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Well, hi :Lute:

Ok, I'm Liss and I don't speak english -actually, I'm spanish- so probably you guys are not going to understand sometimes what I'm saying :'D

So, I'm going to write the next in spanish becouse I don't remember how to say it in english:

Espero llevarme bien con todos!

And that's all :^_^:

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Well, hi :Lute:

Ok, I'm Liss and I don't speak english -actually, I'm spanish- so probably you guys are not going to understand sometimes what I'm saying :'D

So, I'm going to write the next in spanish becouse I don't remember how to say it in english:

Espero llevarme bien con todos!

And that's all :^_^:

Puedo traducir si quieres

Y bienvenidos al bosque!Y la frase que buscabas era"I hope to get along with everyone!"

Edited by Livin La Vida Loca
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My Spanish is, like, non-existent. Curse you, learning difficulties, for not letting me learn additional languages in school!

... *ahem*

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost and enjoy your stay!

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Well, hi :Lute:

Ok, I'm Liss and I don't speak english -actually, I'm spanish- so probably you guys are not going to understand sometimes what I'm saying :'D

So, I'm going to write the next in spanish becouse I don't remember how to say it in english:

Espero llevarme bien con todos!

And that's all :^_^:

Guh, I remember learning this but I forget the verbs' translation... Shoot.


[spoiler=I welcome you, have some chocolate]lvdVy1j.jpg

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