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FE7 Inverse Growths Playthrough


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What people are trying to say is that Marcus is good in casual playthroughs too. Even if you base it on raw stats, base Marcus has better strength than a 20/1 Kent and Lowen, and they're not hitting that mark like 10-15 chapters after Marcus has the same stats

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I still never use Marcus as anything but a meatshield, because with my luck with growth rates he would get very few stats and would not be as good as other units. He is literally the one person I can't stand to use because of his character. I honestly rather put effort into units with more endgame potential, though with RNG manipulation he makes speed runs extremely possible.

Point I am trying to make: Basically I don't care how good he is I just can't stand to use him. Though in this type of run he is godly. That's how I feel anyway.

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I still never use Marcus as anything but a meatshield, because with my luck with growth rates he would get very few stats and would not be as good as other units.

there's no such thing as "luck with growth rates."

Point I am trying to make: Basically I don't care how good he is I just can't stand to use him. Though in this type of run he is godly. That's how I feel anyway.

okay, that's great, but please don't make objective claims that marcus isn't the best character in the game.

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I'm just giving my opinion. I don't want to anger anyone but don't want to be completely silent. I just don't think someone should use Marcus and Marcus only. Never said that he is the worst unit (He is actually great), I just that I don't use him for character reasons. I mean no disrespect.

Edited by WaluigiWeegee
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Condescending may not be the right word, but there are "nicer" ways to tell someone they're wrong than "you have no idea what you're talking about". I think there's a difference between someone unashamedly making false claims about game balance or design with a pretense of knowledge and a casual player saying "Marcus sucks because he doesn't get awesome level ups".

Edited by Irysa
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there's no such thing as "luck with growth rates."

But you have the worst luck with growth rates, you like never get good levels.

This is an interesting concept, although maybe mirroring around something like 40 or 50 would result in less cray cray. Although you're going to end up with super!Marcus anyway.

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Wow, and here I thought people were talking about the concept, but good ol' Jeigan arguing is resurfacing. It never gets old, does it.

By the way, I started this playthrough ages ago and finished it a couple days back so no advice needed. Thanks though, I'll make sure to keep in mind Marcus is good!!

Also I like the idea of ranking their growths from top to bottom and then reversing that, but it seems like a lot of work. For now I'll be finishing up my PT of FE8 first, where the enemy class growths have been randomized whereas the PCs have been reversed.

But yeah I figured out the problem, so here's some nice pics of my journey. I wish I made more.


What happened to Dorcas?? I wanted to use him really badly but since enemy Def grew so quickly he…couldn’t do enough damage, and he somehow wasn’t fast enough to make up for it.


I think Rebecca is bad in pretty much any hack that doesn’t involve insane bow favouritism but this takes the shitcake.


I gave Hector his bearded sprite and Eliwood his angry face, but neither ended up mattering much. Hector was actually a lot like a slower (lol) Dorcas with Wolf Beil and even less HP. Even though I tried to raise him it just didn’t work.


70% Str 30% Speed Matthew. He whiffed the Spd to steal so many important things…


<3<3<3 Lowin. This hack was a great excuse to use him with his 70% Str 70% Skl 70% Spd 60% Def with solid bases and lots of room to grow.

So, let’s go through the random pictures I’ve taken on my grand journey.


Hi, I’m looking for FE6 HM, is that supposed to be around here somewhere?


This was when I decided Sain probably wasn’t worth it. He and Kent did pretty much swap “roles” during Lyn Mode, so that was really cool.


To be fair this is a Steel Blade, but lol.


The captain is a tad off kilter.


I think this was during Ch17x. BAMF.


What a guy. Like Matthew, he had 70% Str and 30% Spd, but since class growths improved, so did his HM bonuses. I think he had like 11-12 base Str, lol.


Not much to see, just Oswin getting merked by mercenaries.


Promoted him in Ch19. I remember actually doing it mid-chapter cause I didn’t want to miss the level up he was so close to getting. So freaking good.


I don’t even know how he capped Spd before promotion.


Fiora nearly suicides on a Pirate on the turn she flies in, and she starts with an Axereaver. What a dummy. At this point enemies are way too strong to beat for anyone who doesn’t join as a prepromote.


