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The Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Thread

Cancer Lancer

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I don't think it's been done yet on this site.

How are you boys enjoying the first 3 (plus pilot) episodes?

Man, Archer and his atom bomb arrows. Such cinematic. Much Hype.

Although, to be fair I did read the actual VN, so I more or less know what's going to happen. But UFOTable's execution... It does not disappoint.

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Granted it's difficult to make things perfect with the original source material, this animu is doing pretty good. I have my doubts that it'll achieve Fate Zero levels of HOLYSHITFANGASMATASTIC, but I can see it being a good animu in its own right.

I think UFOTable is doing the right things and making the right choices with the execution. The fact that Ilya actually showcases combat skills to take advantage of her near infinite mana is one such, and was actually completely voided in the original VN (Though I'm unsure about DEEN's version, since I never watched that piece of shit).

I thought episode 2 was extravagantly bland, but I guess TM noobs still needed it for explanation or exposition or something. Idk, ep 2 was a waste of an episode imo cause we could have just had more FIGHTING and VIOLENCE (The reason I tune into animu nowadays anyways).

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^Yeah, exposition episodes are always lackluster.

I am definitely enjoying ufotable's work with this, the fight scenes are simply fantastic.

Edited by Cero
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It's so fucking good. I'll write some epithet or something later as to why it compares so favorably to the visual novel.

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There are 2 Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works currently - an old animu movie animated by (lol) Studio Deen, which for all its negatives actually had some decent fight scenes, and the one this thread is about, the new Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works.

The new, more recent one, is an anime series, animated by UFOTable (aka Fate Zero studio or the not shitty Type Moon studio. Well, Prisma Illya wasn't horrible either, but it was too much fanservice and directed at a specific lolicon / magical girl lover audience). There will be a Heaven's Feel movie also done by UFOTable, though I don't know the release date yet. I'm really looking forward to the HF movie though, because god damn do I love HF Rider and Sakura, and I want to see UFOTable do it some justice.

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I thought it was a movie or something. And hell, I'll reeeeaaaaallly look into it. I love Fate, TYPE MOON and how Ufotable represented it and the Kara no Kyoukai movies.


ufotable did KnK?

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ufotable did KnK?


Yep. Didn't you know?

I thought it was a movie or something. And hell, I'll reeeeaaaaallly look into it. I love Fate, TYPE MOON and how Ufotable represented it and the Kara no Kyoukai movies.


It is a movie, and an animu series. The movie was done by DEEN, and the currently ongoing series by UFOTable.


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Saber looks so good with that white sweater and blue choker.

Also, I don't expect it to be as good as Fate/Zero, because the original Fate/Zero >>> original Fate/Stay Night imo. Plus it still has to deal with an awful protagonist.

I am not as excited for this as I was with the Fate/Zero anime, but I still have high expectations for it.

Euklyd, go and watch Kara no Kyoukai right now.

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Saber looks so good with that white sweater and blue choker.

Also, I don't expect it to be as good as Fate/Zero, because the original Fate/Zero >>> original Fate/Stay Night imo. Plus it still has to deal with an awful protagonist.

I am not as excited for this as I was with the Fate/Zero anime, but I still have high expectations for it.

Euklyd, go and watch Kara no Kyoukai right now.

Kiritugu can do what Shirou can't in a billion life times

that reminds me, I should watch the 3rd episode and finish reading KnK

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It is a movie, and an animu series. The movie was done by DEEN, and the currently ongoing series by UFOTable.


...I meant the new, 2014 one. I thought it was another movie, by Ufotable...

I've seen the movie by DEEN, and I was really hyped about it, in it's time. I still think it's pretty great, but the VN version is superior.

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