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Why are a lot of playable characters in FE so...beautiful?


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Probably because Japan is obsessed with good looking people and if you're ugly, chances are you wont make it very far in the popularity polls.

Outside of that, it's meant to represent the fanasty of medival times. Would you want all of your lords to struggle with acne like they should be for their age?

When I was an early teenager, I was indeed kind of confused why none of the characters around my age in anything I saw had acne unless they were supposed to be totally disgusting joke characters

I almost got to the point of seeing it as a representation thing. I saw it as a noble goal to aspire for media more inclusive of more skin conditions, so as to better reflect reality

(so, I guess, a lot of white guys still, but also ones with acne)

By now, I've realized that a key difference between me and any various sorts of people who felt (and still feel) underrepresented in media growing up is that I was (and am) just mad that I have acne

Gonzales isn't even that ugly guys, the only real problem is his teeth. Most of the enemy bandits look way worse in their portraits.

My preferred cranium artillery is that those teeth sticking out aren't his only teeth left Jesus Christ man what happened, they're just weirdly sticking out in odd directions/way too big for his mouth in random places. He just has the mouth of an Englishman who didn't get braces and didn't pull out his baby teeth as quickly as he should've

(raises hand)

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Gonzales isn't even that ugly guys, the only real problem is his teeth. Most of the enemy bandits look way worse in their portraits.


Compared to Steve and co... I think I'd take Steve. He looks like a Frankenstien monster.

That said, it might not alway be the case (Gonzales and Dorothy for example) but it usually is... As others have mentioned, it's a maketing thing, and a lot of the lords have magic super powerful heretaige that may aide appearance... Ike has no excuse, and I wouldn't mind if he looked worse.

Edited by Glaceon Princess
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He has kind of a glazed look there, but there's plenty of people who actually have features that resemble his who aren't shrieked out of town or anything. Sideburns, wild/windswept hair, steep forehead and austere, blocky facial features are building blocks that could easily be used to make a male character who easily fits at least some notion of "traditionally attractive." (E: Admittedly his hands and feet are fuckin huge, and there's probably a bunch of other stuff that I'm missing being not-somebody-who'd-know, but ain't nobody in Fire Emblem got truly realistic proportions)

Speaking of Frankenstein, I think Boris Karloff ain't a bad-looking dude. For his age, he looks pretty normal IMO- pretty good, even

Gonzales' sprite portrait, on the other hand, comes pretty close to looking like a regular dude I could easily sit down and have a chat with. IMO that's the kind of expression/face that says "yeah, I know I ain't perfect," but almost everybody looks a little weird from the right angle if you get close enough

Edited by Rehab
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When I was an early teenager, I was indeed kind of confused why none of the characters around my age in anything I saw had acne unless they were supposed to be totally disgusting joke characters

I almost got to the point of seeing it as a representation thing. I saw it as a noble goal to aspire for media more inclusive of more skin conditions, so as to better reflect reality

(so, I guess, a lot of white guys still, but also ones with acne)

I have also noticed this, and yes, it is weird. They probably do it for marketing, but come on, there's got to be at least one character you can leave out of the promotional materials.

You know what? What about fat people?!


You can't tell me there are no far people in Japan, they have a whole wrestling sport based on obesity

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You can't tell me there are no far people in Japan, they have a whole wrestling sport based on obesity

There are no far people in Japan? *bricked*

I think Meg and Brom mightve been a bit overweight...

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Beauty leans to the good side, ugliness to the bad side. Okay, so maybe that's not entirely true. I don't know what to say on this matter, but having good looking characters is always a plus in the games. And as to the enemies, you want to give an impression that you're tough and scary, thus they make them like that.

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Ralph also has like two lines

To be honest I barely remember anyone from Thracia because they all had like 2 lines and there were two or three characters who were notorious for having zero lines in the entire game (Kein and Alva are two of then).

Robert I think is the other one? He had the smooth wavy hair.

At least they were nice enough to give them death quotes.

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Beauty leans to the good side, ugliness to the bad side. Okay, so maybe that's not entirely true. I don't know what to say on this matter, but having good looking characters is always a plus in the games. And as to the enemies, you want to give an impression that you're tough and scary, thus they make them like that.

Ursula, Selena and Aversa are enemies, but I wouldn't describe any of them as "looking tough or scary"...

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Ursula, Selena and Aversa are enemies, but I wouldn't describe any of them as "looking tough or scary"...

The results might vary, but I'd say it's very apparent that they were intended to look at least somewhat intimidating.

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The results might vary, but I'd say it's very apparent that they were intended to look at least somewhat intimidating.

Also you're supposed to feel bad about Ursula and Selena and you can "redeem" Aversa via spotpass.

Just look at the Grado generals in FE8. Glen is handsome-- arguably moreso than Cormag. Selena is a nice-looking woman. Duessel is a fine-looking older man. Riev looks disgusting. Valter looks deranged and half-dead. Calleach isn't that bad but he has a hard face and he's sure not pretty. Right there you have two decent people you're supposed to feel sorry over, the guy you recruit, two out-and-out despicable villains, one bad dude who's an antihero in his own mind.

And you can pretty much figure where they fall on the moral spectrum from a mug shot. It's not subtle.

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Also the Reed brothers were pretty handsome and even if they were somewhat sympathetic doesn't change the fact that they're murderers who take pride in their job. Ludvec in FE10 also looked pretty nice, Jarod looked evil but not ugly.

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I'd be pretty surprised if someone felt bad for Ursula, she had a pretty vile personality. Given, she was overshadowed by a lot of the other members of the Black Fang.

Compare her to Sonia, though. Sonia's detestable and if she's pretty it's "pretty like a house on fire."

FE doesn't stick to the rule "pretty = sympathetic" 100% but it's at least good for 90%. Sure, Tellius has Jarod and Petrine but compare all the revolting Begnion nobles with buff prettyboy Zelgius and doe-eyed Levail. Again, not subtle. Oliver deserves some kind of medal for bucking the trend.

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Just look at the Grado generals in FE8. Glen is handsome-- arguably moreso than Cormag. Selena is a nice-looking woman. Duessel is a fine-looking older man. Riev looks disgusting. Valter looks deranged and half-dead. Calleach isn't that bad but he has a hard face and he's sure not pretty. Right there you have two decent people you're supposed to feel sorry over, the guy you recruit, two out-and-out despicable villains, one bad dude who's an antihero in his own mind.

Everyone is the hero of their own story.

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It's fiction in general, characters are generally only ugly if they're designed to be. Good looking characters sell better too. I can't imagine many people would waifu Lucina if she were morbidly obese with a uni-brow and buckteeth.

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True, Oliver is a lumpy fellow, but he did start out a villain and I presume came back because his massive ego made him popular with fans.

I'd play a spinoff based around Calleach and his minion Aias but that's a thread for another day...

...yeah, that should be a thing, same here. I quite liked both of them, actually. I know Calleach isn't someone you're supposed to like but I personally can't find myself disliking him.

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I'd play a spinoff based around Calleach and his minion Aias but that's a thread for another day...

That'd be an interesting perspective and it would be a great opportunity to flesh out Magvel.

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