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Best Spouse For The Avatar In Lunatic Mode

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I disagree with you on Nowi and Panne, Hunter. They're both great, because Panne is one of the best units if you can spare her a Second Seal and Veteran Manaketes are great. On keeping Morgan a Tactician--sure, the class has its uses, but I don't think it's so amazing that it eclipses the likes of Mercenary->Hero, Dark Mage/Sorc, Dark Flier, Manakete, or Cavalier/Paladin.

I agree with you on Nowi, but not so much on Panne - mainly because marrying her means gimping Morgan big time. And that's terrible.

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Morgan's chapter only appears alongside Lucina if MU is married before C13. [Your wording may be weird there] (If you marry Lucina, it's C13+7 [i do say 7, because who else are you burning that Seed of Trust on? It's gonna be 7, not 8.]... which is /very/ viable if you can control support points (which is very beneficial since, ahem, Child Paralogues are excellent EXP mines, and if you can fanangle a few open right alongside C14... it's excellent) or save some paralogues (not as lucrative as marching into a few child paralogues) [if you do both, well, you get Morgan before zoning into C14.])

Two things, One I have all the DLC, so getting units to support is quite easy. You get a bunch of seeds of trust on the Scramble maps (Summer Scramble is my prime choice as Harvest Scramble has Miracle+Counter enemies), or you can just replay Champions of Yore, moving Chrom and a flying unit (Sumia for me) out of range, while Lucina and the Avatar kill all the enemies, gaining support points along the way. Second, Lunatic mode does not affect the support points you gain when you fight a Spotpass unit (Nor does it affect the Rescue Staff). So, you can just spawn Edward and gain supports from there. In theory, you can easy get Lucina and a Male Avatar to marry right after chapter 13.

Also, Waste is the dark tome you want to use in the endgame, as long as you forge it (and even then if you units are strong enough it will still hit).

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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Two things, One I have all the DLC, so getting units to support is quite easy. You get a bunch of seeds of trust on the Scramble maps (Summer Scramble is my prime choice as Harvest Scramble has Miracle+Counter enemies), or you can just replay Champions of Yore, moving Chrom and a flying unit (Sumia for me) out of range, while Lucina and the Avatar kill all the enemies, gaining support points along the way. Second, Lunatic mode does not affect the support points you gain when you fight a Spotpass unit (Nor does it affect the Rescue Staff). So, you can just spawn Edward and gain supports from there. In theory, you can easy get Lucina and a Male Avatar to marry right after chapter 13.

Also, Waste is the dark tome you want to use in the endgame, as long as you forge it (and even then if you units are strong enough it will still hit).

3 != "a bunch", last I checked. Also, lolwaste.

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You only get 3 seeds of trust guaranteed on Summer/Hotspring Scramble.

Getting more requires getting lucky with a 2% chance of getting one, and that's ignoring the part where an item isn't a guarantee to begin with.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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You only get 3 seeds of trust on a map. Getting more requires getting lucky with a 2% chance of getting one, and that's ignoring the part where an item isn't a guarantee to begin with.

In hindsight, the better term would have been farm. Even still, seeds of trust really speed up the support process.

Also, (just checked), on Summer Scramble, you will (at least from what I saw) get three seeds of trust. Since the highest rating on that map is about a 116, you should have no problem beating it since you already have access to master seals at that point.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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IMHO, I don't see Panne as a good wife candidate because Morgan ends up with an utter shitstain of a starting class, and winds up with little to show for it, to say nothing of the Morton's fork that results from it (because Taguel sucks so bad, I'm encouraged to reclass out... but wind up having to dig my way out of E rank no matter what; thanks for nothing, Panne).

Avatar x Panne is a little less about the children as it is about the parents. I consider it worth sacking Morgan and her sibling with no weapon ranks and poor base skills in exchange for one of the most powerful wives in the game for Avatar.

Even without weapon ranks and base skills, though, there are still things you can do with Morgan/Yarne. For instance, selling their Beaststones nets a decent amount of cash- yes, cash becomes pretty common lategame, but their starting weapons still are the second most expensive starting weapons in the game. Morgan is also a prime candidate for Rally Spectrum inheritance, and if she reclasses into a Pegasus Knight, she can make a good rallybot to backup her parents. As for Yarne, what else are you doing with those Arms Scrolls? Olivia gets one if she's marrying Chrom and wants to pass Lucina GF, but they're free otherwise.

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Two things, One I have all the DLC, so getting units to support is quite easy. You get a bunch of seeds of trust on the Scramble maps (Summer Scramble is my prime choice as Harvest Scramble has Miracle+Counter enemies), or you can just replay Champions of Yore, moving Chrom and a flying unit (Sumia for me) out of range, while Lucina and the Avatar kill all the enemies, gaining support points along the way. Second, Lunatic mode does not affect the support points you gain when you fight a Spotpass unit (Nor does it affect the Rescue Staff). So, you can just spawn Edward and gain supports from there. In theory, you can easy get Lucina and a Male Avatar to marry right after chapter 13.

Also, Waste is the dark tome you want to use in the endgame, as long as you forge it (and even then if you units are strong enough it will still hit).

1. When talking maingame, DLC is assumed as Nil, because otherwise, we can assume that you can hit x/20 and be fully capped, have unlimited funds, and are mobile force of deities.

2. With point 1 in play Seeds are assumed at 1 [Renown].

3. The catch then (spawning Edward to fight for Support Points), is it viable? [i.E. do you have the funds to do that/will it cost you]

4. Waste sucks. It's got a very low hit chance, and really isn't worth it against Celica's Gale as is. Dropping Shadowgift just for Waste really isn't worth the slot.