Looks like we’re not going to put that 80% Skl growth to use then.



You tried, Hector. You tried.


Oh by the way, Marcus has 35% HP, 70% Str, 50% Skl, 75% Spd, 85% Def, 65% Res growths.


Thief gets 95% Str and Def class growths, so Legault was lookin’ legit. Still too weak to use though.


Why did I not take more screenshots of generic enemies?


He’ll take your treasure and your wife.


Hawkeye not looking too impressive with his Killer Axe. I do end up training him because all of his regular growths are 50% or below. He gets 60% Str and 75% Spd to work with. He grows slowly, but it was just so nice having someone with an actual HP stat, high Mt and high Crt.



The student vs the master. Pent dies every turn he doesn’t use an Elixir.

I checked out Genesis, but it didn’t seem too appealing.








I think the General was female. I only changed classes that were represented and I didn’t remember any female Generals. I actually miss another important class later on L


Nopenopenopenope. Off to FFO we go.


These guys make sure Wallace never sees his way out of the fog.



I think I already decided Guy wasn’t long term material a couple of chapters ago but this is still so atrocious.


And you thought Wyvern Riders were tanky?


This is why I gave up on Hector. I actually ended up using Fila’s Might to have him kill this Pegasus. Alternatively I could have used his last 2 Wolf Beil uses to do 2x1 dmg.


The Luna Shaman™.


Good God Louise what are you DOING


This thief is rapin’ everybody out there.



I don’t even know what to say. Harken, my savior. This is like +2/+3 to every stat at the very least. What a hero.

Also Nino died on turn 1 and I had to cheat in a Rescue Staff to save Zephiel with Pent. He ended up in the northern corridor that connects the left to the right side, and actually fought some enemies! Jaffar survived and left.

Cog of Destiny? What could possibly go wrong?




I fight my way through in an embarrassing amount of turns and get my 12/1 Hector or something.


He is truly a magic tank.


I probably shouldn’t have done the class growths thing, but hindsight is 20/20/20/20/20/20.



Actually turned into a real defense map. I actually needed one more man in the upper room than I could fit to have a big enough crew to make a dash for the 2 treasure chests closest to the throne (stupid Lyn and Eliwood). So I used the real Rescue Staff to grab Oswin from the other corridor , where he could not have survived, to play defense. I refused to kill weak things on purpose so they didn’t make room for promoted enemies. Sometimes the Longbow Snipers would run off and do something stupid like doubling Pent. Because every promoted enemy has capped like everything now.


Yes, but if you keep standing there you won’t be able to say the same.


I started my VoD approach from this side, careful not to trigger reinforcement zones if I could avoid it, but it turned out the other route was easier since the ballistae are further away. I actually rushed this chapter cause around turn 20 you get some really messed up reinforcements.


Hector still isn’t worth it.


I did it! Renault’s stats were actually mostly better than Serra’s…

Am I gonna do The Value of Life?


I’ll pass.

Light was ez because the bosses were weaker than most of the enemies I faced, most importantly so slow I could double them, so all they had was some extra Mt.


Finally a use for Hector. Go Armads!



Kenneth tried to cheat Athos with a Luce crit, but a +7 Barrier saved him.


U dare in






Hawkeye is just so fucking good.



Lol are these supposed to be bosses???


Ok I take it back don’t hurt me


I didn’t get Berserk so I did this instead.


Hawkeye has big cohones.



Eliwood: Lord Athos spoke the truth about Nergal… Average men cannot hope to stand against him. Ordinary weapons hold no power against him.

Okay, Eliwood.



Well, we knew that wasn’t going to work. So let’s just use Athos like al-


Oh. Our Lord and Savior Harken to the rescue then!


Right. Wait, what did I say about having an actual HP stat before?



Fuck yeah, Hawkeye. I knew it was a good idea to keep Basillikos.


The pope said I should take lashes for these.

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Holy shit Lowen got dem Awakening growths and Morph!Lloyd is looking like an FE4 Swordmaster with dem caps. Harken is the sex as usual. Pent not kicking ass? What sort of blasphemy?

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