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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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No really. You're gonna want to challenge yourself with Touhou (by no means the most difficult series ever, but it is really stimulating), and simply beating one game isn't on most people's agendas. So yeah.

idunno i beat IN and then felt pretty satisfied to do anything else

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I don't have the time anymore to do such a thing, and doing Touhou as an LP would be time consuming as all hell. I've a schedule I want to meet this summer, and it doesn't fit.

Oh, alright. I don't know about everything that you have scheduled, so I'll have to take your word for it.

idunno i beat IN and then felt pretty satisfied to do anything else

Shush fera you aren't helping

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So I tried some MoF Extra. I can reach Suwako with 4 lives, consistently (no deaths).

Good job!

I can't handle her second spell. It seems impossible. The lasers always kill me, regardless of whether I try to go above or below them. I am literally getting walled here, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong, as opposed to lack of skill.

You are in fact supposed to stay above them. You'll get very close to the ring of bullets Suwako fires, but the lasers will go back down shortly before the ring would hit you. You'll need to follow the laser down so that the gaps in the ring become wide enough to fit through. It's rather precise micrododging, but overall a pretty easy spellcard.

Her third spell seems all aimed and stuff, so while I keep getting walled, I am pretty sure there is an optimal algorithm that lets me deal with this spell with minimal skillful dodging.

The rings are indeed aimed at you, but note that they'll wrap around the screen once before actually disappearing, so misdirecting them is a bit more tricky than it seems at first. I don't have a consistent capture rate on this one myself, but I seemed to have a bit more success with half-circles than with any other pattern of movement.

Her fourth spell, I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but the bullets still get really difficult with my approach. I'm guessing I'm either doing it wrong, or I lack the skill to dodge those bullets.

The bullets in this one likewise are aimed directly at you after the initial setup; you'll want to misdirect them while at the same time getting out fast enough not to get walled. Again, I don't have a consistent capture rate on this one myself, but you should be fine with just one or two bombs even if you get walled on occassion.

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also i use suika!reimu

I think the most important advice I can give you is to change your shot type. I personally prefer Patchy, but Yukari is widely considered to be the best. Suika isn't that good of a shot type. Her bomb is weak unless bullet densities are ridiculous (Hard/Lunatic modes), her homing shots are weak and can sometimes even be redirected away from the targets you want to fire at (e.g. redirected to Rin's fairies instead of Rin herself). Auto-collecting is good for scoring, but doesn't really help much with survival, because you'd likely only have trouble collecting Power if the bullets are dense enough to let you utilize the Communication Gauge instead. I'm really not seeing what advantages Suika has, aside from not having to face Yukari!Satori's tough spells.

As for Stage 5 advice, I'll just complement what Fera already said

[spoiler=Stage 5]All spirits in the stage fire suicide bullets. This includes the spirits at the very beginning of the stage. You can simply sit still without firing, wait for them to explode by themselves and dodge by slight horizontal movements. If you're low on Power though, it is recommended that you destroy the red spirits, since they drop Power.

For the next part, try to kill the orbs as they come. The red bullets might seem quite dense, but trying to slip through them is actually much easier than you'd expect. Unless you keep trying to avoid the red bullets and the orb count gets really large, in which case, the density would be unbearable. Try to kill the orbs asap and don't get scared of slipping between red bullets.

For the next part, as Fera said, do NOT shoot when there is a single orb in the center firing medium-sized bullets. The center is perfectly safe and not-shooting prevents the spirits from exploding suicide bullets.

Cat-Rin Non-spell #1: Do NOT try to slip between the bullets. Simply move up and left/right and go through the safe path. Go back to the bottom during breaks. The biggest challenge here is in actually maintaining a proper speed. Once you get that down, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Cat-Rin Non-spell #2: This is annoying. Sit at the bottom and dodge horizontally as the bullets come. The hard part is that the first set overlaps with the second set, so you'll have to deal with two waves with very little time in between.

