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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

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    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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The hit-box is the part of your character that shouldn't get hit by enemy bullets or laser (or the enemy themselves!), if you get hit you lose a life, if you lose all lives, it's Game Over!

The hitbox itself is much smaller than your character and can be seen as a small white circle while you're focused (holding down Shift)

Bombs... are an alternative way to attack your enemies, they also clear bullets on the screen, so they are more than mere offense, MoF is simple in this aspect that every character shares the same bomb type (lame!)

you can use them with the X key as long as you have more than 1 power

you also has a really short time frame after dying where

Power is what determines how strong your regular shot, it goes from 0 to 5 (although your shot power won't vary beyond 4), and can be increased by collecting Power Items (the red ones) and decreases by 1 every time you use a bomb

small Power Items give 0.05 power and big ones give 1

The PoC or Point of Collection is a imaginary line (in MoF you can see it just as you start Stage 1) where if you are above it, you'll collect all items on the screen (in past games you required to have full power or be focused to do this, but MoF allows it at all times!)

This is the basic, and the bomb part only applies to MoF and SA, in other games you have your own supply of bombs instead of sacrificing firepower to use it

As for scoring, it varies how it works a lot between games, but one common thing are the Point Items (blue)

MoF has the faith system, but I'll let the details of that for Scarlet to explain

You get one extra life when you reach each score threshold of 20, 40, 80 and 150 million points and one in the Stage 3 and 5 Midbosses

Btw, since we're on it, how does grazing affect anything in MoF (if at all)

It doesn't seem to have obvious indications of it like some other games

Edited by Odo
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... Explain them to me please.

Alright, where do I start...

First off, did you know you can slow down your movement by holding the focus button? Doing so also causes a little red dot to appear on your character. That's your actual hitbox - it's just as small when you're unfocused, you just can't see it.

In a way, it may help to think of that hitbox as your character rather than the sprite you see by default - you'll only die if that little hitbox is hit by bullets or collides with enemies. If a bullet passes over your character's sprite without touching your hitbox, you'll remain completely unharmed - this is known as grazing. Later on, bullet patterns will become so dense that it's impossible to survive them if you don't know about your hitbox, so try to get a feel for that!

You're playing Mountain of Faith, right? In this case, at the beginning of the game, the game will briefly notify you of a line titled the "Point of Collection", in short PoC. Passing above this line at any time will draw all items on-screen towards you and automatically collect them. This is useful not only for scoring purposes, but also to conveniently gather all those [P]ower items enemies drop.

Speaking of Power, higher Power will not only increase your damage output, it'll also allow you to use bombs. Pressing the bomb button while you have at least 1.00 Power or more will reduce your Power by 1.00 and release a powerful magical circle that removes bullets from the screen and damages enemies and bosses alike. You'll also be invincible for a few seconds (indicated by your character flashing), so this is a good means to survive situations that would otherwise be too overwhelming.

It is, in theory, possible to beat the whole game without ever bombing or dying, but if you do mess up or feel overwhelmed, don't be afraid to bomb! It's vastly preferable to just dying.

If there's anything else you'd like to know about, feel free to ask!

EDIT: Ninjas, ninjas everywhere

Edited by Scarlet
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EDIT: Ninjas, ninjas everywhere


pls check to see if i didn't make any mistakes

Btw, since we're on it, how does grazing affect anything in MoF (if at all)

It doesn't seem to have obvious indications of it like some other games

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MoF has the faith system, but I'll let the details of that for Scarlet to explain

Well, the Faith system is only relevant if you care about score, so I think it's better to leave that out for now. We don't want to overwhelm him with too much stuff to take in at once, do we? xD"

Btw, since we're on it, how does grazing affect anything in MoF (if at all)

It doesn't seem to have obvious indications of it like some other games

Aside from the visual effect and sound, grazing in MoF does absolutely nothing! A bit disappointing, but meh. xD

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Well, the Faith system is only relevant if you care about score, so I think it's better to leave that out for now. We don't want to overwhelm him with too much stuff to take in at once, do we? xD"

Aside from the visual effect and sound, grazing in MoF does absolutely nothing! A bit disappointing, but meh. xD

yeah, you're right let's leave that for now

aww, sad

no wonder I've only found out about it in IN

at least i won't be risking myself in this game

Edited by Odo
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Alright, where do I start...

First off, did you know you can slow down your movement by holding the focus button? Doing so also causes a little red dot to appear on your character. That's your actual hitbox - it's just as small when you're unfocused, you just can't see it.

