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It's Amiibo time


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Another thing is that when you search for Lucina this sketchy result appears but when you search for either Ness, Wario, Charizard, or Robin no listings come up. Definetely a reseller at best most likely just a fake listing or outdated one. It wouldn't suprise me if someone imported it from amazon.jp (because they already sold out on there) and put up a listing for it scalping the living hell out of it.

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finally found these at Canadian retail price. Megaman is not even listed on their own online shop's website and his quality is near perfect.


Edited by kingddd
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She finally came! I cannot believe my eyes! It's a week later than I anticipated, but it's all good! Quality pics, once again by yours truly <3

for real though, it's like no one on SF can use their phone camera properly

Rosalina looks even better in person! Nice box too!


And one more with Peach and Zelda :)


I'm so glad she finally arrived! I was getting worried! Well, looks like my amiibo hunt is over. Until Zero Suit Samus is announced, I'll be saving some money!

Edited by Carter
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Well, some of us might have phones with crappy cameras. >.> Mine isn't so great.

But glad you finally got her! I was seriously thinking yours got lost.

I don't really care for Peach or Zelda though, sry. xP

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Heehee, well duh! That's why I was making that joke, silly! What kind of phone do you have?

Yeah, I really did think it was lost at first. But I checked my phone right after my violin lesson, and the USPS texted me about how it arrived. I ran out, and there she was! And the package fit inside my mailbox, so perhaps your box was a bit bigger than mine.

But all that aside, I'm just super happy I got my Rosalina :)

Did you start training her yet?

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A Samsung.

Yeah, your box was probably smaller. For some reason, the Amiibos I've gotten in the mail came in boxes like twice the size of the actual Amiibo box. Luigi came in a big box, then Rosalina came in a box of the same size... My mom had ordered Luigi for me because she somehow couldn't find him when he came out. And he took too long to get here before Christmas. I had asked for him for Christmas.

No, I'm not using any of my Amiibos for Smash yet. I'm waiting for my Ike so I can do him first. I use him the most, even more than Luigi.

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A Samsung.



Yeah, your box was probably smaller. For some reason, the Amiibos I've gotten in the mail came in boxes like twice the size of the actual Amiibo box. Luigi came in a big box, then Rosalina came in a box of the same size... My mom had ordered Luigi for me because she somehow couldn't find him when he came out. And he took too long to get here before Christmas. I had asked for him for Christmas.

No, I'm not using any of my Amiibos for Smash yet. I'm waiting for my Ike so I can do him first. I use him the most, even more than Luigi.

also my amiibo have come in boxes ranging from exactly the size of one, to a box that could fit 4

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A Samsung.

Yeah, your box was probably smaller. For some reason, the Amiibos I've gotten in the mail came in boxes like twice the size of the actual Amiibo box. Luigi came in a big box, then Rosalina came in a box of the same size... My mom had ordered Luigi for me because she somehow couldn't find him when he came out. And he took too long to get here before Christmas. I had asked for him for Christmas.

No, I'm not using any of my Amiibos for Smash yet. I'm waiting for my Ike so I can do him first. I use him the most, even more than Luigi.

Bold: what could your mom possibly do that? At least you got him! He's not rare, but she tried. And it shouldn't be that bad, since you haven't even used the amiibo for their main purpose anyways.

And, I see. I just have an iPhone 5S. Camera works better than I thought! maybe i should stop shaking when I take selfies, heehehehehe

Hopefully our Ikes get here very soon! I do not want to wait for Spring!

My Rosalina is positioned slightly above and to the side of me such that whenever I look up at her, all I can think is, "I want YOU for Luma army."

It's a fun image.

Aww, that's cute! I won't see Rosalina the same space princess she is again XD!

also my amiibo have come in boxes ranging from exactly the size of one, to a box that could fit 4

WOW! Some sellers have huge boxes! Mine was small and cozy, and had extra room, even INSIDE the mailbox. But no scratches or anything on the box or Rosalina herself. Inside there were newspaper crumples to protect the box, and then the box was again wrapped in bubble wrap.

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My seller had my Rosalina in a zip-loc baggy, then in bubble wrap, then in a plastic bag, then in the box. Yeah. :P

Yeah, I know, I'm not disappointed. I at least got him at all, like you said. And my mom tried to make up for it by buying me a Zelda Amiibo because she knew the Luigi one wouldn't get here in time and she thought Zelda was rare. Still plan on giving away the Zelda if I don't find a use for her though.

