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I feel like Smash Wii Uing. Knife seems to be in a bad mood or something though (people are free to play Smash 3DS if they want to...), so anyone else want to go a few rounds or so? I haven't used my Miis in awhile either and I was supposed to see if the Mii Swordsman could go up some spots on the tier list. Especially now that he/she got buffs in the new patch.

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Ana? Well, good games! I really don't fight Ike's and Robin's too often, and I had a lot of fun playing against you!

Your Frederick mii is very good as well, I should take notes for my mii, heh.

I might've turned my mic on by accident, so if you heard singing, I apologize.

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Those weren't good games to me, so I didn't have much fun. I forgot how much I hate Peach and ZSS. I don't wish to play you anymore because of that. It's not your fault. I hate the characters, not the player.

Also, Ness's PK Flash is OP. KOing at only 85% damage? That's stupid ridiculous when it takes IKE longer to KO someone with any of his moves.

I'm not familiar with Ness or Wii Fit Trainer though, I will admit, so that's another reason I'm terrible against them.

EDIT: Wait, you told me you fought Ikes all the time because of your brother or something. Did you lie to me?

Edited by Anacybele
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You're not going to play her anymore because she uses a few characters you don't like?

haha, okay.

I can kinda understand ZSS but tbh I don't really get your problem with Peach?

Also, the only person in this thread I've ever played is Shezzy. I wish I could change that.

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I might've turned my mic on by accident, so if you heard singing, I apologize.

This line made my day. Thank you.

Also, Ness's PK Flash is OP. KOing at only 85% damage? That's stupid ridiculous when it takes IKE longer to KO someone with any of his moves.

If you get hit by PK Flash, you're doing it wrong. Also, Ike can definitely KO at or even before 85% with forward smash if you're not sending your opponent across the stage.
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I don't like Peach as a character or as an opponent. She's extremely annoying to fight.

EDIT: Red Fox, Ike's forward smash is slow and easy to avoid. PK Flash is faster and doesn't look like it's as hard to land. And I've never KO'd anyone that early with Ike.

Edited by Anacybele
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EDIT: Wait, you told me you fought Ikes all the time because of your brother or something. Did you lie to me?

I fought Ike's ALL THE TIME back when my brother was still here! When Smash 3DS was released, he came over for the while, and we fought for a long time in Project M. Ike was his main, and I'd always play against him online.

But now that it's been a couple months, I don't see Ike's that much anymore because he's gone to college, and I barely get to fight him anymore. Ike's a real treat to fight, and I did fight them frequently, just not much anymore...

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I fought Ike's ALL THE TIME back when my brother was still here! When Smash 3DS was released, he came over for the while, and we fought for a long time in Project M. Ike was his main, and I'd always play against him online.

But now that it's been a couple months, I don't see Ike's that much anymore because he's gone to college, and I barely get to fight him anymore. Ike's a real treat to fight, and I did fight them frequently, just not much anymore...

OH. Okay, my bad then. I was just confused is all.

And I think it's just better if we don't play at all. I don't want to force you not to use your favorite characters.

Also, is it just me, or does Robin have pisspoor range all around? I tried to hit Carter's Peach with it and it did no damage even though she was practically right in it and not shielding or dodging. Wtf...

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I fought Ike's ALL THE TIME back when my brother was still here! When Smash 3DS was released, he came over for the while, and we fought for a long time in Project M. Ike was his main, and I'd always play against him online.

But now that it's been a couple months, I don't see Ike's that much anymore because he's gone to college, and I barely get to fight him anymore. Ike's a real treat to fight, and I did fight them frequently, just not much anymore...

I play Ike too. I'd be willing to fight you sometime, but not just because of Ike.

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EDIT: Red Fox, Ike's forward smash is slow and easy to avoid. PK Flash is faster and doesn't look like it's as hard to land. And I've never KO'd anyone that early with Ike.

You said "any of his attacks." Not "any of his faster, easier to hit with attacks." And it takes good timing and prediction, just like PK Flash, which certainly isn't faster for it to actually kill at lower percents.

I've used Ike's up smash to KO a Pac-Man off the top from the 60s and killed multiple times with forward smashes at the edge well below 100. It requires good reads, and that up smash had charge, but that's the kind of fighter Ike is.

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You said "any of his attacks." Not "any of his faster, easier to hit with attacks." And it takes good timing and prediction, just like PK Flash, which certainly isn't faster for it to actually kill at lower percents.

I've used Ike's up smash to KO a Pac-Man off the top from the 60s and killed multiple times with forward smashes at the edge well below 100. It requires good reads, and that up smash had charge, but that's the kind of fighter Ike is.

Well, if you say so. Carter's Ness was the first one I ever faced online though, so as I said, I'm just really unfamiliar with him.

My Robin was terrible though... I had done decently with him before, I wonder what happened...

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Also, is it just me, or does Robin have pisspoor range all around? I tried to hit Carter's Peach with it and it did no damage even though she was practically right in it and not shielding or dodging. Wtf...

Does Robin's what have bad range? Specials certainly don't have bad range. Aerials overall have decent-good range. Down smash has decent range, though won't hit behind you without the Levin Sword. Forward smash is okay, its problem is mostly being slow. Up smash doesn't have very good range. Tilts are average.
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Does Robin's what have bad range? Specials certainly don't have bad range. Aerials overall have decent-good range. Down smash has decent range, though won't hit behind you without the Levin Sword. Forward smash is okay, its problem is mostly being slow. Up smash doesn't have very good range. Tilts are average.

Then why can't I ever seem to hit anything when I use him? Even when the person is right beside me, I miss a lot for some reason, regardless of what move I use.

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