In a way, it may help to think of that hitbox as your character rather than the sprite you see by default - you'll only die if that little hitbox is hit by bullets or collides with enemies. If a bullet passes over your character's sprite without touching your hitbox, you'll remain completely unharmed - this is known as grazing. Later on, bullet patterns will become so dense that it's impossible to survive them if you don't know about your hitbox, so try to get a feel for that!

You're playing Mountain of Faith, right? In this case, at the beginning of the game, the game will briefly notify you of a line titled the "Point of Collection", in short PoC. Passing above this line at any time will draw all items on-screen towards you and automatically collect them. This is useful not only for scoring purposes, but also to conveniently gather all those [P]ower items enemies drop.

Speaking of Power, higher Power will not only increase your damage output, it'll also allow you to use bombs. Pressing the bomb button while you have at least 1.00 Power or more will reduce your Power by 1.00 and release a powerful magical circle that removes bullets from the screen and damages enemies and bosses alike. You'll also be invincible for a few seconds (indicated by your character flashing), so this is a good means to survive situations that would otherwise be too overwhelming.

It is, in theory, possible to beat the whole game without ever bombing or dying, but if you do mess up or feel overwhelmed, don't be afraid to bomb! It's vastly preferable to just dying.

If there's anything else you'd like to know about, feel free to ask!

EDIT: Ninjas, ninjas everywhere

Thank you Scarlet!

I would say the same for Tonton but fuk him

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So I finally got The Genius of Sappheiros to run

Sooo much instant death. @_@

Okuu's Mega Flare is stupid. How are you even supposed to see that coming? I beat her on my third try, but damn.

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Hi :Roy:

Nice to meet you all. I'm new in this forum and I heard you had some Tôhô Project threads here :) It's always nice to have people to talk about this passion of mine. Actually, I play Tôhô FAR more often than Fire Emblem. I'm actually trying to do a more-or-less nice run in Double Dealing Character lunatic. I mean I want to use bombs only when absolutely necessary, and capture as many spell cards as possible :D Soon I'm going to update my Youtube channel with recent replays, so maybe I'll show you then, if you're interested.

I've already voted in the poll. Yûka Kazami for PC-98 and Sanae Kochiya for Windows. I would vote for Yûka again in Windows, but I don't see her as a 5th stage boss exactly.

Edited by Zelgius150
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So I finally got The Genius of Sappheiros to run

Sooo much instant death. @_@

Okuu's Mega Flare is stupid. How are you even supposed to see that coming? I beat her on my third try, but damn.

Heh, I have no-deaths, no-items principles for RPGs (reviving before the battle is over is fine though) so Instant Death was super frustrating for me. Wait till you get to Eientei...

Also, some advice. Train all characters. You can skip out on training Aya because her best niche is as a Commander, but train all of the other characters, at least. Also, try not to go crazy with forging character-specific equipment, because the forging materials are quite limited if you don't pursue stupidly low drop rates or postgame sidequests.

Being able to reach Okuu in your first sitting of the game is quite impressive. I can see you're enjoying it, which is great!

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intro text

Welcome to Serenes Forest Forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Please let us know if you ever need help with anything!

Though, the helping may often be the other way around, considering that you 1cc Lunatic Modes and can even perfect-clear a few Extra stages, like SA's >_<

Edited by Railgun
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@Zelgius150: Uh, hi I suppose?

So you're a Lunatic player?

Heh, I have no-deaths, no-items principles for RPGs (reviving before the battle is over is fine though) so Instant Death was super frustrating for me. Wait till you get to Eientei...

What could Eientei possibly throw at me that's worse than AoE Instant Death? xD

Also, I suppose you never used Patchy, then? Patchy's HP suck so bad, she gets OHKO'd in like every other battle. xD

Also, some advice. Train all characters. You can skip out on training Aya because her best niche is as a Commander, but train all of the other characters, at least. Also, try not to go crazy with forging character-specific equipment, because the forging materials are quite limited if you don't pursue stupidly low drop rates or postgame sidequests.

Yeah, I haven't crafted anything yet. There are a couple of items that'd be quite nice to have, but they require items from places that probably have better equipment to begin with. >_>

Do I really need to train everyone? So far I've been able to get by fairly well with a team consisting of Reimu, Sakuya, Mokou, Marisa and Patchy, with either Sanae or Aya as the commander depending on the situation.

I don't understand what role Nitori is supposed to fulfill, Alice is too awkward to use, Sanae's support spells are kinda useless outside of boss battles, and Aya feels like a weird Jack of All Trades that can't really do anything well except act first.

I also can't be bothered to recruit Byakuren early. xD

Being able to reach Okuu in your first sitting of the game is quite impressive. I can see you're enjoying it, which is great!

Yeah, it's pretty fun, but some of the enemies are a bit cheap. (Yes, Mind Flayers, I'm looking at you!)

