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Who is the Worst Final Boss?


FE Worst Final Bosses  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the worst Final Boss?

    • FE1 Medeus
    • Duma
    • FE3 Medeus
    • Julius
    • Veld
    • Idoun
    • Fire Dragon
    • Fomortiis
    • Ashnard
    • Ashera
    • FE11 Medeus
    • FE12 Medeus
    • Grima

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Fire Dragon for coming out of literally nowhere and just being a dragon mook. Not even a special dragon, just a mook. A completely faceless and boring final enemy. :\

Idoun is easy but I have a soft spot for her because of her conversation with Roy and final epilogue scenes w/Fae. And her music.

Edited by Irysa
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I actually like the Fire Dragon because it is a generic enemy. It shows just how powerful dragons are supposed to be. No other game really manages to accomplish that. The generics are always really weak to the point wher you wonder what the big deal was. But if generic dragon enemy in the scouring was as powerful as the Fire Dragon (probably even more so as the games says it was young), then the scouring must have been an epic battle.

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Easiest is Idoun. But she actually has a nice character and awesome themes (Dark Priestess, Shaman in the Dark, Eternal Wind) so I'm biased.

Hardest is Ashera, because of all the shit the game throws at you with her. Paralyzing everyone? Check. Protected for the first few turns? Check. The ability to one shot anybody on the map? Check. Really, she's plain sadistic on all difficulties.

So, Ashera, because I hate how cheap her tactics are.

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I even have beaten FE7.

The final map was awesome, but the fire dragon was lame (how I expected it). Like several people have said aready: It comes from nowhere. It has no personality.

However Luna, two hits by Armads (+10 strength by Nils) and two critical hits by Sol Katti were enough to beat it.

Easiest is Idoun. But she actually has a nice character and awesome themes (Dark Priestess, Shaman in the Dark, Eternal Wind) so I'm biased.

Hardest is Ashera, because of all the shit the game throws at you with her. Paralyzing everyone? Check. Protected for the first few turns? Check. The ability to one shot anybody on the map? Check. Really, she's plain sadistic on all difficulties.

So, Ashera, because I hate how cheap her tactics are.

Seriously Ashera is what I call a "challenging boss".

She has tons of HP (840 with all auras) and is very powerful.

Of course her five authority stars screw your accruacy and evasion, but if you make good use of the supports and dragons and give your units the fitting skills, you can make your life much easier. The boss is like a puzzle.

I usually beat her on NM/HM in two turns (by help of Nasir, Ena and Gareth), so she cannot use her magical single attack to one of my units after turn two, which would be an instant death for some units (Gareth, Ena, Sanaki).

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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IIRC base Xavier can ORKO Veld with Brave Bow (but he need 2 crits).

But Fire dragon is even worse.

Veld at lest have done something in story. You can actually hate him because he turned Evayle to stone or gave Mareeta Dark Sowrd(?), while dragon comes from nowhere and get rekt by most of your team.

Veld, Idoun, Fire Dragon and Demon King are worst final bosses. Just, why they exist? (yeah, I know, story)

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I don't think he's the worst, but I found Julius disappointing. Though fire emblem four was really easy I liked how strong plot important enemies would actually charge your army sometimes instead of sitting around like in all other games, so Julius was a bit of a let down after Ishtar and the Pegasus Trio. I wish Julius had pursued your army or done something other than sit on his castle while you grabbed Narga to trivialize the fight.

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I don't think they could have done that with Julius, even if he just had a mook guarding the castle, odds are Celice could just ride up and whack him with the hero sword and seize and just make Julius disappear. At least when he shows up in chapter 10 he's nearly invincible.

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In terms of difficulty, Idoun. Story-wise, it's between Fire Dragon and Grima. Personal least favourite is Grima (map is cool though).

Note that I've not played 1-5 and only watched a walkthrough of 12.

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Veld, The Demon King, Julius, and the Fire Dragon are all rather pathetic, but nothing is as pathetic as Idoun. I have yet to fight Grima (No 3DS)

EDIT: From a story perspective the fire dragon. I mean come on, it's a generic enemy, strong compared to the rest in the game yes, but it's not an actual character.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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Veld can't be the worst since he can turn Leif into stone, and without the Kia Staff and Sara to use it (which will likely be the case of most people who play Thracia 776 since they will find Chapter 24x outrageous), you pretty much lose the chapter if Veld succeeds in doing so. He's still a pretty lame final boss.

Idoun is (not easily) the worst.

Ashera is the best final boss fight out of all the FE games I played through, and even still, she can be wrecked in one turn.

Edited by BLS
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I thought Grima was fine

I thought it was cool fighting something that looks just like my Avatar... when my avatar looks just like me. And his/her(?) attack animation is pretty cool. IIRC, (s)he raises his hand and Grima turns his head around to do his thing or something.

Also, yes, Fire Dragon was bad

Basically just a buffed up mook... no plot relevance. Lame.

Edited by Draco
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