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Seriously speaking, the Smash Hype is ridiculous...


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I'm confused, did they actually remove megaman from the roster or something? If so I won't even consider buying this next SSB. I could have sworn he was added and complete.

No they didn't, but people are unhappy about some other character choices.
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people win money for playing it. not sure how much more serious it could get unless it started curing diseases or something.

of course it's radically different. but that doesn't matter.

People win money playing Bingo. That doesn't put bingo on the level of chess.

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Yeah, I once won a big bag of candy in a bingo game (I was one of only three winners out of dozens of people too. :D). Mostly adults play it lol. Winning something for Smash is not what makes it so big. Nintendo's popularity, its unique gameplay, and the fact that it combines a lot of favorite Nintendo franchises is what makes it so loved.

Edited by Anacybele
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More hype. More attention. More people involved. More fun.

Nothing wrong with hyping any game up. Especially such a unique game like Smash.

There is something wrong with being irrational or retarded about it.
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To be honest, I don't really care about most of the new fighters, but I'm mostly excited over the whole customization thing. Like being able to customize the B/Special moves and make a character stronger/faster/whatever.

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I always think I might be too hyped for this game.

Then I remember that there was some scrub who paid 500 bucks for a demo code.

lmao. Are you serious? Thats just ahahahhaah gimme proof. I gotta know!

i honestly never though someone could be disappointed with duck hunt dog's inclusion.

it's fucking duck hunt dog! he's awesome!

Duck Hunt being in this game is extremely exciting for me. Hell, even my mum knows who the Duck Hunt Dog is. Hell, im pretty sure Carl XVI Gustav knows who the fuck Duck Hunt Dog is. Everyone knows Duck Hunt. So wynaut, right?

Yeah but Smash Potato is the funniest shit this side of the Mississippi.

Oh yesss~

That shit is gr9 and im gonna try it. This is the kind of hype i like seeing.

My favorite component of Smash Hype are the number of people who like to pretend it's a serious fighting game.

Huehuehue shots fired in the night.

Its fine if guys want to be all "TIERS!!!!!!" but like, i feel like they should just leave that stuff on the smashboards and try not to get up in other people's domes about it. Cuz man.

Yeah, I once won a big bag of candy in a bingo game

Quoting this because this one of the cutest freaking things ive seen posted here in a good while.

Gaius is that you?

There is something wrong with being irrational or retarded about it.

ilu, BLS.

My hype hit levels of Amphibian Flailing once Shulk got confirmed.

When i saw the alts (especially for Robin), i dropped a Squee Bullet Bill.

When Duck Hunt was confirmed and the demo released, that was just...

~No one can stop this ride~

Dark Pit isnt even that much of a blemish for me. Im just like, "whatever, man." I dont like Dark Pit one bit, but no one can stop this train! I choo choo CHOOSE SMASH

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Man, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me I'm cute, I swear I'd be rich. lol

But I just realized, I have to admit that I was beyond seriously hyped for awhile when Ike was revealed. :P

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My hype hit levels of Amphibian Flailing once Shulk got confirmed.

Would this also be an acceptable reaction (minus the very end and if this pertained to everything else)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzeoScfpJfE&list=UUncFuaKw2Q5Oeg0XJim5xtQ


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Would this also be an acceptable reaction (minus the very end and if this pertained to everything else)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzeoScfpJfE&list=UUncFuaKw2Q5Oeg0XJim5xtQ


Well it wasnt quite like that, but heres a pretty appropriate gif to summarize the hype i feel as a whole:


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It is...

All the leakers ruining everything and treating it like it is the ultimate video gaming series is making me sick. x.x

Sure it has more love than at least most games because people grew up with these characters and that Nintendo is a popular company. What about other fighting games like Soul Calibur, that even Link is in some of it's franchises as well as many marvel games like Street Fighter, etc. Respect those games...too. Smash just gets too much love over most of the franchises which makes people like me sick to death of. x.x

Jesus. Learn to respect other games as much (Such as Final Fantasy, etc). Your making those other companies like Sony and such look bad. x.x

Edited by PuffPuff
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It is...