Catwalk: This spell is just evil. Second toughest spell of SA imo. Don't try to capture it. Time your bombs right. I know that for Patchy, the ideal time to bomb is when the cat is in the step before her last, which is bottom-center. This lets you skip the dodging of the first wave, and (if you have enough Power) end the spell before having to dodge the second set of bullets. I am unsure of Suika's optimal bomb timing, however.

For Cat-Rin in general, I disagree with Fera's suggestion of trying to prolong them. They are quite difficult, so you should try to end them asap before you screw up. Also, since they are quite difficult, it's fine to bomb to all of her attacks.

After Cat-Rin comes a bunch of spirits. If you choose not to fire at them, their tiny bullets will reach super-high densities and require insane high-density micrododging. If you choose to fire (recommended), the density of tiny bullets will be much less, but you also have to stream the suicide bullets (which should not be much of a problem). As Fera pointed out, this part can be skipped if you prolong Cat-Rin.

While the spirits are still on screen, yin-yang orbs will come from the top and fire aimed bullets. All you have to do is stream them. The Communication Gauge should generate enough Power to make up for whatever bombs you spent on Cat-Rin. If you're good at restreaming, this part is very trivial. If not, it may be better to bomb rather than risk dying, especially considering that you can get a whole lot of Power here.

The final part of the stage is like the first part of the stage: all spirits. Shoot the red ones if you want Power. Otherwise, just stay pacifist and dodge.

[spoiler=Rin Cheat Sheet]hMmGM9g.jpg

It's really just my perfectionist side speaking when it comes to those :p

Yeah, I figured that when I wasn't panicking from all those bullets when playing the Stage itself >_>

I guess at least the theory part I'm fine with this one I think

The hard part is being recognizing these gaps in time and utilizing them, I also like to go a bit to the side because I seem to have a better time avoiding the red bubble i got so many deaths on the last second ;n;

It doesn't matter where you go to avoid the red bubble, as long as your new position is outside the attack range of the previous bubble. Try to find out where you have a better chance of avoiding the criss-crossing bullets.

I can effectively kill those familiars?

most of the other endgame spells either re-spawned too soon to be worth it or didn't seem to die

I guess I could try that, I've been basically just dodging the lasers and fire as they came, and I don't trust me enough to that

Fire Rat's Robe and Rainbow Danmaku don't have respawning familiars, so they can be feasibly and permanently destroyed. For her other spells though, yeah, destroying familiars probably isn't an option.

I think most of my trouble with this one is being paying attention at both the small bullets and where the new familiars are forming, my successful captures were usually a mater of the familiars forming around near of where I was and depleting Eirin's health faster than the failed attempts

This last part even led me to attempt to time out the spell, which I managed to do once, but I'm still not getting much confidence

I don't even look at Eirin's position. I only have to dodge a maximum of three iterations iirc. Which might actually be too much if you lack confidence, yeah. Destroying the familiars is still a good idea, try it out.

The fist part was okay, I guess.

As for the rest, I guess I'll try what you said :/

Good luck!

This one is actually the one I've had less trouble with among those, I stay in the center and dodge the red bullets vertically, though sometimes I go so much down I might end up trapped >_>

actually, I don't remember why I posted this one with the other :s

Yeah, uh, try to change direction even before you hit the wall. Just in case. This is for restreaming in general, not just this spell.

And as stated in the other post, Border Team!

I'm sure I've already stated this before, but I have a much easier time with Netherworld Team due to how Yuyuko roflstomps stages, leaving me with more than enough resources to bombspam the hell out of all the troublesome bosses. Border Team is still very good though.

Isn't SA's normal mode hard compared to the others

Indeed. I consider 1ccing SA Normal Mode to be my second greatest Touhou achievement, in fact. Well above my other achievements of beating Hard Modes or PoFV Lunatic or even EoSD Extra.

