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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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"Stop thinking about new controller schemes and give me a new game"

This is in reference to a recent Miyamoto interview where Miyamoto explained that a new F-Zero game is not in the works right now due to a "controller that doesn't work for F-Zero," or something to that effect

I say Miyamoto, but it might have been Iwata. If so, my bad

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"Stop thinking about new controller schemes and give me a new game"

This is in reference to a recent Miyamoto interview where Miyamoto explained that a new F-Zero game is not in the works right now due to a "controller that doesn't work for F-Zero," or something to that effect

I say Miyamoto, but it might have been Iwata. If so, my bad

I won't be satisfied until they design a controller based off the anime, where I can pull down the lever, strike an epic pose, yell "BUUSUTO FAIYAAA!!!", and proceed to plow through the other racers.

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"Stop thinking about new controller schemes and give me a new game"

This is in reference to a recent Miyamoto interview where Miyamoto explained that a new F-Zero game is not in the works right now due to a "controller that doesn't work for F-Zero," or something to that effect

I say Miyamoto, but it might have been Iwata. If so, my bad

It was Miyamoto and I agree just make a damn game it worked perfectly fine on the GCN controller. I think that was a nice way of him saying that Nintendo dosen't think it'll turn a profit so they are not making one.

I won't be satisfied until they design a controller based off the anime, where I can pull down the lever, strike an epic pose, yell "BUUSUTO FAIYAAA!!!", and proceed to plow through the other racers.

Not gonna lie though. That would be pretty epic.

Edited by TacoMan42
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Isn't F-Zero a racing game? Why can't the Wii Wheel work for it?

F-zero's 3D entries are a twitch arcade racing game. It's very fast and requires millisecond reaction inputs to do well. It would be a nightmare to play it on a wheel.

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Oh, I see. I was just curious, I hardly know anything about the series. xP Also, where'd you guys get those Smash cards? I want one too!

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh, I see. I was just curious, I hardly know anything about the series. xP Also, where'd you guys get those Smash cards? I want one too!


Here just watch the first race. Once it gets to lap 2 it gets really fast. You can't react with motion controls in this kind of environment.

The races are that intense on the highest difficulty and it's amazing feeling when you get first place.

This particular track is one of the hardest to get first place in the entire game and it's only the 6th track of the entire game.

This guy playing is pretty much the same equivalent skill that I would playing F-Zero GX. It's that difficult.

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This Chapter (Chapter 6) in the story mode is insane. You have to be perfect to get even close to finishing it. After finally beating it I was so burnt out I just gave up on the game. According to the description of this video it's one of the easier chapters in the game...

<youtube> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2815SnVWhLI </youtube>

(for reference sake, if you hit any of the walls or other cars or slow down then you lose)

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This Chapter (Chapter 6) in the story mode is insane. You have to be perfect to get even close to finishing it. After finally beating it I was so burnt out I just gave up on the game. According to the description of this video it's one of the easier chapters in the game...


It actually is imo. Chapter 7 is nightmare fuel especially on very hard mode since Black Bull and Blood Falcon cheats in that game.

I always feel every hardcore Nintendo fan should give F-Zero X and GX a try at least once. If you consider yourself good at video games, you have not played F-Zero GX.

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It actually is imo. Chapter 7 is nightmare fuel especially on very hard mode since Black Bull and Blood Falcon cheats in that game.

I always feel every hardcore Nintendo fan should give F-Zero X and GX a try at least once. If you consider yourself good at video games, you have not played F-Zero GX.

Is that discounting every chapter before it? Because all the others, while not necessarily easy, were quite manageable. I've also seen Chapter 6 quoted as an example of an unreasonable hike in difficulty. Then again I also see someone in the comments of this video saying Chapter 5 (along with 7) are the hardest chapters in the game when I found Chapter 5 much easier than 6 and also a hell of a lot of fun to the extent that I redid it on hard mode with little trouble. So maybe it comes down to the individual's management styles. Certainly the length of Chapter 6 is unreasonable. A three minute long race is much more aggravating to fail repeatedly when failure is so much higher in the last minute than the first two.

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Is that discounting every chapter before it? Because all the others, while not necessarily easy, were quite manageable. I've also seen Chapter 6 quoted as an example of an unreasonable hike in difficulty. Then again I also see someone in the comments of this video saying Chapter 5 (along with 7) are the hardest chapters in the game when I found Chapter 5 much easier than 6 and also a hell of a lot of fun to the extent that I redid it on hard mode with little trouble. So maybe it comes down to the individual's management styles. Certainly the length of Chapter 6 is unreasonable. A three minute long race is much more aggravating to fail repeatedly when failure is so much higher in the last minute than the first two.

It is very individual dependent but most people I remember back during release considering that Chapter easy but that doesn't mean it was the most easiest thing ever to complete. It probably gave them the least tries or something along those lines. As long as you put your character in full acceleration and make the camera angle like in that video, it makes the chapter much easier.

Also it's kind of funny that Ness expression does change instead of the generic black oval eyes he has all the time.


Charizard's nightmare


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So, is anyone going to play/talk about Smash matches? :P

Also, my sig's Smash card is clickable so it can be leveled up. :)

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