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Help with Units & Route Splits


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I am currently putting serious effort into finishing tearring saga and I got up to the first route split I placed most characters with Holmes which was good I guess so my first question is during each route split should i just dump all current characters with the current leader? because I noticed from the first split that Holmes routes lasts pretty long compared to Runan I thought Runan was the main character? so should I leave most everyone with Holmes? leave some with Runan? or just dump every single character in the opposite group when they meet? I know Holmes is handy as you can train weak units via monster maps I did so with a few units this game seems to have many characters I am still not sure who i should stay with.

Now my second question how do some units class change? there seems to be limited info on this game online even the wiki does not help much I wanted to know how you class change certain units so far I am having problems class changing Yuni I see at some point she class changes into a dancer? but when and where? I trained her to lv 16 ready to class up and Mel she won`t promote even with a knight proof I hope troubadour is not a promoted class as Mel is terrible even at Lv 17 so are their promotions event based?

And a third and final question money...er..umm I am having a lot of trouble.. with money I spent it all up trying to keep a decent stock of weapons mostly swords and magic and staves. It is hard to maintain a decent amount of money to buy and keep decent weapons and stock. I am running low on just about everything and yes I arena abused but it did not make a difference my funds still dropped super low haha maybe I did not abuse the arena enough. Or maybe it gives out less gold on average than a FE game as I never had the problem in any FE game where there are arenas. And if there are fast ways to make more gold how? random money bags don`t pop up often...

Edited by Naglfar94
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I am currently putting serious effort into finishing tearring saga and I got up to the first route split I placed most characters with Holmes which was good I guess so my first question is during each route split should i just dump all current characters with the current leader? because I noticed from the first split that Holmes routes lasts pretty long compared to Runan I thought Runan was the main character? so should I leave most everyone with Holmes? leave some with Runan? or just dump every single character in the opposite group when they meet? I know Holmes is handy as you can train weak units via monster maps I did so with a few units this game seems to have many characters I am still not sure who i should stay with.

As a rule of thumb, Runan's route is far harder then Holmes' but of course Holmes's route has far more EXP (even without grinding). So characters who are already strong should stay with Runan. Definitely place Raffin in Runan's team since he will get an event that promotes him into Dragon Knight. (As if he wasn't broken enough already.)

Also, Mel will always stay with Roger. Which is important to note since the game doesn't actually stop you from putting them into different teams.

Now my second question how do some units class change? there seems to be limited info on this game online even the wiki does not help much I wanted to know how you class change certain units so far I am having problems class changing Yuni I see at some point she class changes into a dancer? but when and where? I trained her to lv 16 ready to class up and Mel she won`t promote even with a knight proof I hope troubadour is not a promoted class as Mel is terrible even at Lv 17 so are their promotions event based?

Not all classes change. You can see at on one of the pages of a unit's status screen how high the level cap of a character is. First tier units would normally go up to lv 20. If they can already reach up to lv 30, then they are either already promoted or are simply a class which can't promote at all. Mel is a character who simply can't promote. Same for the Sisters and Priests. Bishop Lee isn't actually a promoted Priest. So he is actually unique as the only playable unit who can both use staffs and Magic.

There are exceptions of the rule: Holmes and Runan can both reach lv 30 without promoting despite getting a promotion later on and Raffin gets another promotion despite already being promoted.

Yuni is actually not the dancer. The image in question is used during a event were she gets kidnapped. She will get rescued immediately, so don't worry about loosing her.

The one who can actually become a dancer is Plum. in Map 10, you need to have her enter the bar with the slaver and his accomplice inside so she will get kidnapped. She will then later show up in a house on Holmes' route were Holmes' or Barts can save her. She doesn't actually change classes, she just gets a skill that allows her to dance.

Btw, a promotion will increase a units level cap by "current level" + 20. Meaning that if you promote somebody at lv 10, they can only reach lv 30. But if you promote them at lv 20, they can go up all the way to lv 40.

There are also the Super Proofs, which increase the level cap by 10, regardless of class. So you could for example have a first tier unit which can reach lv 40 if you want.

And a third and final question money...er..umm I am having a lot of trouble.. with money I spent it all up trying to keep a decent stock of weapons mostly swords and magic and staves. It is hard to maintain a decent amount of money to buy and keep decent weapons and stock. I am running low on just about everything and yes I arena abused but it did not make a difference my funds still dropped super low haha maybe I did not abuse the arena enough. Or maybe it gives out less gold on average than a FE game as I never had the problem in any FE game where there are arenas. And if there are fast ways to make more gold how? random money bags don`t pop up often...

The game gives out far less money then the other games. You will probably not be able to keep a particular large stock of weapons. Unfortunately I can't advice you much on how to handle your gold. But I would at least say that I think it's better to sell money bags rather then opening them. They always sell for 3000 but if you open them, you might get more or less gold then that.

One word of warning: On map 9, if you talk to Narcus, he will steal half of Runan's cash at the end of the chapter (you will get it back eventually but it will be so late that you probably won't care anymore.). This event is optional but it is required in order to properly recruit Narcus later on. (He is not just a regular Thief, he is the resident Xane.)

If you ever do plan to trigger the event, leave all the Gold Bags you find unopened and give them to Runan. Also, give all of his the money either to Holmes or use it to buy stuff for Runan along the way. That way, you don't really loose anything and Runan only needs to sell the Bags in order to have enough money to buy one of the extremely rare Dragon Flutes in the next chapter.

Edited by BrightBow
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Oh wait a minute you mean opening money bags gives out less gold? dang wish I knew that sooner I opened them each time sigh. Oh seriously?? I can see a units level cap in the status screen? I never knew that thanks for the info glad you told me it is kinda upsetting though that priests or sisters can`t class change I thought it was like FE where they could.. Wait wait so you mean the dancer Yuni I saw is just for a quick event? dang I thought she class changes sigh too bad thanks for the info on who can`t and can class change now I have a better view on things in this game. Thanks so much! and I will put my strong units with Runan for sure.

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LCT thread? alright thanks for the info on that I will check that out too thanks. And my apologies for the double post my PC is acting odd I know I clicked the dang quote options.

Edited by Naglfar94
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