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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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Tonton where are you dying in SA easy actually

it didn't really get hard for me until Stage 5 where I was just like "fuck", but maybe that's just because I'm better at video games now than I was in 2008

stage 4 in SA is really cool actually, it's pretty and the tags are fun to dodge. a word of advice is that when faced with the tags the fairies shoot you should maneuver around them and not get killed by them. really though grind practice on SA Stage 4 if it helps you, it's a great stage with no gimmicks (unlike STAGE 5!!!!! junko sux) and the tag patterns are p good for micrododging practice without being overwhelming, and it has cool music to boot....... even though the leap in danmaku difficulty from easy to normal is stupidly large

Edited by Prims
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I like scoring systems which provide a lot of freedom and don't screw you over for one screwup. Haven't found that in touhou yet.

EoSD or IN seems to grant the most freedom.

UFO as well. All you have to do for that one is shove point items in blue UFOs.

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all i remember is that when i first started sa having a mof ez 1cc i couldn't get past parsee and the first time i got past yuugi i got to rin or something

and then after i had 1cc'd more games i went back to it and decided to try reimuA and 1cc'd in like 2nd time or some shit

fuck if i know

why did i stop when i was getting started on normal modes man

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yeah I might try EOSD again. Not sure if i'll sit down with touhou though for scoring. Might try muchi muchi pork or something first.

SA stage 4 is pretty good. SA I feel definitely had a few stages that actually felt like stages. EOSD as well (stage 4 and stage 5).

I hope one day though ZUN will make an awesome final stage.

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I haven't Touhoud hard enough to really know yet. replays are good when there's a card I do not understand how to dodge and I can't make sense of explanations (still need to watch Proto's You Grow Bigger replay...........), but specific advice is also gr9

w/ yuugi i have trouble reading her lasers

i actually know how to do all parsee's cards she's just flukedeath city

Oh... I just finished doing a pacifism run of Parsee for you, but I guess you don't need it.

I won't bother explaining the cards in any detail then.

Why pacifism? If you can time out a spell, you know its pattern well enough to at least survive it (usually it also means you can capture it, but exceptions exist).

Some of Yuugi's lasers can be tricky, I'll see if I can get a good run for you later, gonna grab some food here.

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tonton tbh I would try to focus on clearing normal modes with continues, ideally the ones that don't make you restart the stage if you game over. then if you're craving to 1CC shit you can go back to easy and it'll seem more fair by comparison. practicing on what's the next step above your skill level is gonna be better practice than playing what you're used to as long as you don't make too big of a leap, this is just something that applies to vidya in general.

really it helps to not grind the game over and over and instead just have a short session of one or two playthrough attempts a day. or at least for me. otherwise the game gets boring and frustrating

unless you're playing DDC then it's OK to pull an all nighter 1CCing it with katamarisa (kill me IRL)

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yeah I might try EOSD again. Not sure if i'll sit down with touhou though for scoring. Might try muchi muchi pork or something first.

SA stage 4 is pretty good. SA I feel definitely had a few stages that actually felt like stages. EOSD as well (stage 4 and stage 5).

I hope one day though ZUN will make an awesome final stage.

what defines a stage to you

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just longer I guess. +points for more brutality and an awesome atmosphere created.

and yes prims muchi muchi pork is hilarious but it is an awesome game.

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just longer I guess. +points for more brutality and an awesome atmosphere created.

and yes prims muchi muchi pork is hilarious but it is an awesome game.

Fair enough.

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but other games can have awesome stages yet memorable final bosses as well IMO.

Thinking about it though if UFO stage 6 was better it would probably be amazing on lunatic in terms of straight up epicness.

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For Prims.

PS I died to the lasers that kill you, I'm sorry I am not a better instructor, just bomb those ones I guess. I almost had Ooe and final nonspell, but I fucked up. Most of the rest of the stage was OK, but take with a grain of salt.

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[spoiler=rant (not touhou related)]man DOJ is a trash game with a trash scoring system. Even more thankful now that I didn't play MOF for because it probably would have turned into DOJtrash because it's scoring sounds kind of similar.

Okay back to raging more at this game.

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Oh, wow, I missed so much posts while sleeping?

Though Reimu A is still better cus gap powers, high damage and screen clear bomb with temporary invincibility before the screen clear during which you can graze graze graze.

ReimuA lacks spread though, which is extremely useful in SA.

I feel like SA's power system screwed marisa c since I feel her shot isn't that good anyway. Also yeah reimu a for scoreplay.

Burst damage is kinda lame in SA, and if you really wanted powerful forward shots, ReimuA (Yukari) is right there. So, yeah, MarisaC's shot is really lame. The fact that her bomb does 0 damage is really annoying. Imagine trying to beat some of Okuu's harder spells while your bomb does nothing to her enormously huge HP, yeah, it's not a pleasant experience.

ReimuA is the SA shot type of choice, since everything she does she does well and way better than the other five.

