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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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I know I'm really late, but does anyone want to do a few rounds? I have a headache, but i don't wanna sleep yet, so yeah.

Quote me if you want so i'll be notified plz; I tend to not check SF unless i get notifications.

Fight me John?

Or anyone really? Need to practice Link for a tourney soon. A live tourney.

Edited by Knife
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Damn gotta go need to help parents with something. GGs. I tried to make the ending of each battle epic. Mission accomplished.

Sorry, I've just been relaxing. We can play a few games if you want, but not too many.

And I'll add you Icesage.

IceSage776 is my NNID if anyone wants to play me

Lel, i already had you added...

Edited by N7 Commander John
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Hold on I'm at the gymnasium. Thanks for adding that autocorrect. You go ahead and rest we fight some other day.

I mean, I can play a few. I'm just really hungry because i've been waiting to go out for dinner with family all day, and my mom is still not home. >>;

But yeah, just let me know when you're ready and we can play a few, if i'm still home.

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I mean, I can play a few. I'm just really hungry because i've been waiting to go out for dinner with family all day, and my mom is still not home. >>;

But yeah, just let me know when you're ready and we can play a few, if i'm still home.

Still there?

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Hey guys I just got back into school today but unfortunately they don't let us use the network for game consoles but on three day weekends and breaks I'll be able to play online. I'll still be playin with my buds locally though. Stay sharp! ; ]

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