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It's Amiibo time


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I have no reason to be mad, lol. I should have one on hold too since I preordered. :P

And dang, how did someone manage to train the Amiibo to do that? o.o I tried to view that vid on Reddit, btw, but it wouldn't load properly for some reason.

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But apparently my GameStop was getting five Ike and two Marth. Again, one of those were somehow pre-ordered by someone, so in actuality, I got the last Marth.

But I know there are some Amiibo-Collectors in my area. I saw them when Wave 4 Pre-orders were open in GameStop.

Judging by appearance, I'm just saying: their lifestyle looked destructive.

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Amiibo sales blow hard because Tanner was in charge. That explains everything

Tanner can speak Japanese and has a full time position at Nintendo. He has it better than all of us.

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I laughed so hard at that video. Reggie is the best. XD

Also, Sara, I noticed that recently, I became unable to see my threads on Reddit. They get posted, as they show up in my overview, but I can't actually see them on the newest submissions page. Any idea why this is?

Edited by Anacybele
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They probably get auto-filtered. I had the same thing happen to me at first.

PM Flapsnapple / one of the other mods over there using the "Message The Moderators" button. They kinda need to whitelist your account so that your posts appear regardless of specific keywords, simply because there's so many trolls that spam singleposts over there that filters just need to exist.


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Ah, okay, thanks! I don't know much about how Reddit works, as it's not like forums I'm used to, so yeah. :P

Man, people are finding Ikes and Marths all over the place now, it just makes me wish more and more I could get mine already, even though my Marth will be here tomorrow!

But still, this also means FE AMIIBO FEST! :D

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Have there been any sightings for Marth around your area? You got that Cap the other week but I haven't seen much about Marth in NC

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The store locater yesterday said a total of ONE GameStop here had Marth. :/ Ike is not even on the site anymore, so I can't search for him, sadly. ;_;

But damn it, I hope some get here soon, I NEED MY RADIANT HERO PREORDER! DX

And I'm not entirely sure, but my Captain Falcon find could be due to a really late stock. AAFES seems to stock game stuff later than when they actually come out, though not normally THIS late (Cap'n came out back in January or something, if you remember). I mean, just today I started seeing the SMB series, which originally got released March 20th, almost two months ago. Captain Falcon was nearly six.

This is also why I asked you about my posting problem, I posted on Reddit about Toad arriving at my store since I have never seen him elsewhere in this area.

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I gotta get my butt over there as soon as I can! Gotta ask my mom to get out of work asap (she comes home before stepdad does)!

The wait's finally ALMOST OVER!


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Ohhh, okay then, that's obviously different. XD I will certainly post pics! Just gotta cross my fingers that it isn't a DerpIke. I've had some great luck with my pre-ordered/ordered Amiibos in terms of design though, the only problems being small paint errors. One on my Rosalina, and a gray spot on the underside of my Smash Luigi's nose. xP

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I hope your ike looks good! You've 5 months overdue, you deserve a good quality one :)

Yeah, I know, right? Dec. 8th was literally over five months ago! I really should get a good-looking Ike. Heh... Good-looking Ike. That's funny. XD (cause he's a very handsome dude anyway and should be hard to screw up. <3)

But what's funny is that he's still going to be my first FE Amiibo after all this time, and I'd been looking for Marth as well.

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Sorta bad quality images there, but nice! ^^ And your Marth has a straight sword too, OMG.

And here's the pic you asked for, Silver! My mom went and got him for me! I'M SUCH A HAPPY FANGIRL RIGHT NOW. x3


I got a great-looking Ike too if I do say so myself! His face is sexy and Ragnell is even straight!

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Wow, you're Ike looks amazing, Ana! It was worth the wait, huh? I know 5 months isn't exactly an ideal waiting period, but I'm rather jealous of how well-made yours is XD.

I'm still waiting over here for my brother's Ike to arrive, but I guess it's not the end of the world. I'm hoping to find a Marth next Sunday! If not, I'm still hunting for a Toad amiibo!

still waiting for a toadette amiibo

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Wow, you're Ike looks amazing, Ana! It was worth the wait, huh? I know 5 months isn't exactly an ideal waiting period, but I'm rather jealous of how well-made yours is XD.

I'm still waiting over here for my brother's Ike to arrive, but I guess it's not the end of the world. I'm hoping to find a Marth next Sunday! If not, I'm still hunting for a Toad amiibo!

still waiting for a toadette amiibo

Oh YES, it so was! I got such a sexy Ike. <3 I wish I could take a close up picture, but my phone's camera just can't do that without it being blurry as fuck...ugh. But anyway, I'll get a new pic of my whole collection when Marth arrives tomorrow! Ike needs a friend! lol

Btw, here's a slightly different Ike photo... lol


Silver: I opened my Ike, of course! I'm an OoB collector and I want to train him in Smash!

I also needed to take this second pic. Remember that post I made about touching Ike's muscles?

*poke* *poke* :3


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