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Tales of Symphonia HD is a blast


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ToS is just as fun as I remember. The HD version just adds to the love, I haven't gotten too far again yet but I also have a group of friends rotating as my party. Closest I had to this was in Abyss when my Dad and I duoed as Guy and Luke and rock and rolled.

ToS HD has the Japanese only features and some new costumes (including a Guy costume for Lloyd and Luke for Genis)

Thankfully my pals allow me to play as my favorite (because I'm too nice I'd let them use whomever they want) favorite being Kratos.

Highly recommend ToS HD plus it has Dawn of the New World which I haven't played yet so this is my chance. Heard it has a nice monster taming system which one of my friends is excited for

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Love the GCN version. I haven't played the PS2 version or the HD remake because of the lack of those consoles.

ToS2, I was one of the few guys that actually enjoyed the game. But to be honest the monster taming does not have a lot of depth to it and much prefer having the original ToS characters in my party. Still it sucks that their levels are fixed. They really want you to level up those monsters. But I can see why a lot of people don't like the game considering it has no world map, the majority of the voice cast has been changed and the main characters Emil and Marta are a mixed bag. Ratio for like and hate for them are pretty strong.

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Am I the only one who preferred DotNW's English voice cast over the originals? Eh, still like the jap voices most

I quite enjoyed this pack because I never got to play the original. Everyone having mystic artes in this version is pretty sweet.

I also enjoyed DotNW. Since it wasn't considered a main game I went in with lower expectations and was quite surprised. The monster taming isn't anything to write home about, but it does allow you to create super over powered characters which can be fun when running through the game on maniac. It does suck that previous characters are fixed and that you can't move Emile out of the first spot. Also what the hell is up with Regal's mystic arte. Come on it's pathetic!

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You played Tales with your dad? Bro, what. I am so jelly right now. I think the most I've gotten my Dad to play is Pac-Man. Like 10 years ago, rofl.

My parents both got me into gaming haha ^^ Tales is one of the only more anime styled games I've been able to get him into though :P

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The new multiplayer camera is the best. Now I can actually see what I'm doing!

ToS is one of my favourite games and seeing it in HD is such a treat. The best part is being able to experience gameplay that wasn't put into the GC version. I've yet to try DotNW though and what's holding me back is this monster taming thing. It doesn't sound too fun. Plus Lloyd's new voice... ( ._.)

But I'll definitely get into it some day. I'm not going to miss another adventure with my fav Tales cast.

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tbh I don't really appreciate the HD visuals, they don't seem much better to me. In fact I can hardly tell. The game is also apparently $7.50 on PSN now for PS+ users, which for 2 games is a great freaking deal, so if anyone doesn't have it now's probably one of the best chances you'll ever get to get it.

also I don't really have anyone to play with, if only Tales of games had online co-op QQ

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tbh I don't really appreciate the HD visuals, they don't seem much better to me. In fact I can hardly tell. The game is also apparently $7.50 on PSN now for PS+ users, which for 2 games is a great freaking deal, so if anyone doesn't have it now's probably one of the best chances you'll ever get to get it.also I don't really have anyone to play with, if only Tales of games had online co-op QQ

Probably the art style, it doesn't really need to be HD'd its kinda timeless like that but still having all the Japanese bonuses is worth it as well as every character getting a new costume based on a later tales game. I can see the effects of the HD though and I think it'll actually be more apparent on Dotnw.

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Yeah, the biggest motivation for me was getting the PS2 stuff we didn't get before (even if you can hardly hear the newly recorded Mystic Arte voices...). I haven't gotten to try DotNW but hopefully it's as you say and the HD is more apparent (though unless it's an actual visual overhaul, which it's not, it can only be so good--kind of the difference between a "HD Remaster" and an "HD Remake").

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I'll be getting this soon now that I have a more flexible budget; can't wait to relive my best experiences in gaming. ToS will be such a blast to play again with my siblings (though I'll probably be the only one playing ToS2 since they hate it and I'm neutral to it...)

I missed these characters so much! Seriously one of the best games out there~!

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I'll be getting this soon now that I have a more flexible budget; can't wait to relive my best experiences in gaming. ToS will be such a blast to play again with my siblings (though I'll probably be the only one playing ToS2 since they hate it and I'm neutral to it...)

I missed these characters so much! Seriously one of the best games out there~!

Agreed also nice Collette theme you got going there, I'm about to get her stealing skills which I find hilarious that the sweetest person in the party gets them lol

Also she reminds me of a cousin of mine in some ways. Especially the sweetness and clumsyness lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little nitpick but why does the HD version run at 30FPS while the gamecube is 60FPS?!

The PS3 version is the port of the PS2 version. The PS2 version of ToS had a bunch of extra content that wasn't available on the GCN version. Therefore when they ported the game to the PS3, it kept the same framerate engine as the PS2 so we're left with the 30fps version.

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