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Taguel Morgan in Lunatic: Usable or No?

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Hello there Serenes Forest! I'm Lethe and I really like Morgan as a Taguel (they're so fluffy and cute!) and I really want to use male Morgan as one in my next Lunatic playthrough. Mind, I want this to be a permanent file, so I'd like for it to be usable for a while and DLC (Not Apotheosis though, lol) I realize Taguels are usable in normal-hard, but are difficult to use in Luna. I get that. However I feel like a challenge and want to use Morgan as one.

My avatar will be +Def -Lck BTW, so you know.

Frederick!Yarne!Morgan gets good defense and skill, and Yarne gets PavGis, Luna, and DG+, which seems good for Lunatic. Morgan will run LB, PavGis, Galeforce and Luna (unless you think another set would be better.)

I realize that I should run Beastbane as that's why you'd use a taguel, but I want them to be able to survive the enemy phase. XD

I could run Kellam!Yarne!Morgan for +1 def, but less skill, and Yarne doesn't get Aegis, which I don't think is good because Taguel's can't hit at range, haha. I feel Aegis is very important in that aspect.
Also, what class should my avatar be in to support and help Yarne? I really like Grandmasters, and know they're not the absolute best for lunatic, but I'm leaning towards one anyway.
Anyway, if you think this is a bad idea and won't end well, please let me know and suggest a different 3rd gen M!Morgan. Just not Chrom!Inigo!Morgan, as I already have a save with that family.
Thank you for your time!
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Yeah I know, I've done that before. The thing is I usually run +Def in Lunatic because it makes it easier to tank with the Avatar. I also think PavGis on Yarne is important if I use him as the lead unit on the enemy phase.

BUMP. Anyone? Is this a bad idea, or is it workable in a Lunatic environment?

Do you think AvatarXPanne would be better for this, as Morgan and Yarne would get good skills? I prefer F!Robin and Yarne, but if you think this would work better...

Edited by Starman
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Basically everything is viable in Lunatic, given enough effort. Even a shitstain like Ricken can eventually be OK-ish, and children are especially hard to screw up because of inheritance.

Taguels are not good, but if you really like the class I don't see why you couldn't pull it off.

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It will be a little bit harder but still fine. Go ahead and marry Yarne! Especially if you're grinding, but it should be fine either way.

Interceptor actually figured out a way to consistently beat Chapter 2 on Lunatic(+) if you have 11 Speed and 10 Magic (or 9 with C Tomes) so a +Speed run is probably just as viable as a +Def run anymore.

If it's Vanilla Lunatic, Frederick Emblem is completely viable and lets you do absolutely whatever Asset/Flaw you like with zero repercussions if you're willing to grind a little.

Personally I'm doing a +Skill -Def Lunayic+ run right now in which I plan to marry Gregor!Yarne. I chose Gregor instead of Frederick because my Yarne wants Swordfaire and my Morgan doesn't like losing 2 Speed. Vaike!Yarne passes down arguably the best possible physical mods if that interests you, just 1 lower Str than Vaike!Gerome.

I know you said you don't want to do Apo, but you probably could probably do it without too much difficulty if you wanted to. I haven't done it yet, but it's apparently ridiculously easy if you've made good units, which it seems like you are. Morgan and Yarne might want to but probably wouldn't actually need to temporarily change to a class they have a Weaponfaire for.

tl;dr Go with your heart.

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Okay thank you for your long response. I'm was just thinking Freddy!Yarne because then Yarne gets PavGis. But I'll look into other fathers for him too. I know I can use other asset/flaws, but I honestly prefer using my avatar for the beginning of Lunatic, and +Def makes it easier. I could go +Speed though, but I figure Taguels are already speedy enough, especially since I'll probably pair Morgan w/ Lucina.

I do own Apotheosis, I just don't play it that often, is why I said it doesn't have to be Apotheosis usable. I'm sure they will be though. That you, I'll look into alternate fathers for Yarne in a moment!

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Literally any asset/flaw combo is viable in vanilla Lunatic, because Frederick. If you don't have to deal with Luna+ enemies, it doesn't make a lick of difference, so feel free to choose your stats with inheritance in mind, without worrying that you'll paint yourself into a corner.

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Do you think MuXPanne or MuxYarne would have better results? Are the few extra stat points on M!Morgan worth Yarne have slightly worse stats?

Panne performs much better during the main game, but Yarne will be better when going through the DLC and capping your stats. It's less about caps here and more about bases and growths: A +Str or Skl Avatar!Yarne as an Assassin or Sniper has some of the highest physical growths in the game, even giving some of Donnel's children what-for.

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