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[Spoilers]SSB4 Leaks Discussion

Pull My Devil Trigger

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A lot of those systems, judging by the d-pad, were pretty old and abused to begin with. You don't need to apply THAT much pressure to perform a smash attack. Buuuuut...

Basically that's a universal problem when it comes to playing the 3DS frequently. My old launch 3DS has its circle pad falling apart and shoulder buttons broken and face buttons loosening. I've also had friends have their circle pad cover pop off playing games like Kid Icarus. I just wish Nintendo would extend their warranty to cover more than a year and a few months, because the wear and tear on the 3DS's analog is a pretty severe design problem.

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Finally got up to 11K coins. Wow I really need to stop.

I wish there was a faster way to get to 20K... it's really hurting my hands. But I gotta get to 20K before tomorrow! I have 8 hours to get 9K coins. Anyone think that's possible?

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The game is pretty fun and smooth, mega man and villager are hilarious.

also tier lists are made for the highest level of competitions, so I wouldn't look at them when playing unless you are one of the best players.

Can't wait for Robin and Lucina, gonna go check to see if any good vids on robin

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I'm just hoping that one or both is faster than the shit known as Demo!Marth.

In all honesty, I'm picking whichever feels faster when I actually get the game. I HIGHLY doubt Lucy will get a spot for no reason besides oh look, no tippers!

If she has that difference alone from Marth, then in all honesty, she didn't warrant a spot.

This is coming from someone who like Lucina FAR more than Chrom and Robin to the point where I would rather a not clone Lucina over Robin.

I don't get the spot for the moment either. And yeah, even though my... dissliking, of awakening and Lucina not beeing exactly my favourite character, if I found something new she brought to the table, I would be happy that she is in, like I'm with Robin, altough I really disslike him in awakening, I think he is a genuinely interresting character in smash.

Video for anyone who wants to compare:

... I find it really funny that both have a hard time hitting the other with nair, altough thats probably because of the slightly shorter blade, and, surprise, it carried over to Lucina.

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[FYI my 3DS was bought about two months after the system's initial launch.]

My 3DS's Circle Pad grip flew off after extensive hours of Kid Icarus. I decided to make a makeshift grip using plastic wrap and Scotch tape. It works almost perfectly, but I do have to replace it every now and then (although thankfully not very often).

tl;dr Sakurai breaks Circle Pads.

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I don't see WHAT people are saying "Brawl version 2.0". (Am I the only one who sees this?)

It feels nothing like Brawl! However, the TRUE test is to see if ZSS is floaty as she was in Brawl. THAT was ridiculous. After playing Project M, I just couldn't stand ZSS in normal Brawl.

Also, not sure if anyone's seen this yet, but it's all costumes for every character (the artwork):

Zelda's pink palette swap (7th) and white palette swap (8th) are so pretty! Definitely going to use the Blonde & Pink Zelda more often than default.

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Geez, how do you people do such abuse on your poor systems? xP I've played hours and hours of Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion, and FE, but both of my 3DSs still look newish.

Those are more sedentary than KIU or SSB4.

Both of those need sudden jerks to play well.

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This is exactly why I'm considering not getting the 3DS version and wait for when it comes out on Wii U.

3DS controls don't seem as sturdy as those of a Gamecube controller and even those could get a beating from extensive smash play. It's also way more expansive to buy a new console than a new controller.

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My original 3DS broke the R button due to Kid Icarus.

Of course, Uprising is on my top 3 3DS games in existence, so it's okay. That's why I overlook any possible bias in this game.

(For the record, it's Smash 3DS, Awakening, and Uprising, with X/Y and 3D Land being wonderful)

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So, do you guys think R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog will be getting their own stages in the Wii U version? The 3DS version doesn't have any stages in their universes, so I was thinking they might get stages that are Wii U specific like Wii Fit Trainer's stage.

Also, I hope this hasn't been posted yet, but here's Gamexplain videos of Andre answering questions that youtubers asked him and him posting Final Destination versions of every stage (each and every stage has a Final Destination version, besides Final Destination itself):


...Do they practically tear the circle pad out of the socket when they play?

...yeah, this is actually the reason I'm reluctant to get the 3DS Smash Bros., or even just a 3DS in general.

