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Computer having issues with recent update


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So, I am noticing a trend here. Yesterday, when I started my computer and opened Firefox, my computer bluescreened with a "Bad_ID_Header" or some such, something to do with ram or a driver, and then when I restarted it it refused to boot up until I did System Repair + System Restore. I noticed something about an unknown bugcheck, which was the only root cause there.

After that, it was perfectly fine and did the system updates again. Today I started up the computer, and turned on Firefox and went to the bathroom. Came back, screen was pitch black like it crashed or something. Again, refused to boot up at all so I did System Repair + System Restore. Today it said "A patch may be causing your computer to not start" when I checked the diagnostics. Again, after that computer is working fine and it's doing the updates again. So this is telling me that there is something in the update, I don't know WHAT, that is causing my computer to not work properly. Is there any way to find out what it is at all, and any way to prevent this issue from happening? I really would like to not have to deal with this every day that I turn on the computer...

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Check your Event Log and see if the bad operation is being noted in there. It very likely will, and can point you to the source.

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From what I see:

"Windows Servicing identified that package KB2972098 (Security Update) is not applicable for this system"

I see this quite a lot for the past two days. I also see this, which is new to me...

"Microsoft Antimalware has encountered an error trying to load signatures and will attempt reverting back to a known-good set of signatures.
Signatures Attempted: Current
Error Code: 0x80070002
Error description: The system cannot find the file specified.
Signature version:;
Engine version:"


"The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000019 (0x00000020, 0xd24cc310, 0xd24cc3d8, 0x8a190207). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP."

These two were on the first day this happened (it doesn't say this today) so...there was also something about the system hanging up on starting up so...

That was all in System Log for Event Viewer. Didn't see anything else wrong elsewhere...

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I asked on a few sites just to try to get answers from anyone ha...

So from what I found, it WAS a system update (which I unchecked for the installing, which I hope it didn't install this time. Computer is a Vista btw). It states that it's a "Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 on Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 x86 (KB2972098)". This is currently unchecked right now.

(I also had a bluescreen when I ran Hitman Pro...but I think that's because I was using not the right version of it for computer. Something about SQL_Driver or another in the bluescreen there).

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Well um....apparently this is screwing up on ALL updates or something...


I turned off Updates for now altogether as this is kinda ridiculous. I let the computer sit to see if it would do anything. Not even 5 minutes in, bluescreen (with nothing to tell me what happened). System Repair/Restore, get the same "A Patch is preventing the system from starting". Turned off updates then, checked the Update History and Event Viewer, and that's what I found...

(I tried to post on the forums, but I can't even find where to post a question at. The option just isn't there for me .=.)

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What kind of antivirus/software protection do you have? If you're running AVG or ZoneAlarm, they are known to screw with Vista Vista is your problem fwiw. Try disabling them and then going for the updates.

If you can't run your system restore, do you have a partition drive that you can run a recovery off of? A complete wipe may be necessary, but based on this report, it looks like you've more likely experienced corruption of data rather than a virus of sorts. Back your necessary files up and run a Recov if possible.

You may need to install one update at at time too; I ran into bulk update installs with my HP!vista laptop back in the day.

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I use Microsoft Security Essentials.

I can run my system restore. In fact, that's how I've been able to even get this computer working (whenever it fails to start up and I restart it with the button on the tower, it gives me option to launch Startup Repair. That's where I do it from).

What is Recov? I've never even heard of it o_O

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Instead of a System Restore, I mean a System Recovery. It's essentially a "Factory Reset" on your PC, wiping all information and reinstalling the OS and base programming.

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Just like PCs come with Restore software, models from Vista-> started coming with built in Recovery drives. They used to have CDs that may come packaged with the computer that are designed to basically reset your PC (which is what I do when things get weird). Just do a search for Recovery under your start menu and if nothing turns up, then your Vista comp probably doesn't have anything for it.

Another quick way to tell is to open My Computer. See a drive that looks like its pretty full, but you don't really have access to? (Like a D:\ or something) It might be called HP_RECO_PARTITION or something like that. If that exists, then you've got built in recovery. If not, then it's probably not a foreseeable solution for you.

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That's gonna be it. Somewhere in your Admin Tools near/in the Restore option should be the instruction to initiate a Recovery. Alternatively, just hold F8 when booting up your PC, and a recovery command should come up. You'll probably see Repair instead of Recovery, but within Repair should be the option for Restore, Recover, and a few others that aren't necessary for plebs like us.

It's not as scary as it seems, as long as you back your sh!t up. In all honesty, you should probably back everything up anyway. Since you're restoring now and then, there are obvious problems that you want to plan against, and losing 2 years worth of Manakete fanart will suck.

  1. Back your shit up onto USB/Cloud/DVD/whatever
  2. Do one of the above operations
  3. Wait about...ehhh, 30 minutes or so

After that, your comp is literally brand new, minus hardware wear. First thing, run Windows Update. Then, install your stuff (battle.net, chrome, whatever) You'll want all your security stuff updated before you start putting on new files and programs, to maximize your safety.

