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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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Anyone else play Touhou Mother?

I have. I'm at the part where I'm going to Shikieki's place.

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So I tried some EoSD Hard some more. With MarisaB, Patchy uses both Water Elf AND Mercury Poison. I don't think she had both in Normal Mode. Not much of a difficulty boost though. I found the Metal Sign to be easier on Hard than on Normal, actually.

Sakuya is a funny case. ALL of her spells seem much easier on Hard than on Normal. Though, if it's the first time, Jack the Ludo Bile WILL kill you if you try to dodge it the same way as Clock Corpse. I've never captured Marionette on Normal, but Killing Doll is way easier. I'm not sure why ZUN made Sakuya so easy on Hard.

Remirya got tougher though. The new Star of David is slightly tougher, but still simple. The new Scarlet Netherworld seems like a real pain to deal with though. I found the new Vlad Tepes to be easier than Normal Mode because it doesn't have those annoying knives. Scarlet Meister also seemed pretty easy (noticeably tougher than Scarlet Shoot though) and I'm not sure why tvtropes considered it to be exceptionally hard. Scarlet Gensokyo, on the other hand, created pretty high densities of bullets with annoying trajectories, appearing to be much tougher than Red Magic. In fact, I would consider Scarlet Gensokyo to be the toughest spell on EoSD Hard.

Edited by Railgun
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So I tried some EoSD Hard some more. With MarisaB, Patchy uses both Water Elf AND Mercury Poison. I don't think she had both in Normal Mode.

That's probably right; on Hard/Lunatic, Patchy uses 5 spellcards rather than 4 like she does on Normal.

(In fact, almost all bosses have an extra spellcard.)

Scarlet Meister also seemed pretty easy (noticeably tougher than Scarlet Shoot though) and I'm not sure why tvtropes considered it to be exceptionally hard.

That's because the writers on TVTropes are scrubs when it comes to things like these. :|

Edited by Scarlet
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Why didn't anyone tell me about the poll sooner.

My answer is obvious.

Anyway, just an update about my Touhou progress:

I beat EoSD last week, TD a few days ago, and 1cced MoF two days ago. There's a replay in my sig for that run, if anyone's interested. Just know that Kanako and I had quite the duel.

EDIT: I'd vote for you if I could, Komachi. :<

Edited by UFO
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actually, how the heck do you even watch your saved replays? I just uploaded the file that was saved but I haven't figured out how to even watch that, do you just use a video program or something?

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The deadline for the draft is so close and yet nobody asked for help or advice in any section of the game? Well, regardless, I'll share advice on Stage 4, because I observed it to be very troublesome for new players. To conquer the stage parts of Stage 4, there are basically two principles:

1. Whenever you see kedamas firing aimed diamond bullets at you, stay calm and don't just try to run as far away from them as possible. Rather, wait for the diamond bullet to come close to you, and then move as little as necessary for you to avoid that incoming diamond bullet. Continue moving like this this to dodge the next diamond bullets that are aimed at you and so on. This means you will only be moving in one direction at a very slow pace while the bullets form a stream behind you as you move. This is known as streaming and it is a very valuable skill in Touhou.

2. Whenever you see a red fairy, go under it and fire at it until it dies. Ignore all other enemies when a red fairy is present. Be sure to dodge the bullets that are coming at you but try to make sure your shots continue to hit the red fairy even as you dodge. The death of a red fairy erases all bullets on the screen, making it very easy for you to reposition yourself and deal with the bullets. If there are multiple red fairies, then focus on try to kill all three fairies. After you kill one, immediately use the bullet-clear as an opportunity to safely rush to the next red fairy and then try to kill it, and so on,

For the other parts, just dodge the bullets and lasers. For Koakuma (midboss), don't hog the bottom and keep in mind that only the colored part of the big bubbles are dangerous i.e. the white part will not hurt you at all. Obviously, if you're in a bad spot, or have trouble with a specific part, you should just spend a bomb to skip it instead of risking the loss of a life.

If anybody has trouble with anything specific, just ask in the thread and I'll try to help.

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The deadline for the draft is so close and yet nobody asked for help or advice in any section of the game? Well, regardless, I'll share advice on Stage 4, because I observed it to be very troublesome for new players. To conquer the stage parts of Stage 4, there are basically two principles:

1. Whenever you see kedamas firing aimed diamond bullets at you, stay calm and don't just try to run as far away from them as possible. Rather, wait for the diamond bullet to come close to you, and then move as little as necessary for you to avoid that incoming diamond bullet. Continue moving like this this to dodge the next diamond bullets that are aimed at you and so on. This means you will only be moving in one direction at a very slow pace while the bullets form a stream behind you as you move. This is known as streaming and it is a very valuable skill in Touhou.

2. Whenever you see a red fairy, go under it and fire at it until it dies. Ignore all other enemies when a red fairy is present. Be sure to dodge the bullets that are coming at you but try to make sure your shots continue to hit the red fairy even as you dodge. The death of a red fairy erases all bullets on the screen, making it very easy for you to reposition yourself and deal with the bullets. If there are multiple red fairies, then focus on try to kill all three fairies. After you kill one, immediately use the bullet-clear as an opportunity to safely rush to the next red fairy and then try to kill it, and so on,

For the other parts, just dodge the bullets and lasers. For Koakuma (midboss), don't hog the bottom and keep in mind that only the colored part of the big bubbles are dangerous i.e. the white part will not hurt you at all. Obviously, if you're in a bad spot, or have trouble with a specific part, you should just spend a bomb to skip it instead of risking the loss of a life.

If anybody has trouble with anything specific, just ask in the thread and I'll try to help.

