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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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this game is good because:

- pointdevice mode is novel and fun

- legacy mode is :grazing: and fun

- the backgrounds and danmaku are really pretty together, especially the last two stages, god bless america

- junko "DO NOT EDIT POSTS GUY" cocomon is the final boss

- "send in the clowns" - zun

this game is bad because:

- mediocre soundtrack, probably the least interesting of any windows touhou

- every boss except seiran is That Boss

- Doremy was obviously designed for you to figure out in pointdevice mode before fighting her in a real run and the fight is godawful to be thrown into

- the art for marisa and hecatia

- reimu isn't OP

it's going to be good to have something that makes SA normal 1CC look less frustrating whenever I go back to trying for that.

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oh, also:

no spell practice? you'd think this would be the perfect game for it since it was just in DDC and this one has pointdevice and all. ah well I don't actually play spell practice much and DDC's spell practice wasn't as cool since ZUN didn't go all-out with comments and unlockables like IN anyway

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Is it bad that I had the same thought when I went back to PCB and EoSD.


so if you're not playing touhou what are you

playing better touhou games you dondon impersonator

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- mediocre soundtrack, probably the least interesting of any windows touhou

Not all of the tracks have clicked with me yet, but for the most part they aren't uninteresting IMO (except stage 4 and 5 boss themes which are trash, and the EX boss theme which is meh). I think TD and DDC overall had a worse soundtrack.

I'd actually say this soundtrack is closer to the top/mid tier than near the bottom.

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MoF to TD is the golden era of Touhou soundtracks to me. in DDC ZUN got more experimental with his instruments but his music lost a lot of emotion. MoF is a great example of ZUN picking a musical theme and sticking to it with wonderful results, and SA has a lot of tracks that are atmospheric and unique for the series. if I had to pick a favorite of the two it'd probably be MoF though. I hope he returns to that music direction in the future because DDC and LoLK's music felt like very... dry and standard video game music, which is an issue when a series has this repetitive of a musical style.

so what is you guys' final judgment on the characters in the new touhou project game, here's mine:

1. Clownpiece (best)

2. Doremy (good characters with boring themes squad)

3. Hecatia (the queen of hell being a trendster is funny, everything but that hideous-looking neutral portrait is good)

4. Ringo (she is cute and gets quality fanart)

5. Junko (previous touhou final bosses were better but she's alright and the first mom in touhou who isn't a frog)

6. Sagume (more characters who can't function in society gee thanks zun for being DEPRESSING :( )

7. Seiran (good theme but I didn't even like Tewi when she had black hair)

Edited by Prims
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Crap I forgot DDC

put it with PCB UFO and LoLK

Your opinions are good.

...EoSD at meeeeeeeh though?

Everything else is good enough, fine.

The instruments never appealed to me, and my favorite song in it (Centennial Festival for Magical Girls) is nice but not the best thing since sliced bread.

The fact it has my least favorite Touhou song ever (Sakuya's theme) does not help its case

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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EoSD's soundtrack suffers from poor production but the melodies themselves are solid. like, when they're arranged by somebody competent (eg U2 Akiyama's remixes in the fighters) the results are pretty consistently high quality.

also Luna Dial owns and is more creative than most modern Touhou music, it just doesn't fit Sakuya at all. ZUN should do another clusterfucky song like that. I liked Clownpiece's theme but was incredibly disappointed it wasn't wacky circus music !!

I'd probably rank the soundtracks like

God Tier: MoF, SA

Good: IN, TD, UFO

Decent: EoSD, PoFV

turn down the damn trumpets: PCB

Poor: DDC, LoLK

for perspective, the song in LoLK I would consider the best (probably stage 2, or Seiran's theme) is still only marginally better to me than my least favorite from MoF (gensokyo the gods loved). MoF had a really good all-around soundtrack. now it seems like ZUN is running out of ideas for melodies after composing the same type of music for so long - he experiments with new musical styles but the tunes themselves aren't as catchy as they were in previous games. his two songs for ULiL were really really well-made though, as was Lost Emotion.

E: GFW was really really good too, forgot about that.

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god DAMN clownpiece does not fuck around. had my first continue in this legacy run (normal) on her first attack. by the time the fight ended i had used four.

worst thing is i did an easy pointdevice run when i first got the game so i was expecting her to only be a slight jump in difficulty from her easy mode danmaku. god was i wrong.

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So I reached LoLK Ex Non4 (yeah, you guys can spoil anything in Story Mode or the Extra Stage before that point). Why do I get the feeling that...

Hecatia and Junko will team up for the later parts of the Ex boss fight. Or worse, that they'll fuse into a single entity >_>

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I'm impressed with LoLK's music myself. It's at least a step-up from DDC and TD, in my opinion. I really like the Stage 4 and Stage 6 themes, as well as Junko's theme. I still feel like the instrumentation used in the recent Touhou games is what's irking me most about their soundtracks, so at least the compositions this time around are much more pleasant.

So, for me it goes:

God tier: MS (the only PC98 title on here since its the only one I've played. Mostly for the music *drools*), EoSD, UFO

Good tier: IN, MoF, SA

Par tier: PCB, PoFV, LoLK

Weaksauce: TD, DDC

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isn't the marisa dies thing just a joke

wow don't spoil it for proto JEEZ!!

I 1CCed legacy easy as REISEN because I wanted at least one touhou-related accomplishment today. this game is alright but I'd enjoy it exponentially more without the teehee hope you already memorized this by playing it on i wanna be the guy mode bullshit. like I still just bomb almost everything Doremy does every time. I dig the aesthetics though and while the music is whatever it compliments the game very well. maybe I'll try a normal run using point device or something.

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My characters list:

1) Sagume - At first she seemed meh to me, although now that I've seen her backstory and lore and stuff I think she's pretty awesome.

2) Hecatia - Hell Goddess + normal clothes = insta-win. I also like that she's fully involved in the main plot, rather than just a side thing like most EX bosses.

3) Clownpiece - She's third although a big step down from the top 2 for me. Her design is cool but her fight is bullshit and the idea of 'murica everything isn't funny, it's just irritating.

meh) Junko, Seiran, Ringo, Doremy - I see not much appeal in any of them, except for Ringo's "chill" personality and Junko's backstory.

Soundtrack list (also I order them by how much I like them within the tiers, furthest left is best):

Godly - SA, PCB, GFW

Good - MoF, LoLK, IN, UFO, EoSD

Decent - MS, LLS, DDC, TD

Meh - PoFV, PoDD

Bad - HRtP, SoEW (yeah before people say things like "complete darkness wuh" this is overall soundtrack, not just singular songs, which can be amazing or terrible no matter where the game is in my list)

Edited by Relick
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While I'm not sure about the whole circus thing, the rest of Clownpiece's design is actually brilliant. Her fashion was inspired by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin!

I did have a list that had my favorite music for each part of the (typical integered Widnows) Touhou game. While I have not yet compared the LoLK soundtrack, here is where each other games currently stand:

4 best tracks: DDC

3 best tracks: MoF

2 best tracks: PCB, IN, SA

1 best track: UFO, TD (you could probably guess which ones, too)

0 best tracks: EoSD

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