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I knew this would happen.


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I fucking knew it. I knew that what I thought I had would crumble and fall, I fucking KNEW it.

Mel and the bitch broke up about a week ago, but Mel came down the day after to hang with me and Peter. Well, she had said, "At this rate, I won't love anyone again for a long time."

Those words have been stuck in my head the past six days, and I've been so confused. I've been constantly thinking it meant that she didn't have feelings for me anymore, thinking maybe she just worded it wrong. All sorts of different things came to mind, but I never stopped thinking about it.

Well, I spoke to her about half an hour ago, and I couldn't resist asking. I told her I'd had that stuck in my head and I've been so confused thinking about it, so I flat out asked her if she had any feelings for me anymore.

Smart move, dumb shit.

She said no, she hadn't for a while because she was so in love with the bitch. She said that after what has happened, that will probably change very soon, but still... that hurt more than when Mel broke up with me. Hurt more than finding out what my uncle was doing to my aunt not long ago.

Honestly, I hate everything about my life right now. I feel like I've lost the last thing I cared about, and it's all because I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut. I'm positive she'll grow feelings for me again some time, but knowing she has NONE for me right now, after everything I've helped her through... it's pretty selfish, but I can't help it.

Just felt I'd get that out there, maybe it'll clear my mind a bit. Maybe help me calm down.

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Zan I know we have our differences , but i know how you feel. I'm still in love with someone who doesn't love me back. I flat out told her that i was in love with her after 2 years of holding it in and i told her and she said no I don't feel the same way and it hurts thats a wound that cannot be healed but only time time can make it better.

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Hnnh, really, there isn't alot anyone can do but grin and bear it... After everything I did for the last girl I had loved, even after she finished us, I still stuk by her and looked after her, even after she split from the next boyfriend she had after me, I still stuck by her. I believed she would fall for me again, but it never happened. In fact, she turned cold on me, and I never spoke to her since. It was the best thing to happen to me. Didn't seem like it at the time, but yeah, I'm not as happy now as I was last this time last year, but I'm pleased that what happened has happened. Live and learn. Take all the kicks to the balls and just keep going through it all, is what I think. Wow, 11 months since we had broken up. Time flies.

Edited by Raven
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It's just a dumb girl. All you can do is forget her and move on, so that's what you have to do. I would suggest distancing yourself from her to expedite the process.

If worse comes to worst, you could always bat for the other team.

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