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It's Amiibo time


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lol. The only Mario characters I see around here a lot are Mario (both, of course), Smash Peach, and Smash Luigi. I only see Bowser in the store I work at, and even then, it's only Smash Bowser, as I've yet to see any SMB series stocked there. We also have a few Smash Yoshis left, but otherwise, I haven't seen either Yoshi much. And I've not seen Toad at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Also, months of production do mean something.

A figure could have a month of production, being manufactured each day of said month.

Whereas another figure could have the same amount of production (1 Month) but could only be created, say, two days of said month.

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Yes, but the more months a figure has of production, the more common it will be. Mario and Peach had the most, they're the most common figures.

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Yes, but the more months a figure has of production, the more common it will be. Mario and Peach had the most, they're the most common figures.

I could use the same example for the same instance.

A figure could have two months of production, but be made on the last day of the first month, and the first day of the second month.

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I wouldn't use the "Months of Production" data to determine anything concrete. Captain Falcon used two months of production and is rare, while Diddy Kong also used two months and is common. Gold Mario is supposed to be uber-limited, yet it used also two months of production.

For an example Ana herself mentioned, she says Mario Luigi is rare while Smash Luigi is common. The former used three months of production while the latter used two. Go figure

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Well yeah, I said production months only meant something, not everything, about a figure's rarity.

To be fair, Ana, this is what you said:

Yes, but the more months a figure has of production, the more common it will be. Mario and Peach had the most, they're the most common figures.

That's a very clear statement, and you can't expect people to read it in a different way. And we've seen that different amiibo with the same amount of production months have varying rarity.

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She in the game is by definition one of the most useful sniping character in the game and is one of the most mobile one too because of her low steam usage. Guess that archer reclass has some uses for once.

Well, Chrom and Lucina can be incredibly good Snipers in FE13 mostly because of Dual Strike+ (highest Dual Strike rates in the game, with ~100% chance of activation if paired with their S-supports and have Limit Break equipped) and that they can go Aether + Luna on top of that.

Seen the Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser ones (all SMB amiibo) at the Gamestop store close to the college campus I go to.

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To be fair, Ana, this is what you said:

That's a very clear statement, and you can't expect people to read it in a different way. And we've seen that different amiibo with the same amount of production months have varying rarity.

Way to completely miss my point. I realize this. What I'm saying is that an Amiibo that got five months of production will definitely be more common than an Amiibo that got just one. And never did I say that production months were the ONLY indicator of a figure's rarity.

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Way to completely miss my point. I realize this. What I'm saying is that an Amiibo that got five months of production will definitely be more common than an Amiibo that got just one. And never did I say that production months were the ONLY indicator of a figure's rarity.

I didn't miss your point. What I quoted and referred to was what you said, and that was the only way your post could be seen as. In Math terms, you said that months of production was proportional to a figure's rarity (More months of production means the figure is rarer). You're only now claiming you meant specifically "five months" and "one month". You didn't use any examples in your initial posts.

If I really missed your point, it's because you phrased it badly in the first place.

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Nintendo just announced that Fox, Wii Fit Trainer, Pit, Rosalina, Sonic, and Megaman will be getting new batches in the Japanese market. Keep an eye out if you're interested in them.

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Ana your posts on /r/amiibo are A-OK!

So you noticed that I joined. :P. But as soon as I posted about my finding a Captain Falcon at retail, someone decided to be an ass and make a post that made fun of me speculating that Falcon is trickling in. I had a feeling something like this was going to happen... It was deleted before I could say anything, but yeah. I got a much warmer welcome than I thought though!

Nintendo just announced that Fox, Wii Fit Trainer, Pit, Rosalina, Sonic, and Megaman will be getting new batches in the Japanese market. Keep an eye out if you're interested in them.

Only for Japan AGAIN?? What the fuck, that's total BS. Amiibo sell far better out here and Nintendo has even acknowledged this. Are they on crack or something? The only confirmed restock we have are Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight. I mean, I'm not looking to buy any of those in that Japanese announcement, but others in the US might. Edited by Anacybele
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Only for Japan AGAIN?? What the fuck, that's total BS. Amiibo sell far better out here and Nintendo has even acknowledged this. Are they on crack or something? The only confirmed restock we have are Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight. I mean, I'm not looking to buy any of those in that Japanese announcement, but others in the US might.

Sonic and Mega Man were restocked here first. The others will likely come later.

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Sonic and Mega Man were restocked here first. The others will likely come later.

Mhmm. I remember coming into GameStop one day and they suddenly had loads of MM and Sonic.

It actually took them awhile for them to be bought. I recall two weeks later only then were there like, one or two left.

I'm still.


For my Marfff.

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Wii fit and Pit. My collection might complete itself after all...

And @Ana, don't worry about those couple of doofuses. Reddit is generally a good place, there are just so many trolls there that citing evidence is pretty much the only way to separate trolls from troops. We had even the mods fooled because of Amazon "staff" BSing us with believable stories.

Tbh more posts in your style would be good for the subreddit not even exaggerating

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Sonic and Mega Man were restocked here first. The others will likely come later.

Oh, huh. Didn't know that. Apologies. >_<

And Sara: Dang, wow. But while I perfectly understand wanting proof of stuff, yeah, being a troll isn't cool. And wow, thanks... *blush* That means a lot to me.

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Only for Japan AGAIN?? What the fuck, that's total BS. Amiibo sell far better out here and Nintendo has even acknowledged this. Are they on crack or something? The only confirmed restock we have are Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight. I mean, I'm not looking to buy any of those in that Japanese announcement, but others in the US might.

At least you get restocks! Here in the UK, I haven't heard anything about amiibo being restocked!

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True, but doesn't Europe overall have somewhat better stock to begin with? I'm not saying their stock is amazing or anything, but I've seen people say that certain figures that are rare here are more common out there, such as Ike.

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SO there were between 16-20 Marths for MSRP on Amazon.com.

Looks like that's the great Marth Restock of May 2015 thanks Sakurai

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What? There won't be ANY at Target, Toys R Us, GameStop, etc? That is super bullshit.

I did see on Reddit that I missed those Amazon Marths though. Ugh, I was on my way home from work. -_-

Also, Sakurai doesn't have any control over Amiibo restocks. The proof is that even he has had trouble finding them. He said so himself.

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Well it's not announced as being anywhere specifically. People are just spotting Marths popping up randomly on Amazon.Com. My local gamestops (both of them) hinted at Marth being a "Web In-Store" item, kinda like the Shulk restock thing


That's the page. F5 that page and when $12.99 Marth appears (he's been flickering quite a bit), he'll appear in the first slot, as it's sorted by cheapest first.

Edited by Sara.
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My local gamestops (both of them) hinted at Marth being a "Web In-Store" item, kinda like the Shulk restock thing

You can't be fucking serious.

I just want my Hero King.

I shouldn't have to go through the bullshit that was Wave 4 again.

Trust me, when me and my Father went, they had some REALLY weird people at the checkout ordering for amiibos.

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