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Nobles Only Run of Awakening - Now in Progress

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That would require me to raise about $210-$220 extra before Smash comes out and try to get access to it. I honestly prefer if the capture board could just be sent along with a set-up manual for installation and all that. Don't I just have to unscrew the back of the 3DS and attach the board, then screw it back in? Also, I think the guy selling them said they're sold out right now anyway, so that would derail the possibility even more.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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I'm not sure how that would work, but taking apart your 3DS seems a bit risky, especially with Smash right around the corner. You can always overlay some snazzy music on top of what would be the original audio, and have at it~!

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I'm not sure how that would work, but taking apart your 3DS seems a bit risky, especially with Smash right around the corner. You can always overlay some snazzy music on top of what would be the original audio, and have at it~!

Well, I have a spare 2DS anyway so it wouldn't be the biggest deal breaker. The music idea seems nice, but that's something I want to save for FEFT.

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I'll give another status update here to list the Spotpass/DLC characters I plan to use for the run:

Prince Marth (DLC)

Roy (DLC)


Leif (DLC)
I've not decided their final skills, but two of each gender will end up as Rally Bots and, for the most part, their final classes will stay at their original.
Edited by mercilesscharizard
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For a pretty long time the capture board just used a line from the headphone jack on the 3ds to do audio capture. I don't see why you couldn't find a way to do something similar to fix the audio, even without a capture board (just use the line-in instead of a microphone or something).

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For a pretty long time the capture board just used a line from the headphone jack on the 3ds to do audio capture. I don't see why you couldn't find a way to do something similar to fix the audio, even without a capture board (just use the line-in instead of a microphone or something).

I think I'll be fine. As long as people hear when I'm saying and know what's going on. The audio wasn't even as big of a problem as I made it out to be. :P

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Hohohoho, that's oversimplifying it.

You have to attach the specific shaped ribbon cable to specific contacts and solder them.

Somehow I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Oh well, I probably won't have something like that until I'm 19 or so. Eheheh.

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Frederick wins the day again! I still wish that trading w/ equippable weapon=/=re-equip weapon. ...oh, well. Probably revenge for Chapter 2 (even though he didn't die!).

Either way, here's Chapter 3:


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Got to Chapter 4 and now I have access to the Outrealm Gate! Hopefully, I won't let power go to my head. Also, no, I don't care if "Marth" can't crit in this chapter! It's still scary! Anyway... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYl0bz18oAI&feature=youtu.be

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I don't know why Youtube decided to say "Hey! You have to verify your account before you can upload a 25 minute video after you JUST uploaded a 44 minute video! Have a nice day!" I swear, Youtube can be the dumbest thing sometimes. Anyway, here are the next two episodes:

Chapter 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF5MFpkL5Jc

Paralogue 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aFhMp3VRS4

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"Vasto: So you've finally made it! If you know what's good for you, hand over your precious exalt and the emblem unless-

Lucas: Unless we wanna die and blah blah blah. I've heard this speech before and each person who said it suffered the same fate.

Chrom: *draws sword* Let me guess: they all died.

Lucas: Yep. *draws sword* It's slaying time ya b******s!"

Time for Chapter 7!


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Ooh! Name is Lucas?

How could have not known that? It reminds me of Earthbound *wink*. Hopefully the Lucas in Awakening play through will make up loss of Lucas in Smash 4.

Good chapter! When you take videos, what do you use? Your phone? Camera?

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