Edited by Sara.
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Ah yes, I remember that now. I might do that, depends on if turning Windows Update works or not (apparently most of what is updated is garbage anyways and not really necessary). All of my stuff is on my external (600 GB worth of stuff or so...yeah, there's a lot of stuff on there. It's a 1 TB external so...), and I have all my settings pretty much typed up in a text document that's on my external (just need to get screenshots or stuff of settings for my Camstudio/Camtasia/Dxtory/Bandicam/FRAPs settings I suppose. And my emulator settings if need be).

Things I have on this computer if you're curious:



Soku Lobby (for Hisoutensoku netplay)



Camtasia Recorder + Studio (my main video converting program)

Camstudio (for when I need to do a talk video only)

Dxtory (used when I need to do something not with Bandicam)

Bandicam (used mostly for all my recording, but also used mostly for GB/GBA/SNES)

Microsoft Security Essentials (my antivirus program)



mIRC (for IRC stuff)




VLC Media Player (used for some things)

MPC-HC (used for most video related things)

Photoshop CS2


Fighter Factory Classic and 3 (for MUGEN stuff)

RPG Maker 2k3 + RPG Maker Ultimate 2k9 + DynRPG


ACT File Editor (for MUGEN)

GIF Movie Gear (for GIFs if I ever need it)

Gyazo (for quick screenshots)

HxD Hex Editor (for FE hacking which I haven't done in forever)

Hamachi (just in case)

OBS (just in case)

XVid Codec (my main recording thingie)

Speccy (for computer analysis)

Tiled (for FE hacking)

Process Explorer (for computer analysis)


Kodak AiO Home Center (printer)

Registry Repair (for computer stuff but rarely used)

Those are my main things that I recall using the most.

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. . .WinRAR? Swap over to 7-Zip - no nag screens, and opens more stuff.

The Critical updates are really, REALLY important, so don't neglect those. The Important ones are, uh, too, but not quite as OMG DO THIS NOW as Critical. I don't bother with Optional, ever.

If you're still having crashes after a factory restore, lemme know. We're not a forum dedicated to such things, but I do know of a place that's really good at it.

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I might actually use 7-Zip as well. Not sure...but I think I do anyways.

What I'm going to be doing is trying this out, given to me as a response to the error code, by someone over at RPGMaker.net. I'll be doing it tomorrow though after booting the computer up (going to see if the computer crashes at all when I boot it up. If it does, going to system restore and then do these things. Otherwise, just going to do these things first).


If THAT doesn't work, then I MAY be forced to do a factory restore. Still weird how it's reacting like this towards updates though, and NOW of all times...

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So um....HERE'S something new. After not having any problems yesterday, I have THIS show up (first time I've ever seen it):


It happened on first boot-up. After restarting the machine (using the power button), it booted up just fine. I don't know if this is due to me installing and then uninstalling Dropbox last night (as it was murdering my computer) or not so...I don't know WHAT to do about this error, as I've no idea what it's about. From my research, it's...something driver related? Something about RAID files, which I didn't see in the Device Manager? I don't know. @_@;

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@GreatRedSpirit: Will probably do that whenever I can. Right now it seems to be acting fine...though that's right now. If it acts up tomorrow, I'll follow your advice for sure (I can access notepad/notepad+ documents in Safe Mode right? Because gonna copy/paste what you said into Notepad+)

@Pianotm: The last time I cleaned it was a few months back.

Here's what I see recur the most in Administrative Logs:

For Errors:

"The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

This one appears with various things:

"The entry <C:\USERS\CHUCK\APPDATA\LOCAL\SKYPE\APPS\LOGIN\LANGUAGES> in the hash map cannot be updated.

Context: Application, SystemIndex Catalog

A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x8007001f)"

For Warnings:

"InitializePrintProvider failed for provider win32spl.dll. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources."

EDIT - Here's a screenshot of the Device Manager, if that matters.


Edited by Xenomic
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Hmmm. . .

i8042prt refers to the PS/2 mouse/keyboard, while win32spl.dll is for a network printer? Lastly, I see something about Skype. This is really confusing. . .

And yes, you can access stuff you saved in Notepad/Notepad+ in Safe Mode.

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Yeah, I tried looking in the Event Viewer in System Logs, and it doesn't really give anything else at all so...and in addition, keep in mind I don't bluescreen. Screen goes black and hangs until reboot so...I have a feeling that's even WORSE than normal...T-T

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I was hoping a wipe would fix this, but after that report, it's beginning to look like a hardware issue.

FIRST: Uninstall any and all pirated/questionable stuff. Just. . .trust me on this.

SECOND: Give these guys a holler. The subforum you want is the BSOD, Crashes, Kernel Debugging one. Follow the instructions in the BSOD Posting Instructions sticky, and put the requested info in your first post.

While I could attempt to troubleshoot this, I don't have the time or experience to do so reliably.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so since I've had this new computer now for a couple weeks, I've had 3 issues: 2 bluescreens, both of which were Memory_Management (dunno how, the RAM has more than enough space unless it's somehow going bad), and one instance of the computer just outright shutting itself off. Any ideas what these could be?

(Sorry, somehow I never said I got a new computer in here which...I could've SWORN I did...>_>; )

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The only part salvaged from the old one was the HDD, so that I had 400 GB more space than the 111 GB one this one currently has. It's not 100% totally new (all my bud tells me is "it's pretty old". He's the one that gave me this one since it was sitting around not doing much. It's a gaming computer too so...).

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