1. what are kedamas?

2. That explains why sometimes bullets just disappear lol.

Thanks for the advice, I figured asking for strategies would be not very sporting but I guess if everyone can see it than its not a big deal.

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EoSD: http://replays.genso...ad.php?id=33428

Can some of the Touhou-Gurus here comment on it? I know I made a lot of ****-ups still, but at least I doubled my previous high score (29 millions and change) and 1CCed it.

[spoiler=Analysis]Stage 1 - Item collection was really good, except for missing the big P item from midboss!Rumia. In particular, there was some effort to collect blue items from as high as possible, which helps for scoring. Reimu is too slow though

Rumia - Perfect clear, not much grazing.

Stage 2 - Oh, snap, ReimuA can kill those kedamas really fast with those homing shots. The bomb there should've helped a lot in item collection. Daiyousei took quite a while to beat, thanks to ReimuA's crappy damage output. Why do I get the feeling the second bomb was fired solely because you were missing a big P item? Anyhow, full power before Cirno, which is pretty good.

Cirno - Perfect clear, good job. Icicle Fall cheese. Stage clear got you a 1up, which is a good sign.

Stage 3 - Homing shots helped a lot with generating items to collect at full value. Did a really great job at abusing every opportunity to auto-collect. Midboss!Meiling was okay, until you died. Not sure if you were distracted or anything, but it's better to bomb than risk dying during a part you know you find tough. I liked how you kept trying to auto-collect, before you realized you needed to get back to full power first, heh.

Meiling - Great job at non-spell #1 and Rainbow Wind Chime. Understandable panic bomb at non-spell #2 though seriously, if you're using ReimuA, you don't need to try staying under the boss if that's too dangerous. Everything except non-spell #2 perfect-cleared. Also, while you did auto-collect at every opportunity, I should point out that items get dropped to half the max value (and less) if you get them at below the point of collection. So it's generally advisable to stay high up until you get all the items, if it's safe to do so.

Stage 4 - Oh, boy, there was an amazing number of auto-collect moments here, but no streaming at all, wow. Very good deathbomb during the green bullets part, I'm impressed! Koakuma was dealt with easily. There was an unfortunate greed death by colliding into a book trying to auto-collect, followed by what was either a rage bomb or a really slow reactive bomb. As for the crazy aimed bullets part, once again, there was no streaming whatsoever, but ReimuA kinda trivialized it and did an excellent job auto-collecting everything. Also, it might just be that you hate the red fairies, but every time that you bombed in their presence, you actually collected a goood chunk of items, so it was very beneficial to your score.

Patchy - You uh, kinda collided into a laser without being threatened by the bullets >_>. Followed by a rage bomb. And then two bombs at the next Non-Directional Laser. Yeah, you probably have trouble with that. The idea is to move with the first laser, wait for 2-3 bullets to pass and then exploit the gap to run away from the second laser. Attempting to dodge at an earlier or later time often fails. Agni Shine was a nice capture. Lava Cromlech had a non-wasted death (first I've seen in all of the EoSD Easy replays I checked out, lol). Followed by another rage bomb <_<.

Stage 5 - Great deathbomb early on, but the second bomb seemed quite unnecessary. Auto-collecting after that looked risky but it paid off well with no losses. Also, note that P items offer the same value wherever you collect them.

As for midboss!Sakuya, you seemed too intent on going left without ever actually trying to dodge by moving to the right, towards the center, where you could've hit Sakuya directly. This led to your death, since the non-spell should've ended by this point. Also, it's generally a better idea to dodge by staying in the gap between the kunai and the knives, rather than trying to avoid them all entirely. There was another rage bomb after that. Timing out the non-spell, while very easy to pull off, is not usually recommended because you end up missing the 1up that Sakuya drops after clearing her midboss spell, Misdirection.

As for the part after the midboss, it looks really intimidating but it's actually pretty easy if you just focus all your attention on your character and the bullets approaching her. Those two bombs were still a good precautionary measure.

Sakuya - Non-spell #1 captured, you quickly learned that hogging the bottom is a bad idea. Clock Corpse was going good, until you tried to dodge to the left despite being near the left edge. Should be obvious, but make sure you actually have plenty of room to dodge the knives in whichever direction you decide to go. And then another rage bomb >_<.

For non-spell #2, hogging the bottom put you in a bad position, but you reactively bombed to deal with it, nice. Luna Clock was panicbomb'd, but Fantasy Heaven was powerful enough to essentially skip it. Auto-collecting after that was pretty great, and earned you an extra life. Non-spell #3 went well, but there was a death and a bomb. Two bombs on Marionette, not sure if you were trying to bomb skip it, but it makes sense considering it's the final spell here.

Overall - First things first. Please. Stop. Ragebombing. Like, seriously. When you die, all bullets are cleared. And it remains safe for quite some time (long enough skip Maze of Love, at least). So it's completely pointless to waste a perfectly good bomb immediately after dying. Bombs are too valuable a resource to waste on ragebombs.

Aside from that, your general dodging skills were pretty good. There were some situations where your approach was ineffective (like Sakuya's midboss non-spell and Clock Corpse), so I would suggest you either use Practice Mode to learn how to deal with those, or simply plan to bombskip them before you actually die.

In terms of scoring, you were doing really great. You did an excellent job in abusing opportunities to auto-collect while not going as far as risking your life for it. The only greed death was caused by an unanticipated book spawn. You even auto-collected the Luna Clock spoils, which most players would initially perceive to be too risky. I can see how you were able to reach 60M on Easy, which is quite an achievement! Good job!

Edited by Railgun
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