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So I made the mistake of having Chrom marry Maribelle in Lunatic...

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Which sounded great for DF Lucina and DK Brady until I realized that Chrom's S-Support has 8 Defense. I know I can grind for hours so she has what? 27 defense as a valkryie. I guess I could grind even more and make her a war cleric with Renewal+Lifetaker to help her survive the enemy phase... I want her to be my main staff user.... Any tips on making this work would be much appreciated.

Also, I can make my Avatar or Ricken!Owwain (Mu's husband) a staff user instead. I was thinking Dark Knight for Morgan, and I'm not quite sure for Owain. My avatar is +Def -Lck, so I could make her a Falcon Knight or something... Hmm.... I don't really want to restart the entire game to remarry Chrom....

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You could pair her with Lord/Great Lord Chrom (for + Luck, and more speed) to make a dodgetank while she gains a few levels. Though you may wish to feed her some Dracoshields and Seraph Robes. Pity you can't give her Vantage to work with a forged Thunder tome and get rid of most attackers before they hurt her!

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If you're grinding, this shouldn't be a problem- just get her Galeforce and use her as a hit-and-run unit, no EP-survival required. You could also just have her be Chrom's support. Or even bench her and let Chrom fight with Brady. There are plenty of options.

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I'd say if you want to make her a front-line staff user then you may have to grind a bit to either get her Galeforce to hit n run, or get her into some high def growth classes. Alternatively feed her some stat boosters.

I personally wouldn't go through that much trouble, and would instead make her a back-up staff user, and focus on her being primarily Chrom's support, and only go in close to heal if she's not going to get herself killed.

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If you're grinding, this shouldn't be a problem- just get her Galeforce and use her as a hit-and-run unit, no EP-survival required. You could also just have her be Chrom's support. Or even bench her and let Chrom fight with Brady. There are plenty of options.

This. Also what's wrong with 27DEF lol. Like yeah it's not particularly amazing but it should be decent enough considering she probably has great avoid from all of that grinding.

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