All the leakers ruining everything and treating it like it is the ultimate video gaming series is making me sick. x.x

Sure it has more love than at least most games because people grew up with these characters and that Nintendo is a popular series. What about other fighting games like Soul Calibur, that even Link is in some of it's franchises as well as many marvel games like Street Fighter, etc. Respect those games...too. Smash just gets too much love over most of the franchises which makes people like me sick to death of. x.x

Jesus. Learn to respect other games as much (Such as Final Fantasy, etc). Your making those other companies like Sony and such look bad. x.x

Or we could have our own opinions. Besides, I don't think the obnoxious and zealous additude of Smash fans will make Sony look bad, because that's kind of Nintendo's problem.

(And my current feelings towards Final Fantasy are leaning more towards pity than respect TBH)

Edited by Knight
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I haven't seen anything that I find overblown. Honestly, I find this enthusiasm quite endearing. I'm glad that other people can get more exited about the game then I can.


Especially, after I get bored with it overtime.

i am not into the hype i'm just glad i got my jigglypuff and bowser jr.

smash is so popular because nintendo is so popular, and it's a fighting game with a bunch of nintendo characters that appeals to casual and competitive gamers. it's controls and stage designs are open and free for a fighting game too so even people like me who don't like fighting games can enjoy it. now with online play capabilities and 3rd party reps introduced in brawl, the game series grew into a super power.

It's not really a fighting game when it's just to introduce Nintendo characters that some people may have missed as they existed far later than we have. Smash is just to advertise other games and to tell how great they are as this is a scheme for Nintendo to make even more money off of these franchises. ...And it is working to perfection. Only reason why that it gets more love over most of the other franchises.

This is merely a tribute to the dead. Megaman has long been buried.

That to get people who exist in this day and age that didn't get a chance to play them classics as we did in our youths to rake more money off of in e-shops to get them to play them.

Yeah, I once won a big bag of candy in a bingo game (I was one of only three winners out of dozens of people too. :D). Mostly adults play it lol. Winning something for Smash is not what makes it so big. Nintendo's popularity, its unique gameplay, and the fact that it combines a lot of favorite Nintendo franchises is what makes it so loved.

But...it embarrasses other companies is why that they don't ever get involved with these projects. x.x

Or we could have our own opinions. Besides, I don't think the obnoxious and zealous additude of Smash fans will make Sony look bad, because that's kind of Nintendo's problem.

(And my current feelings towards Final Fantasy are leaning more towards pity than respect TBH)

Maybe so...

But the series still gets too loved over the other franchises.



Who else but me has gotten more hype over this game than Smash? See. There are other masterpieces out there. Smash isn't the ultimate videogaming series. -.-

Smash is just a bunch of Nintendo videogames combined into one pretty much. x.x

Like Fire Emblem Awakening gets all the hype in the series for the same reason. :3

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I fucking love Ehrgeiz (because I'll stomp you as Yoko Yoyo six ways to Sunday).

I dunno. Smash takes popular video game characters, sticks them all in a fighting game, and adds other elements of fun. It's easy to use. Street Fighter has i dunno how many players in their cast and i dunno I can only think of like 8 or so

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I fucking love Ehrgeiz (because I'll stomp you as Yoko Yoyo six ways to Sunday).

I dunno. Smash takes popular video game characters, sticks them all in a fighting game, and adds other elements of fun. It's easy to use. Street Fighter has i dunno how many players in their cast and i dunno I can only think of like 8 or so

Link is probably most popular Nintendo character ever. He's in Soul Calubur fucking two for the Nintendo's system version. ...And Yoko Yoyo's cutscene was my favorite. :D

...And who wouldn't love Ehrgeiz? It has fucking Tifa Lockheart, Yuffie in it. ...And

*thump* *thump* *thump*


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