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@Zelgius150: Uh, hi I suppose?

So you're a Lunatic player?

He perfect-clears Extra stages too.

What could Eientei possibly throw at me that's worse than AoE Instant Death? xD

Fast enemies that proc Insta-death with their physical attacks, with a really high chance too. Not as bad as Mind Flayers, but more common.

Also, I suppose you never used Patchy, then? Patchy's HP suck so bad, she gets OHKO'd in like every other battle. xD

Patchy is like, my favorite character from all the playables, so I used her a lot. I kept formations where she sits at the back.

Yeah, I haven't crafted anything yet. There are a couple of items that'd be quite nice to have, but they require items from places that probably have better equipment to begin with. >_>

Character-specific weapons are pretty unique and generally beat whatever the next dungeon offers. But yeah, saving the forging material sounds like a good idea, because Akyu provides new recipes quite often, and you can't reverse your forging decisions.

Do I really need to train everyone? So far I've been able to get by fairly well with a team consisting of Reimu, Sakuya, Mokou, Marisa and Patchy, with either Sanae or Aya as the commander depending on the situation.

That's up to you, but each character does have their own unique niche. With the way EXP gain works, yeah, you should definitely train everyone. And I have other reasons for suggesting that too, but they're kinda spoilery.

I don't understand what role Nitori is supposed to fulfill, Alice is too awkward to use, Sanae's support spells are kinda useless outside of boss battles, and Aya feels like a weird Jack of All Trades that can't really do anything well except act first.

Nitori is mainly famous for her guns, and for being the only character with physical skills of multiple other elements. She's incredibly useful against certain specific bosses. Alice is the greatest wall and you most definitely must train her. Sanae gets the best healing, and her support spells get really useful once the generics start being troublesome. Aya is crap in-battle imo and should be benched unless you need her as a Commander for boss battles.

I can post the link to my GoS Tier List, but it'll contain spoilers of which characters you can get. I will mention that the top tier is composed of Alice and Sanae.

I also can't be bothered to recruit Byakuren early. xD

Uh, if you know how to, then why not just do it? You can keep the window inactive. Byakuren is really good.

Yeah, it's pretty fun, but some of the enemies are a bit cheap. (Yes, Mind Flayers, I'm looking at you!)

Mind Flayers are the most evil enemies ever. Have fun! Edited by Railgun
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Oh, wait, I haven't done any lunatic 1cc yet! Just working on my first one with DDC :)

Yeah, I've perfect two Extra Stages too (Suwako and Koishi), so I'm probably a lunatic-level player.

I suppose you're all playing Genius of Sappheiros? Railgun talked me about it in the chat.

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I still haven't beaten the last battle of the expansion. Literally zero motivation.


Alice's Marionette Parrar is, bar none, THE most broken ability in the game in terms of sheer utility and general usability, level up the Manipulation growth tree as soon as possible and equip your best heavy shield on her. Gamer Fan from the code machine at Rinnosuke's is excellent as well because her early greaves don't provide very much.

Aya is only useful for extremely niche situations like Breath Reflection; the Paparazzi commander ability is awesome, though. Combine it with Sakuya's Private Square if you don't want to have any fun with this game.

I recommend forging Sakuya and Mokou their dual-handers and gloves whenever you feel it's appropriate, they pack a solid punch (especially Sakuya).

Hi :Roy:

Nice to meet you all. I'm new in this forum and I heard you had some Tôhô Project threads here :) It's always nice to have people to talk about this passion of mine. Actually, I play Tôhô FAR more often than Fire Emblem. I'm actually trying to do a more-or-less nice run in Double Dealing Character lunatic. I mean I want to use bombs only when absolutely necessary, and capture as many spell cards as possible :D Soon I'm going to update my Youtube channel with recent replays, so maybe I'll show you then, if you're interested.

I've already voted in the poll. Yûka Kazami for PC-98 and Sanae Kochiya for Windows. I would vote for Yûka again in Windows, but I don't see her as a 5th stage boss exactly.

What up, we're all pretty crap here except for Scarlet over there.

and some other people but they don't post enough in this thread for me to actually remember who it is that I'm talking about

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Oh yeah, Scarlet can you tell me all the controls for MoF(or rather Touhou games in General, and I use a keyboard for reference)

Also welcome Zelgius, and enjoy your stay an such.

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>Finding out R and Q are shortcuts for restart and quit in SA's pause menu

So gud

Also touhou controls in general:

Z: hold for shot

X: press for bomb

Arrow keys: arrow keys

Shift: slowed-down focused movement + changed shot (usually stronger) + hitbox shows (except EoSD without patch)

Esc: pause menu

Ten Desires only: C: activate trance mode manually at full 3 spirit gauge

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Fast enemies that proc Insta-death with their physical attacks, with a really high chance too. Not as bad as Mind Flayers, but more common.

