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Yeah. Because clearly I suck and I shouldn't be playing this game. I didn't expect to beat you, as I said, but I didn't expect to get annihilated either. Although I did get confused a few times in the first match because we were using the exact same Ike palettes.

What I don't understand though, is why I can't play this new Smash game as well as I played Brawl, no matter what I try. Is this game too fast paced for me just like Melee was? Am I only good at slow games? If so, that's just pathetic...

Edited by Anacybele
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Some criticism:

  • That custom counter sucks. Paralyzing is so situational percent dependent and barely does damage.
  • Don't counter spam, it was way too easy to read you.
  • Don't dash attack so much, its super punishable.
  • Use Ike's Bair more!
  • Use the tilts more than the smashes.

Anyone can get good. It's up to you.

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Paralyzing Counter is really good, actually. It leaves Ike's opponent helpless for a few seconds and he needs that with how slow some of his moves are.

I don't remember using Counter much... But if I used it too much anyway, well, I guess that's a fair point.

What? Ike's dash attack is good, it should be used.

I do use Ike's b-air frequently.

I also use his tilts frequently. I just never got much of a chance to use them because you were on the ground a lot.

I also don't agree that anyone can get good at this game. Some people just aren't good at fighting games or fast-paced games and can't play them. I also seem to be incapable of "reading" the opponent. I think it's trying to predict what move they'll use next, but how am I supposed to know what they're going to do? I'm not psychic. So I don't even believe that "reading the opponent" is really a thing.

Edited by Anacybele
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Guys remember when I said my 3DS broke during a tourney?

Well i finally got a pic of my 3ds...this is what I play with (and is partially why i've taken a little break from Sm4sh)


I'm genuinely surprised it can display something on the top screen.

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Paralyzing Counter is really good, actually. It leaves Ike's opponent helpless for a few seconds and he needs that with how slow some of his moves are.

I don't remember using Counter much... But if I used it too much anyway, well, I guess that's a fair point.

What? Ike's dash attack is good, it should be used.

I do use Ike's b-air frequently.

I also use his tilts frequently. I just never got much of a chance to use them because you were on the ground a lot.

I also don't agree that anyone can get good at this game. Some people just aren't good at fighting games or fast-paced games and can't play them. I also seem to be incapable of "reading" the opponent. I think it's trying to predict what move they'll use next, but how am I supposed to know what they're going to do? I'm not psychic. So I don't even believe that "reading the opponent" is really a thing.

If I may interfere here, though I probably shouldn't...

Not to be rude or anything, but quoting you, "Because clearly I suck and I shouldn't be playing this game. I didn't expect to beat you, as I said, but I didn't expect to get annihilated either."

Knife "annihilated" you (apparently). Doesn't that mean he would know the ups-and-downs with Ike (when he explains which custom moves would work, which wouldn't. If the Dash Attack is worth it)?

I mean, it's all your decision Ana, and it's your choice on whatever you want to do with Ike. No one can tell you otherwise. And this is not a rant forcing you to do what I say. But if someone can "annihilate" just the way Knife did, don't you think it would be a good decision to at least listen (not hear) to what he has to say?

I mean, who knows? I personally suck with Ike (and slow characters in general. I manage with Zelda because I love her), but maybe trying Knife's tactics would help!

Also, I don't know much about what "reading" the opponent means, but I assume it has to do with high-level play and tournaments. I've heard the term a couple of times throughout YouTube videos, and it seems pretty legitimate. Becoming too predictable is a bad thing, I presume, and "reading" the opponent is probably just that; your opponent becoming too predictable.

Edited by Carter
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I just said that I already use most of what he said, though. And sometimes when I try to use a tilt, I wind up using a smash attack by mistake too. I forgot to mention that. I haven't been able to quit messing up like that either.

And you're fine, nobody can force you not to post.

Oh, well, in the case of being too predictable, that's a little different, I thought...

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I'm genuinely surprised it can display something on the top screen.

:cry: seeing a limited edition 3ds like that makes me cry sad face sad.

Also, I don't know much about what "reading" the opponent means, but I assume it has to do with high-level play and tournaments. I've heard the term a couple of times throughout YouTube videos, and it seems pretty legitimate. Becoming too predictable is a bad thing, I presume, and "reading" the opponent is probably just that; your opponent becoming too predictable.

And to be fair as an Ike main myself Ike is a character that by nature is easy to read. (I think this is why he is mid to low tier sure he is slower and his cooldown times are punishable but if you know that then its pretty easy to mitigate) It makes him easy to learn and eventually master but he has very few combos and follow ups which severely limits his options. I find that I'm at my best using Ike when I'm playing defensively, dodging using the quick jab combo, countering in a pinch, and using his neutral air. Ike suprisingly is also pretty threatining in the air. His Aether move is particulary useful and his up tilt is deadly and a suprise kill move when juggling opponets. I find it hard to land grabs but his back throw and down throw give good knockback and give a good follow up opportunity his pummel at 3% is pretty good too.

Edited by TacoMan42
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Ike isn't low tier anymore due to the buffs he was given with the one update though. I'd say he's upper mid at the most. But I know, his slowness can easily make him vulnerable.

Just a word of advice though, next time someone wants to give me advice, can you do it through PM? Doing it in a public thread makes me feel like a noob...

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Yeah most tier lists I see now have him ranked 20-25 which is decent. Hell according to this one he is above Metaknight.


I wouldn't rely on this tier list one bit since it's more of a popularity contest because anyone can vote in that site. Palutena and Lucina being that high and villager being that low is just wrong.

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Yeah, and I still don't think any of the other FE characters are better than Ike this time around. Marth got nerfed big time while Ike got buffs, Lucina is nearly the same as Marth, and Robin is even SLOWER than Ike and doesn't have as much range. And his hit boxes are ass. All he has going for him is a couple projectiles and the Levin Sword.

Ike isn't that much higher though, if you ask me since I as I said, he has his own glaring issues. He's maybe a few spots higher.

Imo, Ike > Marth > Lucina > Robin (sadly)

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I actually think all the FE characters are pretty effective. While Robin is slow his attacks are not and cooldown times are pretty managable plus his projectiles have good follow ups. Marth while nerfed is still a huge threat with pro players particulary tippers. Lucina not bad pretty much the same as Marth without the tip damage and better close range combat. Ike is awesome once you learn to use him. Jabs 4 life.

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Well anyone want to sharpen their skills, just let me know. Don't mess around with those For Glory scrubs, they have actually shown to make players worse against more competitive players. Because of the huge variety in skill levels.

Edited by Knife
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I'd play with you, Gaia, but we have some Christmas music playing downstairs... If I turn on a game, the game's noise and the music will drown one another out. >_< Maybe later?

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