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I'll just do it!


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Like I said, you're going to want to hit your macros and micros. It's kind of a must, if you want to stay healthy and have your body (and probably mental healthy), properly. I did it, and even missed on them on some days (NOT CONSECUTIVELY, lawl). You should also mix it with some Intermittent Fasting, for better results. IF also happens to heavily encourage losing water weight, as you'll be trying to surpress hunger, water (in many forms, like tea, maybe SOOOOOOME coffee, fruits & vegetables). In my experience, it also helps your digestive system quite alot...maybe it's just me.

I wish I had a ridonculously fast metabolism. I'm pretty thin, at 130 lbs 5'9" (height is proportional). With 3000 kcal a day...man, I'd love that. Apparently other skinny guys have trouble with that, but that's silly.

not saying you did it wrong, but those are the risks. it's dangerous to relieve yourself of so many calories, especially if you weren't a healthy eater to begin with, as then you're really losing with nutrition. but if you can do it right, then more power to ya i guess.

yeah, i'm 5'8"-5'9" myself, though 200 is my goal weight, i could stand to cut down to 185-175 or so, then bulk back up to 200 and stay there. cutting is so shitty for me though because i start to feel weak when i don't eat enough, and it really affects my motivation to train. :( i guess that's all part of the challenge, though. intermittent fasting would be impossible for me, both not my style and for the reason i stated.

do you mean they have trouble eating 3000 kcal a day? though i do eat a shit ton, this dude is a goddamn food vacuum cleaner lol. i don't get how he does it.

edit: i'd just like to say that though that guy might be correct, he's also a pretty tiny looking dude. folks like me are better off cutting-->bulking to maximize growth.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Try a ketogenic diet. No wait stop laughing, seriously. Depending on who you talk to it's either incredibly effective or more or less the same as any other weight loss diet. But I can say with total certainty that when I was in ketosis, my hunger drive was a fraction of what it is right now. Now that I'm back into eating carbs I'm eating like 1.5 times as many calories as before, simply because of hunger pangs and calorie-dense foods. :0

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i'm extremely skeptical of diet recommendations for weight loss and muscle gain because very few of them have been studied rigorously.

Diet recommendations or diet fads?

Diet recommendations such as specific foods to eat to maximize your nutritional intake has been studied thoroughly, diet fads is what I would stay away from.

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No. Diet recommendations are fads also.

Furthermore calorie intake is only a guideline when losing weight. Calorie counting over longer periods of time is unhealthy. So if you can't keep your weight stable regularly you'll need to make some changes to your feeding habits.

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Mm, peanut butter. <3

I think, that, ever since I've started counting calories, my life has been easier/awesome. It's such a GREAT tool. Weight management is all numbers...it's pretty much impossible to gain undesired weight, if you're keeping track. You are sort free to eat what you want, as long as you check your calories.

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i'm extremely skeptical of diet recommendations for weight loss and muscle gain because very few of them have been studied rigorously.

Like already said, there's really not much to question when it comes to weight loss. Consume your macros, eat less calories, and you will lose weight. Simple thermodynamics.

Also are you saying dietary nutrition is poorly studied? Or just poorly understood by many people?

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Like already said, there's really not much to question when it comes to weight loss. Consume your macros, eat less calories, and you will lose weight. Simple thermodynamics.

Also are you saying dietary nutrition is poorly studied? Or just poorly understood by many people?

no, i am saying that certain diets get tossed around as the ultimate suggestion to control weight when they're mostly unsubstantiated by good evidence. we have reason to suspect that the more complex they sound, the more likely they are to be bullshit.

the thermodynamics of weight gain/loss aren't quite so simple. for one, calories from protein, carbohydrate, and fat aren't all the same, and people who get their calories from carbohydrate rather than protein and fat have more adverse health outcomes in the long term. additionally, the body can compensate for small fluctuations in calorie intake by adjusting its metabolism. i think it's more important to understand the thermodynamics and then come up with a sustainable plan that can work in the long-term rather than go on preset dieting or cutting regimens.

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