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you're getting Better Playered and making a lot of basic mistakes. you're doing better with ike and luigi since you know what their general strategies are, but i can tell that you aren't putting much thought into what you're doing with them. ex: you almost always dash attacked when you weren't firing arrows with dark pit (so, when you wanted to approach), which meant i could always shield or beat the dash attack with something that had more range. as a general rule of thumb, use attacks with lots of lag only when you really think the other person will get hit by them. otherwise, use moves like jabs, which can give damage while keeping you fairly safe.

and stop SD'ing :)

oh and i think the reason that you aren't comfortable with fast characters is because you're not used to playing people who use them efficiently. it didn't seem like you knew what to expect when i played falcon against you.

Edited by Comet
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GGs, but I think I'd rather not play Sheik players at all. I'm definitely seeing just how lolbroken he is in this game. He's pretty much this game's Brawl Meta Knight. I mean you can't even see his needles...

EDIT: You were SDing too... That Ike ditto was fun though, as was the Sheik vs Robin. I'm surprised I did as well as I did there because Robin is my worst character lol and as I just said, Sheik is lolbroken.

Also, I see I still also have the problem of accidentally using the wrong move... Happens most often with the B moves. For some reason, I sometimes use side B instead of standard B and vice versa. Like when I lost that Dark Pit vs Lucina, I ended up using his electro arm when I meant to use his bow. -_-

And you say I don't think when attacking? Well, there's not much time to do thinking when you're throwing attacks at each other left and right. It leaves you little time to react. So I really just try to think on my feet, so to speak.

Edited by Anacybele
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I actually know how to use Robin very well. He was my main before and I want make him one of my other mains. I started using him yesterday and I felt great. Wonder why I stopped.

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I'll play you, Aura. My matches with Dotty are just awfully laggy (sorry Dotty). Maybe our connection can be smoother. xP

But man, I'll never not suck against floaty characters... >_<

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, there was even some bad input lag. Like if you noticed my character just standing there for a couple seconds. Or when I failed to recover with Ike because it didn't read my Aether Wave... Dunno what that was about, we had smoother matches before...

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I'll play you, Aura. My matches with Dotty are just awfully laggy (sorry Dotty). Maybe our connection can be smoother. xP

But man, I'll never not suck against floaty characters... >_<

Ok, sent you a friend request =o (Mii name is Keese, nnid is Octaivian)

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...Huh, I thought I had you added already too. I could've sworn I'd played with both you and Comet in the past. Comet I know I played because he was my opponent in one of our SF tourneys. But alright, let me leave the room... xP

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...Huh, I thought I had you added already too. I could've sworn I'd played with both you and Comet in the past. Comet I know I played because he was my opponent in one of our SF tourneys. But alright, let me leave the room... xP

We might have played in tournament mode or possibly were in the same friend's room.

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Maybe. But sorry, you're far too above my level. Why don't you go to some big time tourneys instead of wasting your time on losers like me? I'd be bored out of my mind if I schooled people left and right repeatedly.

Also, now I can't seem to stop SDing with Dark Pit. I think he'll grab the edge of the stage and no, he still falls to his death. I'm fucking pathetic. ;_;

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Maybe. But sorry, you're far too above my level. Why don't you go to some big time tourneys instead of wasting your time on losers like me? I'd be bored out of my mind if I schooled people left and right repeatedly.

Also, now I can't seem to stop SDing with Dark Pit. I think he'll grab the edge of the stage and no, he still falls to his death. I'm fucking pathetic. ;_;

You've been playing Dark Pit seriously (to my knowledge) for the entirety of two days.

Please stop this.

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I meant I'm pathetic in general, not with Dark Pit specifically... I'm well aware I've only been playing him for two days.

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Maybe. But sorry, you're far too above my level. Why don't you go to some big time tourneys instead of wasting your time on losers like me? I'd be bored out of my mind if I schooled people left and right repeatedly.

Also, now I can't seem to stop SDing with Dark Pit. I think he'll grab the edge of the stage and no, he still falls to his death. I'm fucking pathetic. ;_;

I don't know how to drive and don't have connections, so I can't really go to rl tourneys (maybe to locals that might be in my area, but that's it).

Most people have to play people better than them to improve (this is true for me too). With this in mind, I don't mind playing people that aren't at my level (whether above or below) because at least one of the players is going to improve.

Try to keep a positive mindset though; you're not a "loser" and you're not pathetic.

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I remember playing with you Aura and it was fun. I won a few matches against you, but you are way better from when we played last time. You won a lot of games against me. Btw Ana quit saying your pathetic. Its really getting overdue, lets just keep having fun and improve. Self doubt is not the answer

Edited by Radiance
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