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That was pretty good, man

I'm gonna call it quits for the night

Yeah, cya.

Anybody else wanna do some 1 v 1? If not, I'll head over to For Glory mode.

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Well, having done several very close matches using Luigi against a Mario player (even though I didn't win any of them) gave me a little more confidence. I don't suicide with Luigi as much as I do with Ike (because my suiciding issue lies mainly with Aether), so yeah. I guess I'll play for a bit now if anyone wants to.

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Well, having done several very close matches using Luigi against a Mario player (even though I didn't win any of them) gave me a little more confidence. I don't suicide with Luigi as much as I do with Ike (because my suiciding issue lies mainly with Aether), so yeah. I guess I'll play for a bit now if anyone wants to.

Ooh, ooh, me! I don't believe you added my FC yet tho, Ana.

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Well, having done several very close matches using Luigi against a Mario player (even though I didn't win any of them) gave me a little more confidence. I don't suicide with Luigi as much as I do with Ike (because my suiciding issue lies mainly with Aether), so yeah. I guess I'll play for a bit now if anyone wants to.

I added you, Ana. Do you need my friend code?

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Ana, why would you think about quitting the competitive scene? Although your Luigi needs a little work, your Ike is great!

Really? People always said I was a little better with Luigi. But I HAVE used Ike more lately. Although to be fair, I'm terrible against Little Mac. He's so spammy. xP

Your Mii Fighter seemed spammy too with all those repeated kicks... Good gods. o.o

But thanks! I'm thinking now that it's not that I suck or anything, it's that I'm just rubbish against certain characters (Little Mac and ZSS so far) But that gave me my confidence back! I also managed NOT to suicide, even when I had to have Ike Aether for a recovery. I don't know how I managed this, but I finally DIDN'T suicide! Well, aside from where it turned out to be impossible to recover at all... But that wasn't due to using the wrong move by accident, so yeah.

I'll play with you or Tsunami, Carter. I'm feeling good after realizing EXACTLY where I'm good and where I'm bad.

Edited by Anacybele
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Really? People always said I was a little better with Luigi. But I HAVE used Ike more lately. Although to be fair, I'm terrible against Little Mac. He's so spammy. xP

Tip for fighting Little Mac. React to him, don't attempt to start anything against him, or you'll get punished hard. Also KO punch goes through shield and counter.

Edited by Shulk
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I'll play with you or Tsunami, Carter. I'm feeling good after realizing EXACTLY where I'm good and where I'm bad.

Phooey. =\

Anybody wanna battle me?

Edited by Dai
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Tip for fighting Little Mac. React to him, don't attempt to start anything against him, or you'll get punished hard. Also KO punch goes through shield and counter.

Ah, thanks. I hadn't known about that move's immunity to shielding and Counter. Glad you told me!

EDIT: Oh, shoot, I'm sorry, Dai! I hadn't seen your post. >_<

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Sorry, Carter, but I didn't like that moving Mario stage AT all.

Also, I won't play with you if all you're going to do is just stand on the other side of the stage and spam the same move over and over.

And I'm tired, so I was planning on leaving after that last match anyway. Sorry...

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GG kingddd/Gaia. It's time for bed though; i gotta wake up in a little under 6 hours and i should probably sleep so I can actually wake up~

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But I was just playing around! I do it all the time with Shulk!

I guess everyone's different then... I guess then we can't battle each other. But I'll play nnormal if you want me to :(

If you wanted to keep going why don't you just hit me?

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But I was just playing around! I do it all the time with Shulk!

I guess everyone's different then... I guess then we can't battle each other. But I'll play nnormal if you want me to :(

If you wanted to keep going why don't you just hit me?

Oh, I thought you were just trying to be annoying... My mistake. And I would have, but there was no way I could've approached you with all of those electric balls flying in my direction. xP

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