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Errant's Thread O' Sprites: ~Evolution~


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Hey, thanks for the feedback Xenoks. Very much appreciated. Any particular favorites? :D

Anyways... Hopefully I will have some time for creating something cool this semester. We shall see how she goes. ;)

The armour soldier is very good.

It looks a bit like a plate armour knight from medieval times, which I find very cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice, thanks for the feedback and compliments.

...and I have an update!
I know... Been a while.

Just gonna copy paste from Skype.

The Errant Shepherd - Saturday 11:33 PM
> wanting to revamp my mug here... into this Lord, Quinn[11:27 PM] The Errant Shepherd:

<<< Change the face a bit... get rid of the scars, new armor[11:27 PM] The Errant Shepherd:

<<< More neutral expression[11:26 PM] The Errant Shepherd:

<<< FE-Custom-Lords_zps5943e960.png

The Errant Shepherd - Saturday 11:34 PM
> green armor guy

The Errant Shepherd - Saturday 11:40 PM
> 1c7e385e3f44e9d5638c46cf20a61adb.png
-face is getting better it at least less scarred

The Errant Shepherd - Today 12:09 AM
> 69985e54c9b4ad8b2ef0cb80a7eea648.png
-obviously WIP... But yeah, this is where I am at, at the moment.

Will have more progress soon hopefully. :)

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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,,,and oh wow, I googled Errant's Thread O' Sprites.

Guess what I found?

My old sprite threads from back in 2008! Crazy...

[5:19:07 AM] The Errant Shepherd: oh wow
[5:19:16 AM] The Errant Shepherd: found my old sprite threads from 2008
[5:19:24 AM] The Errant Shepherd: fascinating reading the comments
[5:19:33 AM] The Errant Shepherd: ...and what I was saying too XD
[5:20:48 AM] The Errant Shepherd: [5:16:49 AM] The Errant Shepherd: ...wow though, I thought I stuck around there a lot longer than I did?
[5:17:04 AM] The Errant Shepherd: no wonder nobody remembered who the hell I was XD
[5:17:21 AM] The Errant Shepherd: ...I was around for like 3 months tops XD
[5:17:48 AM] The Errant Shepherd: then didn't do Fire Emblem spriting again till... just recently. :o
[5:18:55 AM] The Errant Shepherd: Jan 2008-March 2008... stopped, then started up again in September-Oct. of 2014. :o

[5:00:44 AM] (Agro): yeah community attitude sure has changed
[5:00:50 AM] (Agro): i'm glad we're past those days
[5:14:41 AM] The Errant Shepherd: yep
[5:15:24 AM] The Errant Shepherd: interesting that back in the days, I was getting in on Merc's contests... and Bwdyeti was commenting/offering suggestions on my stuff XD
[5:15:50 AM] The Errant Shepherd: ...oh and I actually got shit done in week time frames rather than months XD
[5:16:06 AM] *** The Errant Shepherd misses having spare time :P ***

[4:48:48 AM] The Errant Shepherd: Ha-ha... Wow
[4:49:19 AM] The Errant Shepherd: Found my old sprites thread from FEplanet and FE Spritez
[4:49:25 AM] The Errant Shepherd: http://oldforums.feplanet.net/index.php?showtopic=25125
[4:50:45 AM] The Errant Shepherd: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Fire_Emblem_Spritez/index.php?showtopic=7062
[4:51:18 AM] The Errant Shepherd: Interesting what several years does... Now I put those same sprites as Public domain. XD

...soooooo many dead links. RIP imageshack. ;_;


keep going keep going XD



I NEED TO UPDATE THIS MUG... wow... still not finished it?!

[6:17:41 AM] The Errant Shepherd: b8BgmK.png
[6:17:46 AM] The Errant Shepherd: I need to finish this guy

[6:18:55 AM] The Errant Shepherd: YQNOiZ.png
[6:19:11 AM] The Errant Shepherd: ...because we need more Valkyrie fighters? >.>

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so... from this...


we got to this...


then this...


