net, or in fact a more balanced version of galeforce, since frankly that skill is pretty overpowered I'm sure we can all agree, but I can't think of what to replace it with.

Replace: Both Taguel Skills. Really, the taguel skills suck. Taguel is the worst class in the game, even if we're banning brave weapons, because it also has no double-range, so effective damage against beasts is hardly worth using the class. Besides, skills bound to the class are a bad idea to begin with. And the rhythm skills are unreliable and provide a mediocre boost when they do work.

I can only think of one replacement though:

Quickstep (15). Add one to maximum counterattack range (not sure if it would allow bows to counter in melee). It suits the speedy taguels, makes them far more useful, and heck, thanks to dual strikes the animations for it already exist.

Replace: Conquest. It's Iote's shield only far less useful because effective weapons for beasts and armor are much less frequent. A pretty major letdown for the conqueror.

Replace with: Rally Blood. Combines the rally and kill-trigger skill lines. When you kill an opponent, you and all nearby (maybe range 3 but more likely a higher range, like 5) allies gain +2 to all stats except move. Other equipped rally skills will not trigger upon killing, and this will likewise not trigger upon using the rally command. This fits the conqueror more, both a leader and a warrior. This skill allows him to be both at the exact same time. Plus it would be a very useful skill, definitely just as worthwhile as shadowgift.

I have more, but I think I'll leave it at that for now.

Edited by Alastor15243
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...But Defender is actually pretty solid.

If you're running without DLC, or simply are playing Main Game, it's a highly useful skill [doesn't seem it, but +1/All is fairly good]

Conquest is a Boss Skill for a Boss.

It's pretty bad skill in the hands of the player, but it was designed for a Boss, so you can't exploit his weaknesses.

I'd drop Outdoor fighter, roll its effect into Indoor Fighter [which gets renamed "Skirmisher" (just globally adding a +10 Hit/Avo Buff)], buff Patience by 5 [tying it with Prescience], and Avoid+10 -> Avoid+20.

...Knock Defender down to Cav/10, and... add Canto.

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Defender may be strictly outclassed by LB/All+2, but it also stacks with them so it can be useful if you know you need that +1 in some stat and want to boost your others as well.

I wouldn't strictly replace any skills myself, but I would shuffle them around a little. Galeforce goes from DF Lv.15 to Falco Lv.15, Lancefaire goes to Paladin Lv.15 and Aegis goes to DF Lv.15, and Troubadour can promote to Falco instead of War Cleric. There, lances get a slight buff, Laurent and Gerome get GF and it's possible ot pass it down to all three of Nah/Kjelle/Noire without using Avatar and giving all of them more viable fathers.

Oh, and somewhere there should be a skill that triples stat boosts from weapons. It would go a long way toward making non-braves more viable.

Speaking of Lances, I'd also like to increase the Brave Lance's mt by 1 and Hit by 5 since Apo consists primarily of Lances and Axes.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Defender may be strictly outclassed by LB/All+2, but it also stacks with them so it can be useful if you know you need that +1 in some stat and want to boost your others as well.

I wouldn't strictly replace any skills myself, but I would shuffle them around a little. Galeforce goes from DF Lv.15 to Falco Lv.15, Lancefaire goes to Paladin Lv.15 and Aegis goes to DF Lv.15, and Troubadour can promote to Falco instead of War Cleric. There, lances get a slight buff, Laurent and Gerome get GF and it's possible ot pass it down to all three of Nah/Kjelle/Noire without using Avatar and giving all of them more viable fathers.

Speaking of Lances, I'd also like to increase the Brave Lance's mt by 1 and Hit by 5 since Apo consists primarily of Lances and Axes.

I think that somewhat misses the point of modifying the game. If we're assuming the ability to modify the game, why accept the existence of the one skill to rule them all to the point where you scramble the classes around just to make sure that as many people as possible can get it? Wouldn't it be better to nerf galeforce so that there are actually other viable skills to pass down and there would be more variety among units?

Edited by Alastor15243
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It would be an option, certainly, but I'm more of the "buff everyone to equal levels" instead of "nerf everyone to equal levels" type. If it results in the final challenge map becoming a little too easy, then I'd also buff that.

But if there really was The One Skill and I wanted to take it out, I'd go after LB. It's very powerful... And it's also really boring and doesn't change map strategy in the slightest.

Oh, I'd probably add more Support skills as well. In runs restricting DLC or something similar, it's pretty easy to completely run out of skills to put on hard supports. Which is another reason I'd rather improve GF's distribution than make it less powerful.

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