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The dragon(cat)'s shiny pixels: 4/2/2015 Extreme Makeover: OC edition


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An enemy/npc profile thing, full custom except for the border. It might not be perfect, but I'm still learning custom...so be nice please.


Took your guys' advice and tried to fix the laguz.

This is your previous post for comparison...


...shading is maybe a bit better? ...but honestly I don't see much serious difference. You say you took the advice... which advice in particular? :\

This is not an attempt to make you feel bad or anything... but what exactly is a major difference here? Only very minor things seem to have been changed. It looks like it still needs more work, Kon and Lenh's example would be good to follow... or especially those references provided. :|

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The fox and coyote... still look the same :/

And there's still a lot of pillow shading around the outlines.

Are you sure you followed the advice you'd been given? It doesn't look like you actually did. :<

Height-wise, smallest to largest go like this


Edited by Kon
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The balls on that lion are not nearly big enough.


...But seriously, the tails are off. Some cats do have really fluffy tails, but a lion's tail isn't as thick as its legs. The position looks uncomfortable, too. I guess it's supposed to be mid-swing, but as a still, I think having it hang down like ^that would look more natural.

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The advice I took was shortening the fox's legs. I don't see how it can be bigger than the lion...they're roughly all the same size.

LOL I am NOT letting my laguz flop their dude parts around. If you see that on Skrimir, Giffca, and Caineghis you need your eyes checked xD But maybe I will repose the tails...

And I'm assuming my custom wyvern rider profile thing is fine?

Edited by Dragoncat
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And I'm assuming my custom wyvern rider profile thing is fine?

It's kinda flat/lacking a lot of the detail that regular FEGBA generic portraits have. I would suggest you reference them some more to add to it. There aren't any FE8 generic Wyvern Knights in game, but the icon does exist; I'm sure you could find that and reference it. It's a good front-legless flying lizard reference.

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I referenced that same one when making it...I was trying to avoid pillow shading and stuff like that, so yeah...

i don't care

it's still very flat/lacking detail

this has nothing to do with pillow shading

I would suggest you go back to looking at them again

so yeah...

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Ghast: The advice I took was shortening the fox's legs. I don't see how it can be bigger than the lion...they're roughly all the same size.

Yeah, the fox should not be as tall as a lion. And the body of the fox is larger than the lion's, so it's unsurprising that the fox looks massive comparatively.

It would really help you to reference real life animals to see how they hold themselves when hunting and attacking. It would really help to give them more realistic proportions and poses than the Mauthe Doog pose you have for all of them.

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Kon already mentioned this but I'm gonna say it anyway since I feel that most people who make dogish/catish sprites for FE use the Mauthe Doog for a base. The Mauthe Doog is a Corpse with skin on it. It literally has no muscle. The fact that you use the Mauthe Doog and don't really add any width or space for muscle is what, IMO at least, makes them all look really skinny and flat.
See how the fox Kon posted on the previous page has curves on his(?) legs and a bit of a hunch from the muscles on his back and the transition to his neck? Meanwhile yours has a plain bat and has almost no neck (Personally I think that the Fox is the best sprite, maybe beaten by the wolf, that you have in that "update" you posted, since it actually has some curves which could be seen as muscle).
Another thing that makes Kon version look better is that it actually has more than just burnt orange for a color; even if the Laguz from PoR and RD do that doesn't mean you have to, especially if it looks better with more colors (I at least think it does).
Someone already mentioned this but look at how the animals actually look before deciding how to position them, it doesn't have to be the same but you can't have them all in the same pose/stance just because it's convenient.

And since no one else seems to have said it yet (at least that I've seen sorry if I missed it) THESE ARE NOT TWO DIFFERENT SPRITES:
Yes that was all caps because you could maybe post it once and say that if you use this palette it could be a Coyote but presenting them each time as something completely different is almost silly. Same goes for the small differences between the Lion, Tiger and Cat. (The Mauthe Doog could be a good base for the Coyote now that I think about it, since they are pretty thin iirc).

If any of this seems to be insulting to you you think too highly of yourself. The point of all these people telling you that something is wrong with your work means either
A. You are doing something completely different than what they think you are doing.
B. There is something wrong with your work.
Given that you are making Fire Emblem GBA Sprites, and most of the poeple who have posted here are Fire Emblem GBA Spriters, YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM!