...and then Toa did some tweaks... and I love Toa now. :)


So yeah... gonna work off of what Toa did here, fix the ponytail a bit I think as it looks kinda bad right now.

Finish shading that body and custom up some armor... :D

Thoughts? Suggestions? Tweaks? All feedback welcome!

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Toa is my new hero.

I think I likely will change the eyes back to the original size/fiddle with that a lil bit... As they are supposed to be twins. >.>

Need to finish up the shading on the scratched shoulder. But now have a good start to work with/add armor and clothes onto.

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Nice like what you did with the face... Bit of the body shading too?

Tyvm. :)

Honestly I am cool with the messy hair, feel like it at least looks more visually Interesting than what I previously had. But likely part of the mess is the holdover from my splice stuff just putting stuff in.

Quinn looks ten times better now. Now to figure out the rest of the cast. :D

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Yeah see that now. More proportional.

You people rock. Yoshi had some tweaks too... For slightly more manly look. Think I prefer the eyes from Aeo though. But given me lots to work off of here and reference. Got some work to do. >.>

Super helpful just seeing how you guys shade though.

are you trying to strip him down or something?

Yeah, strip him down and build him up...

Can build lots of different outfits from that base. :)

That far shoulder is balls.

And as much as I like having tilted faces, despite it being a pain for talking frames, I don't think it works with the body.

Though it's definitely steps ahead of what it was, so good job.

Yep need to finish the shading, or we talking for the shape of it as well?

Hmm... yeah needs to be a bit more... together...?

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Not the best at nudes, it's why I used to always use Aeo's old base from years and years and years and years ago.


Touched up the far shoulder, lightened the near shoulder and also fixed up the neck, or tried, rather.

Tried to make it look like the neck was actually tightening on the side to match with the head angle, I think it looks okay but I'm a quack when it comes to judging whether something's right or not.

Also, free ponytail.

Edited by NICKTâ„¢
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Oh hey, awesome!

Loving these guest spriting tweaks and advice. XD

(Maybe I should make more mugs?)

I think for things I would change/work on myself, probably rebroaden the shoulders as I see him as a larger frame, like in the original base, not bulky but muscular. Basically his shoulders need to come out to where they were coming out to still in the original. I just... Did a kinda sucky job scratching the covered shoulder. XD

Think the neck needs some more shading as currently looks a lil under-shaded? Like it looks better, but not as attached to the head somehow?

Great help with the body though! That shading and shaping reference should be a big help in my retouch.

Ponytail is beast. GOAT indeed. :D

Anyways, awesome Nickt. Thanks for the tweaks. :)

(Quinn is gonna look sooooo good after this XD)

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Oh hey... Battle sprites?

So... not happy with Raena(the sword girl)


Or I was... but then, am not.

Feel like the design was good... but then lost something... and realized, why do I need to have her without pants? isn't that a cheap way of indicating femaleness? So... yeah.


Anyways, here is my tweaks.


  • I kinda like... the second one
  • maybe blue and a darker color would work
  • more black than silver/grey
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The nude dude is sexy...is he a dancer?

Nah, I just tend to... strip them down to the bare bones to add clothes later, sometimes when customizing.

you got make?

...uh, what does that mean exactly? Do you mean... animations?


So... some old sprites of mine.


-Need to either finish this... revamp the design... port to FE style or... do... something?


-Oh hey... my former avatar character, Erwand... He used to cameo in various Megaman sprite comics back in my Bob and George days...


-...and for some reason I forget, he had a Chibi form? Think it was maybe some sort of weird-mini me sidekick thing? I dunno...

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Some more old non-Fire Emblem sprites.

I was working on Cyrus from Chrono Trigger. Trying to turn his back sprite into an actual like playable character sprite. I got the front done okay... I got busy while working on the side view...


Think if I ever went back to this... I would probably give the Glenn sprite longer style hair, maybe customize it a bit more as well, so its not the NPC sprite. I would like to maybe give Glen and Cyrus some fighting poses at least some day. :)

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