Actually, I did use my Link Amiibo in Hyrule Warriors. So I DID at least use one for its intended purpose.

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A Samsung.



I think she means the Samsung Galaxy S(insert number here). I have one and I can't hold cameras still in general.
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Yeah, I don't know exactly what kind of Samsung it is. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable on cell phones as I am computers and video games. xP

Also, god damn it, Walmart. I didn't think the gold Mario would go back up again, but it did and I missed it. It's supposed to go on and off all week though, hopefully I'll get a preorder. Although, apparently even then, that doesn't mean I'll get a gold Mario, people are reporting their preorders getting canceled for some reason, even though they only preordered one gold Mario.

Wtf, Walmart.

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Dang, that sucks! Do you have plans for the normal "Super Mario" Mario amiibo?

Do you get anything from the gold Mario? Like, any bonuses or extra? Or does it act as a normal Mario? (Do you know at all? It's a lot of questions XD).

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Seeing as I already got the Smash Mario which I like better than the regular SMB Mario, no. I want the gold Mario because it's pretty. :P It's also reminiscent of that one power-up in the handheld NSMB games that makes Mario turn gold and repeatedly produce coins. I thought that one was cool. :P

And nobody knows, actually, but the gold Mario will probably just be the same as regular Mario, just gold and with a unique box. It's a limited edition, probably. If it wasn't, why would anyone go for the regular SMB Mario?

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Hmm, tbh I'd rather go for the normal Mario, but I already have Smash Mario, so he's out. I guess I just got sick of gold-colored things, hehe.

With a lot of Zelda titles becoming gold, it kinda makes me tired. But that's a really lame excuse so I'll just say I'd stick to Smash Mario XD.

Some of us might have phones with crappy cameras. Mine isn't so great.

I have one and I can't hold cameras still in general.

Aww! Well, now I apologize for accusations of you guys being bad photographers XD! There's a common joke around instagram (or at least my school) that snapchatters who have android phones have horribly awful quality when snapchatting or making a story.

And now that I've finally gotten a chance to bring my Rosalina to my crew, here's my updated family! This'll be one of my last until ZSS or Robin / Lucina.

I bring you, more quality pics by yours truly. Except this time, with a more artsy angle! (who needs blur :P: no offense to those who haven't the best of cameras, this isn't targeted towards you!)


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Well, we ALMOST have the same number of Amiibos now. :P I count ten in your pic there, I have nine. But once I get SMB Luigi, gold Mario, Ike, and Robin, that number will go up to 13! And I'd like to add Lucario, Marth, and Meta Knight to make 16. And of course, if other Amiibos I like are announced, I want those too. lol (And I might still give away the Zelda I have.)

Gold Luigi plz, Nintendo. :D

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Keep gaining your numbers in amiibo, Ana! Our collections will look much prettier with more amiibo as company :)

And yep! I have 10, soon to be 11 if my brother leaves his Ike amiibo when he goes off to college. I'll try to convince him that I'll keep him safe. Leaving Ike in his dorm is not safe when all his roommates like Ike too XD.

If Gold Peach exists, I might get that! Let's keep our hopes up!

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Yes, yes they will! Although by the time I'm through, I might have 25% Luigi and 75% everyone else. lol I can't resist anything Luigi that I don't already have. XD But I did grow up with this guy and he's been my favorite since (along with Ike these days, of course), so it's only right!

Well, I'm glad to know a bunch of college guys over there like my favorite hero! ^^ But yes, I'm sure you'd take good care of that Ike Amiibo!

If a gold Peach comes out, it'll most probably be Pink Gold Peach because of the MK8 character.

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This just makes me curious for what other game series they could make amiibo for.

Zelda is the closest one I can think of but the problem is the design because Zelda character designs always change every iteration unlike the Mario series which always keep it consistent.

Animal Crossing or Pokemon could be a potential one for the next system.

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Animal Crossing or Pokemon could be a potential one for the next system.

I've never been big on Figma collection until Amiibo but i'd buy Isabelle!amiibo in a heartbeat

imagine all the DLC wigs and house things you could get with animal crossing amiibos


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