In case you still don't get the big points I'm trying to make here:
1. DON'T I reapeat DON'T Use the Mauthe Doog as a base (Sans Coyote, might work there)
2. LISTEN to what other people have to say.
3. And this third one was more implied than said but remake all the Laguz. They are all the smae basic Sprite and you won't be losing much progress, you'll probably get better by doing this than by trying to make those sprites look good.

P.S. No the fact that no one mentioned that this wasn't a bad sprite doesn't mean that it was a good sprite. When you make something good people will tell you. I give it a 4/10, the rider is terribly small, most of the wyverns body is pillow shaded, and (though this isn't a direct criticism of the sprite since you might be remaking every one of these, though your post didn't seem to indicate that) the style isn't even vaguely similar to all of the other FE Class Cards, making it look even more jarring when placing inside the Class Card Box IMO.

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...Okay. Give me a better base to use and I'll happily use it.

Maybe my experiment with the enemy profile didn't work out as planned...I get that. But every time I think I've improved on the laguz, all I get is "this is wrong, that's wrong, kthxbai." Why are subtle differences a problem? The differences ARE there.

Why pose them all differently? The laguz ingame are pretty much all in the same pose per tribe. Granted, they're 3d models, but still.

I'm getting kinda annoyed and discouraged here...

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Why pose them all differently? The laguz ingame are pretty much all in the same pose per tribe. Granted, they're 3d models, but still.

'Cause you don't have to follow the game and it's not always the best reference??

But every time I think I've improved on the laguz, all I get is "this is wrong, that's wrong, kthxbai." Why are subtle differences a problem? The differences ARE there.

They aren't a problem, and no one thinks they are. People just don't think they're enough of a difference, and that you should change/edit more, for more drastic/noticeable improvements.

...Okay. Give me a better base to use and I'll happily use it.

also you don't need a base, just go from scratch '3'/

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...Okay. Give me a better base to use and I'll happily use it.

Maybe my experiment with the enemy profile didn't work out as planned...I get that. But every time I think I've improved on the laguz, all I get is "this is wrong, that's wrong, kthxbai." Why are subtle differences a problem? The differences ARE there.

Why pose them all differently? The laguz ingame are pretty much all in the same pose per tribe. Granted, they're 3d models, but still.

I'm getting kinda annoyed and discouraged here...

I was able to work off of your edited Mauthe Doog base for the fox I made. And like he said, you don't have to use a preexisting base. You can make your own~

"This still looks wrong, can/have you tried X?" For the differences, for the dog Laguz they are incredibly minimal. Like I have said before, there are literally a few pixels of difference between your fox and coyote, which makes them nearly impossible to tell apart at a glance. There are far more than just the ears that makes a fox and a coyote different from each other in real life that are not hard to represent in your sprites.

Because using the same poise for 6 different races is lazy. Even with the similar poses in-game, each separate Laguz was different enough visually that each were incredibly easy to tell apart. There was never a moment where you had to stop and think if you were fighting a Hawk or a Raven.

Why are you getting annoyed and discouraged? We want you to improve, because your ideas really are good and we want your sprites to reflect that.

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Even without a suitable GBA base, you can always use other things as references.


Those are silhouettes of FE9/10 characters, cat and tiger, at about GBA size. You don't need to adhere to them exactly, but they could be useful as an idea of the bulk of the different types.

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That's actually real helpful, thanks.

Now as we digress!


Leo got the biggest makeover, but Cerai is there even if all I did is change her outfit and make her eyes smaller. And use a better red for the hair and a better green for the eyes...but that was done with both of them.

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Leo's head is really small and misshapen. Like it's a circle not an oval, and kinda lumpy too. His armor is also way too big for his head, looks like a child in an adult's armor.

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His hair doesn't look like it connects to his head on his left (our right). His left (our right) eye is tilted at a steeper angle than the rest of his face-- his eyebrow should be extended to the edge of his face, given the angle that the head seems to be at.

The head itself, though, looks fine.

The large patch of darker skin around his right (our left) eye... why's it there?

Also the weapons don't look like they can actually be held in the hand they're shown to be in-- they look to be larger than the hand, which means that if they're held the way they are in the sprite, then by all rights it should drop out of their hand.

Something looks weird on the upper-leg armor (2nd, one with axe) but I can't place it at all. It doesn't look bad, it just looks not-right to me.

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The large patch of darker skin around his right (our left) eye... why's it there?


[spoiler=See here]


Everything else you said can be fixed. About the weapons being too big though...don't a lot of vanilla battle sprites do that? Like Hawkeye?

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