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Avatar x Panne is a little less about the children as it is about the parents. I consider it worth sacking Morgan and her sibling with no weapon ranks and poor base skills in exchange for one of the most powerful wives in the game for Avatar.

Even without weapon ranks and base skills, though, there are still things you can do with Morgan/Yarne. For instance, selling their Beaststones nets a decent amount of cash- yes, cash becomes pretty common lategame, but their starting weapons still are the second most expensive starting weapons in the game. Morgan is also a prime candidate for Rally Spectrum inheritance, and if she reclasses into a Pegasus Knight, she can make a good rallybot to backup her parents. As for Yarne, what else are you doing with those Arms Scrolls? Olivia gets one if she's marrying Chrom and wants to pass Lucina GF, but they're free otherwise.

IMHO, reducing Morgan to a rallybot is a waste, and a damn huge one at that. Even with Rally spectrum being as amazing as it is, an extended stay in Grandmaster might not be in my best interest, and sacking one of the best units the game just for the sake of that is something I cannot condone.

WRT Arms Scrolls: My problem with that is that there's all of three arms scrolls in the game that you could feasibly get, and one of those happens to be in Cynthia's chapter, which requires marrying off Lissa or Cordelia to access early.

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1. When talking maingame, DLC is assumed as Nil, because otherwise, we can assume that you can hit x/20 and be fully capped, have unlimited funds, and are mobile force of deities.

2. With point 1 in play Seeds are assumed at 1 [Renown].

3. The catch then (spawning Edward to fight for Support Points), is it viable? [i.E. do you have the funds to do that/will it cost you]

4. Waste sucks. It's got a very low hit chance, and really isn't worth it against Celica's Gale as is. Dropping Shadowgift just for Waste really isn't worth the slot.

I'm going to be honest, I had all the DLC on my Lunatic playthrough, so some of my perspectives are skewed in comparison. Although I wouldn't call my units "mobile force of deities"...

Without the DLC, I will say marry any First gen unit with a second kid as long as you allow for Chrom to have a wife. With the DLC, taking into account what has been said, you can add Lucina to the list, since IIRC, Sumia gives the best skill out of all of Chrom's wives, making Aether a valid option for Morgan (my Morgan has 56 skill with Limit Breaker). The others aren't worth it because they have no second child or useful skill to pass on.

Waste can be forged for a 65 hit rate, the same as an unforged Thoron. This is only reasonable if you have a good amount of funds, otherwise, it ain't worth it.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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I'm going to be honest, I had all the DLC on my Lunatic playthrough, so some of my perspectives are skewed in comparison. Although I wouldn't call my units "mobile force of deities"...

Without the DLC, I will say marry any First gen unit with a second kid as long as you allow for Chrom to have a wife. With the DLC, taking into account what has been said, you can add Lucina to the list, since IIRC, Sumia gives the best skill out of all of Chrom's wives, making Aether a valid option for Morgan (my Morgan has 56 skill with Limit Breaker). The others aren't worth it because they have no second child or useful skill to pass on.

Waste can be forged for a 65 hit rate, the same as an unforged Thoron. This is only reasonable if you have a good amount of funds, otherwise, it ain't worth it.

...Lucina is still viable without DLC. [And is very solid as a usable character-- its entirely possible [with Sumia as mother] to have her inherit Galeforce, giving you a Galeforce/Proc/Dual Strike+ wife... and Morgan will still kick a large amount of ass, starting as Tact, so you can pass something besides Vet to her from MaMU and getting Aether]

The catch is how you handle approaching the Support issue.

If you've got the funds to run the Spotpass fights, that's great. If you don't, you don't.

I'd lean in the direction of getting some certain marriages to jump child paralogues... and save P4 [Anna] anyways (P1, 2, and 3 matter too much for EXP (and that rescue staff) reasons to save them really, but P4 isn't in the same boat).

P4 © -> Kjelle -> Laurent (B) -> C14 -> C15 (A) -> Owain -> C16 (S) -> Morgan -> Cynthia -> C17 -> ...

...It also works out nicely, since those child paralogues help bridge the gap for the C16 -> C17 jump, and C14/C15 aren't all that difficult.

Getting Sully, Miriel, Lissa and Sumia married in main game isn't hard at all either so >_>;;

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...Lucina is still viable without DLC. [And is very solid as a usable character-- its entirely possible [with Sumia as mother] to have her inherit Galeforce, giving you a Galeforce/Proc/Dual Strike+ wife... and Morgan will still kick a large amount of ass, starting as Tact, so you can pass something besides Vet to her from MaMU and getting Aether]

The catch is how you handle approaching the Support issue.

If you've got the funds to run the Spotpass fights, that's great. If you don't, you don't.

I'd lean in the direction of getting some certain marriages to jump child paralogues... and save P4 [Anna] anyways (P1, 2, and 3 matter too much for EXP (and that rescue staff) reasons to save them really, but P4 isn't in the same boat).

P4 © -> Kjelle -> Laurent (B) -> C14 -> C15 (A) -> Owain -> C16 (S) -> Morgan -> Cynthia -> C17 -> ...

...It also works out nicely, since those child paralogues help bridge the gap for the C16 -> C17 jump, and C14/C15 aren't all that difficult.

Getting Sully, Miriel, Lissa and Sumia married in main game isn't hard at all either so >_>;;

I would guess Ignis would be the ability you would want Morgan to inherit from the Male Avatar since she's going to be a Tactician?

I just realized that you can do the Spotpass method for free. Lucina has the Parallel Falchion, which has unlimited durability. Not to mention it has 12 might, which is stronger than a silver sword. You don't have to equip the Avatar with anything, they'll still gain support. So, if you have the patience, the Spotpass method is better only because it's guaranteed that Lucina and the Male Avatar will gain S-Support when you are done.

Your method is also good though.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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