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My first hack: Battle of the Tiers


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Importing Raven should take 5 minutes, just find his portrait and insert it into the game with feditor. Just overwrite someone you aren't using. And change their name name as "Raven" and their description as raven's. or whatever you wanna put. Then just determine his class, stats and growths with nightmare and viola! Easy.

IIRC you were adding Batta too. it's the same thing (although I recommend giving Batta the uber stats he deserves)

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Please, would you kindly take this chat to Skype or something?

I normally don't say this kind of thing, but its starting to wear on my nerves when I check this topic to see if there are any updates only to see you two having this back and forth that can really be done in PMs or Skype.

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nightmare is literally as easy as it gets


to elaborate - nightmare is about as far removed from raw hex editing as XNA's editors will be - you're still editing data structs and the values therein, only difference being that XNA's will give you more control over the format of the struct itself (that is, you can do things like adding extra stats to units a lot more easily because C# has a compiler to handle that for you). nightmare and the xna interface just make it easier by sticking labels on them

on a side note, anybody who says "i'm going to do xna over romhacking because xna uses coding and i know coding" is deluding themselves; from what i've seen the interfaces will be nearly exactly the same except that XNA's are in fact more complicated (due to the extra features). with all the plugins and utilities coming out for ROMhacking these days, you can make a perfectly respectable ROMhack while never opening the ROM in an actual numbers-on-a-whiteboard hex editor. new features (which is a legitimate reason to use XNA over a ROMhack) aside, pretty much the only thing i've seen from XNA that is strictly easier than it is currently with ROMhacking is the event maker, although the difference isn't nearly as big as most of the detractors would have you believe thanks to the existence of Eventiel (which has been around for years by now).

Edited by CT075
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nightmare is literally as easy as it gets

pretty much

and the fexna editors work basically the same as nightmare so if you don't get that you're SOL

also if you know code I don't get how you can't understand nightmare

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Welp, ima go reread all of Arch's tutorials and see if i can finally figure this thing out. Also, FEditor Adv doesn't want to work on my comp for some reason. Also, my time to work on this is limited, as i can only work on it during free time at school (stupid parental controls >.<)

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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