> everything she does well

That restricts it down to forward shot power and bomb range. Which is a pretty narrow scope and besides, MarisaA (Alice) still has stronger forward shot.

Well, Marisa B gives some competition, due to having five option positions that each have a unique use.

Metal Sign is uselessly weak and Earth Sign can only be abused in specific instances (e.g. Parsee and Orin). MarisaB's main advantages are with her Water Sign spread and Wood Sign shotgun, the latter being especially important for bombskipping. These are enough for MarisaB to win over my heart.

MarisaB has a tougher Satori fight and her forward focus isn't that great.

> tougher

Are you serious? Yukari has DBDB and BoWaP. Yeah, I know BoWaP isn't too difficult after a lot of practice, but it's still more brutal than Mercury Poison / Princess Undine / Philosopher's Stone. And then there's DBDB...

I'd say it's the other way around, in that ReimuA having such a hard Satori fight is one of her notable disadvantages compared to other shot types.

Replace Stage 5 with Stage EX and you have my opinion.


yeah SA EX seems good I guess. All EX stages feel pretty good though because I feel like they feel like actual stages.

I love Ex stages~ <3

SA EX is amazing.

Best stage EVAH

Also, ^this

the best stage in Touhou is MoF extra because it has tomorrow will be sunny playing. i have never played MoF extra

Well, you may want to try it out because it's one of the easier Ex stages. And the easier Ex stages aren't actually that much of a step up from Normal.

TD scoring is dumb.

TD scoring is my favorite in the second Windows era, actually. The fact that it has a scoring system that doesn't overvalue survival skills makes it really approachable. Like, you can't hope to score well in MoF or SA unless you can minimize your death count (which requires getting really good at the games), whereas TD and UFO allows weaker players to still have a chance by focusing on scoring systems that aren't directly linked to survival.

Literally the only good score system in the second windows era was SA, imo.

SA has the worst imo, because a single death will kill your base PIV, just like that. At least MoF preserves 33% of it.

Please don't say things like that without much basis. >_>

says the guy who considers Sanae's presence/absence to be sufficient basis for many claims

I keep resetting cuz I can't seem to get past Parsee "My Easiest Spellcard Is My Last One" Mizuhashi without at least one stupid death, should I just stop worrying about it and go onwards without resetting anyway

or maybe I should just bomb harder, I really hate bombing early on in games where you lose power though cuz I feel it makes me more likely to die to attacks where I'm prone to stupid mistakes since I can't end them as fast

probably I'm gonna take a break for now either way, 2hu more like 2hard.

You should bomb harder, because at that point in the game, it's still not too difficult to restore the lost power. Note that you can still get the life pieces if you bomb; you only miss them if you die/timeout.

MoF ~ Literally based on how fast you kill things, no graze bonus, some portions lack enemies just to drop your faith, like the end of Stage 1. Better than UFO/TD though.

SA ~ Scoring system of the gods based on grazing, you can autocollect with graze, increase PIV with graze, and the PIV multiplier doesn't reset when you die even if the base value does. This works well together, imo.

UFO ~ Too gimmik for me. UFO's distract from killing things

TD ~ Again too gimmik, especially considering my resource conservation inclinement.

It's because UFO and TD involve gimmicks that are separate from raw survival that I like their scoring system.

I'd play MPP if I could get it to work right.

Since KANAKO-SAMA is playable (teamed with Sanae).

MPP is fun~

That Ex Boss Spell #9 is really evil though >_<

Heh, I didn't actually notice that Sanae/Kanako was there for a long time; I thought it was just Reimu/Okuu and Marisa/Byakuren. Reimu/Okuu were awesome enough to carry me through the Normal 1cc and Ex Clear though~

Blegh fangames.

There are a lot of great Touhou fangames, y'know?

fantasy maiden wars is cool ok

^Agreed. It's amazing until Yorihime screws you over with pure utter BS in late FMW3

I'd probably enjoy EC if I could just get it to work, since I've gotten over what was done with the Prismrivers.


Don't die with bombs in stock, dodge as well as you can...yeah.

Aside from this being useless generic advice, the "not dying with bombs in stock" is especially horrible advice for SA. You don't want to be too bomb-happy in SA because power restoration can often be really difficult, especially if you're relying on a large supply of Extends to brute force through the later stages. It's more important to clearly identify which segments you think would be worth bombing to and which ones aren't, and making sure to master the no-bomb situations to minimize screwups in a serious run.

My first (only shot type) SA Normal 1cc was with Suika partner, it wasn't that bad, really. Not great, sure, but not bad. I guess that counts as "relatively meh", huh?

Compared to Yukari, Patchy, or even Alice? Yeah, I'd say Suika is relatively meh.

I have more issue with Feat of Strength "Storm on Mount Ooe" tbh

It's so fast.

