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Seriously speaking, the Smash Hype is ridiculous...


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I don't really know how big the hype was for Melee and Brawl, as I was 5 and 11, respectively, when they were released, and only 2 for SSB64's release. As such, I wasn't much into the stuff surrounding game releases. Was there always this much backlash about certain characters not getting in? In mean, the sheer vitriol that came out when Takamaru was confirmed as an assist trophy was insane! As far as I can tell, the guy's been in a Famicom-exclusive game, one Dynasty Warriors game, and a minigame in Nintendo Land. If I were a fan of his, I'd be happy he got recognized enough to even be an assist trophy! That being said, my Wii Fit Trainer hype is pretty stronk, but I doubt I'd be hugely devastated if she got cut next game.

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I don't really know how big the hype was for Melee and Brawl, as I was 5 and 11, respectively, when they were released, and only 2 for SSB64's release. As such, I wasn't much into the stuff surrounding game releases. Was there always this much backlash about certain characters not getting in? In mean, the sheer vitriol that came out when Takamaru was confirmed as an assist trophy was insane! As far as I can tell, the guy's been in a Famicom-exclusive game, one Dynasty Warriors game, and a minigame in Nintendo Land. If I were a fan of his, I'd be happy he got recognized enough to even be an assist trophy! That being said, my Wii Fit Trainer hype is pretty stronk, but I doubt I'd be hugely devastated if she got cut next game.

Brawl definitely. Especially when the final character was finally shown off a lot of people were quite angry considering it was wolf and almost very little people requested for him. Then people started getting attached to his moveset and thereon and well you know what happened to the rest.

Melee did have the hype but the clone characters were huge backlashes. I mean ganondorf with Captain falcons near exact same animation with just lowered speed was so dumbfounded by a lot of people. When I first played the game and heard he was unlockable I was so excited and then I played him and got severely disappointed and this was like what 13 years ago? I'm still disappointed to this day but frankly I'm not big on character rosters too much considering almost every character I wanted were shown off in the newcomer trailers or reveals in the smash bros website.

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It's not really a fighting game


So what if I, or others, act like/think it's the greatest video game series ever made? Stop bitching that it's more popular than your favourite fighter. Yes what people are doing for a demo is ridiculous, but there's nothing harmful to you by people getting excited, even excessively so. Get off your highhorse and let people have their fun.

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So what if I, or others, act like/think it's the greatest video game series ever made? Stop bitching that it's more popular than your favourite fighter. Yes what people are doing for a demo is ridiculous, but there's nothing harmful to you by people getting excited, even excessively so. Get off your highhorse and let people have their fun.

The fact that Smash Bros is or isn't a fighting game has nothing to do with anyone being on their "highhorse", or how popular it is relative to the likes of Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. The argument against smash bros being a fighting game is the fact that Sakurai has explicitly said that he doesn't want Smash Bros to be a "fighting game" (in the traditional sense, at least), and the fact that the designers are doing a whole lot to give less skilled players a bigger chance to win against more skilled players or lowering the skill ceiling altogether (tripping, items, stage hazards, a general lack of balance in the roster, etc.). People arguing against Smash being a fighting game aren't (for the most part. I suppose I can't speak for everyone) doing so because they hate Smash. They're doing so because there is concrete evidence against Smash Bros being a competitive fighting game. Assuming that the only reason people would make this argument is that they are simply jealous of Smash's popularity and subsequently dismissing said argument is petty and outright rude to people trying to make logical statements on the matter. Edited by Rollertoaster
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The highhorse bit is with regards to her attitude in general, not that point in particular. There's too much to quote.

Though I strongly contest some of the arguments you gave. If I tried to make a mountain bike, but as I was misinformed of the dimensions etc I ended up with a racing bike, that doesn't stop it from being a racing bike. I also don't think balance has anything to do with determining a genre? That just justifies the quality of the game.

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For other genres, maybe, but a competitive fighting game (key word is competitive), there's not really a set of rules as to what defines it, so its competitiveness can be a large factor. And when a developer takes actions (or inactions, in the case of not balancing a game) to detract from such a factor has an impact on the game's status.

In regards to the high-horse comment, I'm afraid I'm not informed enough on the particular situation to pass judgement. I assumed you were referring to the counter-arguments in general, and I apologize if I misunderstood.

Don't get me wrong at all, I love Smash. I've played in several amateur tournaments, even. But I feel that "fighting game" is far to broad and generic of a term to be used to define anything, and Smash Bros, especially Brawl, is designed in such a way that competition is stifled. This is not a bad thing, though. Smash's niche is a very important one to fill.

You said it best yourself: Smash is no mountain bike. It's an excellent racing bike, but try to take it out on the trail, and you'll only crash.

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I am honestly sorry, but since the dev team actually took steps to make it not a traditional fighing game, I am pretty damn sure that people reacting strongly and get offended at the slightest different view of what the community accepts like so:


So what if I, or others, act like/think it's the greatest video game series ever made? Stop bitching that it's more popular than your favourite fighter. Yes what people are doing for a demo is ridiculous, but there's nothing harmful to you by people getting excited, even excessively so. Get off your highhorse and let people have their fun.

....says that people are too invested into Smash.

Just play the damn game. For money and competitive settings too if you want... but just stop trying to correct everyone on the "One Ring" view.



Edited by shadowofchaos
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SoC you're a reasonable guy most of the time, so I'm not sure how you're not getting this. Getting "sick to death" of other people enjoying a franchise is ridiculous. I'm not even sorry, but my reaction when people go "you should like other series cuz this game is just a tribute to the dead" is "fuck you I'll enjoy what I want". Like seriously:

Learn to respect other games as much.

Smash isn't even my favourite series, by far. If you don't like it then fine, if you don't think it's a competitive fighting game then fine, if you tell me that I shouldn't have the love I have for the series that isn't fine. If anything THAT is the one ring argument here.

Edited by kirsche
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Getting "sick to death" of other people enjoying a franchise is ridiculous.

That's not even what I'm sick about.

Did you even see the first image on the first post?

That's not an exception, there is A LOT of those people.

It is belittling people who aren't as hyped up for it.

Please tell me the last time you saw the SSB4 thread by Shin be reasonable for more than 10 pages.

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Unreasonable people (though tbh I originally interpreted that comment as "oh cool something other than smash for a change") are admittedly on both sides.

Problem is there's no discern between people's excitement and the way they act in Puff's post so even though she probably has experienced a bunch of smashers getting overdefensive she made it out as if she were sick of people being excited in and of itself, which IS ridiculous.

Can you deny the pomposity of "learn to respect other games as much"?

Edit: missed the youtube comments, but those aren't the "get on my level" type they're just enjoying themselves? If you take "Z's body cannot contain his hype" seriously then something's wrong.

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There's only one game series made by the gods, and its name is Call of Duty.

At least the hype for Smash Bros. is something I can get, even if I'm not nearly as hyped myself. It's not like ORAS (throwing some shade at 3rd gen here, watch out that Refa is so fucking edgy it hurts you'll cut yourself) where people are super hyped to play a game that they've already played which I just cannot understand at all.

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