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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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It also made sense!

Because clearly the only players that deserve to get extra lives are those that don't die and thus, don't need the extra lives. Makes perfect sense, indeed.

Seriously, though, when it comes to Extends, my favorite system is DDC's. Life Pieces are readily available and the bonus counter can be incremented many times during a stage, generating life pieces even if you don't get much Bonus 2.0s. So even if you mess up a few times, you can still get plenty more. SA and UFO also provide ample life pieces, but SA's system seems counterproductive to me and UFO's system involves too much extra work. I don't like score-based scoring systems since they keep an upper cap on the life count that is generally easily reached or almost reached (just one extend short) in pretty much all completed runs with little to no variance.

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SA is fun.

would like DDC's system more if the game didn't feel balanced around cheesing it by loading your stocks

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Fujigoddess no Glacekou


Because clearly the only players that deserve to get extra lives are those that don't die and thus, don't need the extra lives. Makes perfect sense, indeed.

Seriously, though, when it comes to Extends, my favorite system is DDC's. Life Pieces are readily available and the bonus counter can be incremented many times during a stage, generating life pieces even if you don't get much Bonus 2.0s. So even if you mess up a few times, you can still get plenty more. SA and UFO also provide ample life pieces, but SA's system seems counterproductive to me and UFO's system involves too much extra work. I don't like score-based scoring systems since they keep an upper cap on the life count that is generally easily reached or almost reached (just one extend short) in pretty much all completed runs with little to no variance.

SA's life piece system would be perfect if bosses always dropped them rather than on just no death.

You can still bomb though, so that helps a lot.

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SA easy isn't to bad?

if the scoring is fun or the extends aren't brutal to get (unless the game has a fun scoring system) then yeah point extend systems are fine.

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I don't like score/point item extends due to the lack of variation. Take EoSD, for example. You're either gonna get the 60M Extend or you'll miss it. Which means your Extend count is either five or six, depend on how well you score. And getting to 60M doesn't even require high-tier scoring. The lack of variation makes the system seem pretty useless. If you're trying to pursue a serious 1cc of EoSD, you might as well just assume you will get 6 Extends and ignore the Extend system otherwise. At worst, you'll just be stuck with five Extends. Which is just too static for me to like.

DDC/SA/UFO are different in that sense, since it requires the player to actually care about the Extend system. The total number of life pieces that players collect can vary significantly between different runs, even if they're all 1ccs and by the same player. Which I find to be really cool, since it makes the Extend system a very important factor in your performance in the game, and can have a serious impact on your ability to 1cc.

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i actually like SA's system even though it's counter-intuitive, if nothing else it encourages you to git gud. score extend systems are simple and workable, but proto's point about them is valid. ufo and ddc are interesting and having to know what points in each stage you can turn into new resources definitely adds to the game, but i don't think the systems themselves are very fun in practice

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I like 10Ds' because there's more to it than just scoring or not dying, but it doesn't annoyingly interfere with the gameplay (UFO) or give you an overabundance of resources (DDC)

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i actually disagree with not annoyingly interfere with gameplay

td was actually the hardest one for me to get a 1cc because of the trance system

i don't like ufo's either but you can at least get extends more easily than td

Edited by Tonton
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what difficulty were you playing on? TD has one of the easiest normals in my opinion. trance is basically an extra bomb that can help you get resources faster. I like TD a lot in general - the danmaku ain't super amazing or anything, but it's a fun break game in between UFO and DDC. the music is really relaxing too it's like the touhou game for when you wanna chill down. also seiga's a fun boss and futo is a great character

when I'm back from class I'm gonna try and go for the PCB 1CC, shooting for one normal 1CC a day (until I get to like UFO and SA because lmao SA) seems like a fun goal for the next week or so. actually gave PCB a run yesterday and got to yuyuko's last lifebar before running outta lives so now that the game's fresh in my mind I can probably do it.

youmu is such an annoying boss though

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