My suggestion is to go unfocused and try to move vertically as much as possible. Do your best to ensure that the bubbles don't push you towards the left side. If you're using Yukari and want to focus for increased damage, only do so when it's relatively safe, because the primary dodging is much easier unfocused. Also, try to avoid slipping between bubbles; they may be hard to read at that angle and their speed would likely screw you over. Just focus on trying to macrododge the bubbles entirely.

If it makes you feel better, this was an auto-bombskip card (Patchy~ <3) for me back when I got my first SA Normal 1cc.

Not having trouble with Yuugi's final spell is pretty impressive though!

All you have to do with that one is dodge. That's all there is to it.

...are you feeling okay? You've been in useless-advice-mode for a while...

I haven't Touhoud hard enough to really know yet. replays are good when there's a card I do not understand how to dodge and I can't make sense of explanations (still need to watch Proto's You Grow Bigger replay...........), but specific advice is also gr9

I don't mind generating replays to help with stuff, but I'll need something specific to focus on because I'm not pro enough to perfect clear SA Normal and call it a day.

w/ yuugi i have trouble reading her lasers

i actually know how to do all parsee's cards she's just flukedeath city

Which shot type are you using? Please don't say Nitori.

Alice and Patchy should abuse spread to kill more yin-yang orbs, causing the laser pattern to become trivial. Yukari has it much harder, and the sheer density of the lasers makes them hard to read. May be worth bombing to in that case.

Edited by Formina Sage
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First quote: MarisaA is indeed better at stages and unfocused power (plus 8 nifty bombs), but due to being fast and fat in a game as micrododging heavy as SA, even I would prefer a smaller hitbox for this.

Second quote: Hmm, I'm just going by from what I've seen. Both have annoying Patchy fights for sure, but is the difficulty really that high for ReimuA?

Third quote: I'm a dirty hypocrite.

Forth quote: I know, I know. I've played quite a few of them, as you know.

Fifth quote: I don't see what's useless about the general rule of Touhou, lol. I didn't specifically say to be bomb happy in SA, which is something you don't want to do. Honestly, I'm not very SA savvy due to only really playing this game a few times for 1ccs, but still. I admit my knowledge in this game is quite limited.

Sixth quote: I don't know what else to say about a spell that's essentially dodging focused/unfocused. >_> I'm not good at SA talk, so that's why I've been fairly more useless than usual!

And finally, no comment on my new MoF Hard PB? If you have time to criticize my posts, you could've at least gave me a 'well done!' or something for busting my butt to get it. XP Don't make me sad, Proto.

Edited by ZM.
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First quote: MarisaA is indeed better at stages and unfocused power (plus 8 nifty bombs), but due to being fast and fat in a game as micrododging heavy as SA, even I would prefer a smaller hitbox for this.

I know what you meant, I'm just saying that it's misleading when you say ReimuA is the best at everything she does well. She just has a very good balance of her features to make her the most popular choice. Her lack of spread is still a glaring weakness.

Second quote: Hmm, I'm just going by from what I've seen. Both have annoying Patchy fights for sure, but is the difficulty really that high for ReimuA?

I've only seriously fought Satori with Patchy and Yukari so I can't compare it with others. But Yukari's version is definitely way tougher imo.

Third quote: I'm a dirty hypocrite.

Aren't we all~

Forth quote: I know, I know. I've played quite a few of them, as you know.

Hmm, okay. I know you played some, but I didn't know you were impressed by them.

Fifth quote: I don't see what's useless about the general rule of Touhou, lol. I didn't specifically say to be bomb happy in SA, which is something you don't want to do. Honestly, I'm not very SA savvy due to only really playing this game a few times for 1ccs, but still. I admit my knowledge in this game is quite limited.

Sixth quote: I don't know what else to say about a spell that's essentially dodging focused/unfocused. >_> I'm not good at SA talk, so that's why I've been fairly more useless than usual!

Well, I'm just saying that if somebody who already 1cc'd plenty of other Touhou games wants advice for a game or a specific part of a game, general stuff like "don't die with bombs remaining" and "all you need to do is dodge", that's likely not the kind of response that they're seeking. I know you didn't mean it as such, but some players can be offended by this (as if you're mocking them), so I felt I should point it out.

And finally, no comment on my new MoF Hard PB? If you have time to criticize my posts, you could've at least gave me a 'well done!' or something for busting my butt to get it. XP Don't make me sad, Proto.

Whoops, sorry. I meant to congratulate you in Skype and didn't quote it here, but I forgot all about it after I caught up with the Skype backlog. Congratulations, ZM! So cloooooose to 1B...

Knock out in Three Steps is nothing compared to Mount Ooe.

It didn't take me long at all to figure out.

...sorry, I messed up and actually meant final "nonspell", not spell. Knockout is really easy but the nonspell before it is the toughest part of the Yuugi fight imo, even tougher than Mt Ooe. So I was really impressed that you didn't have as much issues with that final nonspell.
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