If that's it and they're not super-durable as well or something, I think I can deal with them. :V

Patchy is like, my favorite character from all the playables, so I used her a lot. I kept formations where she sits at the back.

I'm using the Moriya Wall formation, so she does sit at the back in my case. But occassionally, enemies decide to attack her anyway, and when they do, she gets murdered pretty hard. D:

That's up to you, but each character does have their own unique niche. With the way EXP gain works, yeah, you should definitely train everyone. And I have other reasons for suggesting that too, but they're kinda spoilery.

Uh, I think I get it. xD

Nitori is mainly famous for her guns, and for being the only character with physical skills of multiple other elements. She's incredibly useful against certain specific bosses. Alice is the greatest wall and you most definitely must train her. Sanae gets the best healing, and her support spells get really useful once the generics start being troublesome. Aya is crap in-battle imo and should be benched unless you need her as a Commander for boss battles.

When does Nitori get those other skills? I was kinda confused because she starts out with only a single skill that doesn't really do much. :/

So far Reimu and Mokou have been doing the tanking just fine. I can kinda see how Alice is supposed to be played, but I've never been big on pure defense in videogames.

Sanae's healing is useful as Commander support, but it just doesn't warrant an actual spot in the party itself, considering HP are refilled after each battle anyway (and Reimu has healing spells of her own for emergencies). I can imagine that the buffs will probably become more important later on, but so far I'm doing fairly well by abusing weaknesses and taking out enemies before they can do much damage.

I've now also got Satori and Youmu.

Does Satori's learning work like Blue Mages do in Final Fantasy? I sure hope so, as just debuffing enemies doesn't sound terribly great in itself (a lot of bosses so far seemed to be immune to Sakuya's debuffs).

Youmu doesn't seem terribly difficult to use. I think I'll rotate her into my party every now and then.

I can post the link to my GoS Tier List, but it'll contain spoilers of which characters you can get. I will mention that the top tier is composed of Alice and Sanae.

I already know which characters are recruitable, including the expansion ones (the original character was listed as "???" though), so go ahead. xD

Uh, if you know how to, then why not just do it? You can keep the window inactive. Byakuren is really good.

I just can't be bothered. xD

Mind Flayers are the most evil enemies ever. Have fun!

Screw them, I think I've found a couple of enemies I hate even more.

What is it with some of the bird-type enemies in this game being impossible to hit with physical attacks while at the same time either being immune to magic or using a super-high-priority skill each turn that outright cancels it? Heck, you can't even run away from them lol.

I suppose you're all playing Genius of Sappheiros? Railgun talked me about it in the chat.

I currently do, but I dunno about everyone else. xD


Alice's Marionette Parrar is, bar none, THE most broken ability in the game in terms of sheer utility and general usability, level up the Manipulation growth tree as soon as possible and equip your best heavy shield on her. Gamer Fan from the code machine at Rinnosuke's is excellent as well because her early greaves don't provide very much.

Aya is only useful for extremely niche situations like Breath Reflection; the Paparazzi commander ability is awesome, though. Combine it with Sakuya's Private Square if you don't want to have any fun with this game.

I recommend forging Sakuya and Mokou their dual-handers and gloves whenever you feel it's appropriate, they pack a solid punch (especially Sakuya).

I don't even know how I'm supposed to figure out the codes for the machine in Rinnosuke's shop. D:

I haven't actually tried using Sakuya's Private Square yet. Is it really that good? Sakuya's own damage output so far hasn't been terribly impressive if she didn't proc insta-death (which probably doesn't work against bosses), and a lot of the bosses I've fought so far have had some form of health regeneration.

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The only fanmade game I've played till now it's Tôhômon Another World, and I enjoyed it a lot. I want to play some other fanmade games, but, for now, I prefer to focus on official games.

What about Shoot the Bullet and Double Spoiler? I completed StB and I'm actually in level 13 of DS. I find them pretty funny, because I find they also have an element of puzzle: you need to plan when to shoot a photo so you can also open spaces when the bullets are the more dangerous/tricky.

By the way, do any of you ever tried to capture Double Dealing Character's lunatic spell cards? I need help with one of Benben Tsukumo's.

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only Lunatic spell I ever tried to capture was in MoF's stage 1 with glitch!MarisaB

StB is very puzzle, yes. Haven't tried Double Spoiler but it's very sismilar from what I remember?

Didn't play much of it, but it's really fun

Have you played Impossible Spell Card yet? it's pretty fun

What of the fighting games?

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