Listen Kalas. As soon as I beat MoF, I'm never playing Touhou until I get a reason to. So I don't care about what it is

I don't know if I'll cry or scream sucess when I play MoF for the first time. Maybe both, but I'm not looking foward to May 30th..

Why are you going to play MoF if you don't want to? Nobody's forcing you to do an LP of MoF, and if you don't actually want to play it, then you really shouldn't.
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I think the most important advice I can give you is to change your shot type. I personally prefer Patchy, but Yukari is widely considered to be the best. Suika isn't that good of a shot type. Her bomb is weak unless bullet densities are ridiculous (Hard/Lunatic modes), her homing shots are weak and can sometimes even be redirected away from the targets you want to fire at (e.g. redirected to Rin's fairies instead of Rin herself). Auto-collecting is good for scoring, but doesn't really help much with survival, because you'd likely only have trouble collecting Power if the bullets are dense enough to let you utilize the Communication Gauge instead. I'm really not seeing what advantages Suika has, aside from not having to face Yukari!Satori's tough spells.


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I think the most important advice I can give you is to change your shot type. I personally prefer Patchy, but Yukari is widely considered to be the best. Suika isn't that good of a shot type. Her bomb is weak unless bullet densities are ridiculous (Hard/Lunatic modes), her homing shots are weak and can sometimes even be redirected away from the targets you want to fire at (e.g. redirected to Rin's fairies instead of Rin herself). Auto-collecting is good for scoring, but doesn't really help much with survival, because you'd likely only have trouble collecting Power if the bullets are dense enough to let you utilize the Communication Gauge instead. I'm really not seeing what advantages Suika has, aside from not having to face Yukari!Satori's tough spells.

Suika!Reimu is actually fairly decent during the stages themselves, although probably not quite on par with Patchy!Marisa's Water Sign.

The auto-collecting special ability is also garbage for scoring (because it doesn't collect point items at full value, but instead at whatever the communications gauge currently is at. A x0.00 multiplier gives you a measly 1000 points per point item lol) and good for survival, because while grazing for auto-collection works, newer players might not feel terribly comfortable doing it. So, having the option to draw all [P]ower items on-screen towards you whenever you want can be quite neat.

Also, Suika!Satori is arguably harder than Yukari!Satori. xD

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soeaking of my failed drafts, The IN one is actually not a draft, because i didnt use Magician team. Im doing it to unlock Last words. i dont know which, but it asked me to clear Hard with Solo Reimu (the one where i died in hourai jewel).

And i've realized there are many things changed when facing Marisa: familliars TAT...

not only Reimu's power not as good as Yukari, it took me forever to actually hit Marisa's non-spell because of her ever-generating Fammiliars, and death-bombs nearly impossible uWu.....

Suprisingly i dont have much difficulty in dealing with Keine and Reisen tho

Kaguya didnt changed that much either, but because i died a lot, my power always ended up around 121-127 and rarely reached max and often died when the boss's spell hp is just a stripe away TAT

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So my controller actually works, for Touhou at least.

I'm rusty and must practice

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@Proto: You misunderstand. I(and still might) hated Touhou for no reason. And then it hit me: Why do I hate it? I'm playing MoF as a stream not a full scale LP on May 30th. I do it for my reason of understanding the game, not any other reason

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So my controller actually works, for Touhou at least.

I'm rusty and must practice

Keep using Practice mode on hard difficulty so you can get through normal with ease :p

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Marisa is my go to again, like when I first started out(oh no). Haha Sekibanki wow that head.

HM is weird, how do I even. Must practice, godliness must be chisled. How do you unlock Mommiezoe.

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Everyone from DDC who isn't a mermaid or a Cirno is mean.

Hm is weird but fun.

You have to beat story mode to unlock the qualified tanuki.I think.

Edited by Spiriter Kalas
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lol @ the pumpkin with the Hakutaku expression. xD

How do you unlock Mommiezoe.

Beat Story Mode with all eight normal characters.

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