At least with a home console, replacing the controller is easy/cheap enough and compromising the whole console itself isn't possible when doing an unofficial repair. But with a portable console and the fact that the controller is build into the console itself, things get a lot messier. My DS Lite got pretty worn down and broken up beyond the point of redemption (non-responsive D-Pad, A button, and shoulder buttons, red tinted screen, loose/cracked hinge). You probably won't believe me when I say this, but I'm really protective and gentle with all the things I own in general, especially gaming equipment, yet that happened to my DS.

No offense to DS/3DS owners or Nintendo, but I'd rather stick with home consoles since controller durability is less of an issue and I don't want to deal with the fear of my DS incident happening again.

... I find it really funny that both have a hard time hitting the other with nair, altough thats probably because of the slightly shorter blade, and, surprise, it carried over to Lucina.

Good to hear that "Lucina's ridiculous overpoweredness over Marth" isn't as big an issue as a lot of people made it out to be, and the scenario wasn't "oh, Sakurai took everyone good from Marth except the tipper and gave it to Lucina."

I honestly don't get why everyone just came to that conclusion the moment Robin/Lucina's official trailer was shown, especially when Sakurai posted an article soon after saying their power, speed, and range are practically identical.

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Wow, people need to learn how to Smash responsibly. My 3DS is a launch model and the control stick is still going strong. I doubt ill be breaking it even when the full game comes out.

Smash responsibly, your control stick will thank you for it.

Oh man...oh man oh man. Ive been practicing with Villager and wow. Getting more and more used to how use them and the potential of the moves. Pocket really is goddamn broken.

I actually turned on Melee last night to compare the two and i can safely say that Smash4's ground physics are nearly identical to Melee's.

"But Loki, why doesnt the game feel exactly like Melee, then?"

Because, dear reader, the characters actually move a little slower than Melee's characters. (proof? Go play Pikachu in Melee, and play as him in Smash4. You'll see what i mean.) Aerials in Smash4 are much closer to Brawl, but i dont actually have Brawl right now to test that out for myself. However, i did notice that at least the demo characters arent horribly floaty like Brawl. But they are not weighty like Melee. Multiple air cancels/dodges is just ridiculously awesome. Item grabbing and mid air item catching is actually exactly like Melee. This pleases me so much i cannot even.

Im excited for Dr. Mario.

"Loki, wtf for? Hes a clone!!"

Because Mario still has FLUDD and Doc will not. Doc will be superior in every way. Black coat Dr. Mario = Prepare for a prescription of PAIN from Dr. Mario Caligari! yaasss~

Gods, the wait for the full game is excruciating holy crap.

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I know, the wait is so hard now, even though it's less than three weeks. >_<

But we can do it! We all have to find things to keep ourselves busy until then! Find more stuff to talk about regarding the game, for example.

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ungh. its just so hard.

You know...everyone's cheering over the throw nerf (no more chain grabs). And here i am going "wheeeeeeehhhh...." I forgot how much i actually relied on that trick without even realizing it.

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ungh. its just so hard.

You know...everyone's cheering over the throw nerf (no more chain grabs). And here i am going "wheeeeeeehhhh...." I forgot how much i actually relied on that trick without even realizing it.

I'm very conflicted about the lack of chain grabs as well. It does mean no more nonsense Like Dedede's/Falco's chaingrab but some shorter chain grabs were useful for combos at low damage.

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I have mixed feelings on chaingrabs being gone. On one hand, getting damage won't be "cheap" or what say you. On the other hand, I don't think chaingrabs would be important in this game, since it's not as...challenging to do damage as it was in brawl.

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Because Mario still has FLUDD and Doc will not. Doc will be superior in every way.

Judging by what I've seen on Twitch, Mario can use his cape to recover, Dr. Mario cannot (so much for being "superior in every way" lol).

Also, you can customise FLUDD to spew out either fire or electricity.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I'm glad there's no chaingrabs, because I hated being chaingrabbed to death. I also hope that infinite wall grabbing is gone because it was actually something ANY character could do, not just a select few.

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Chain grabbing is being able to repeatedly grab and throw an opponent to where it's impossible for the opponent to ever escape, basically. Infinite wall grabbing is a form of chain grabbing that any character could to because it's throwing an opponent at a wall right next to you so you can grab them again right away and repeat.

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