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It's Amiibo time


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There's still Gamestop, Target, Toys R' Us, Amazon and Wal-Mart for the rest of y'all. I'm heading to Gamestop in a few minutes myself to order a Ness+5 Bundle (so I'll have 2 Lucinas, hopefully..what I'll do with it I don't know yet)

Though...TrU will be a nightmare with Greninja Preorders going up in...possible 11 hours (April 3, no confirmed time).

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Yeah, that's true. I'm the only one getting Robin from Best Buy then, I suppose. :P

Best Buy has cheaper shipping than GameStop though, wee. I had to pay $21 total for my Toad from GameStop including tax and shipping. But I only paid $18 for Robin including both of those!

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Yeah, good luck, Sara! :)



At 2:52, my order FINALLY processed...i was 2nd in line and the four registers at our gamestop and probably every other Gamestop in the nation was laggy beyond belief.

One Amiibo Per Person/Per Account. They're being strict.


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Gamestop was brutal. I went there right after work (got off at 11:30 Central Time, like I said last night) and I just got home. Good news is that I had just enough store credit saved up to get all the Smash and Splatoon Amiibo plus a $50 eshop card. Bad news is that I missed the Jigglypuff and Greninja window. I mean, Greninja was probably going to have to be a buy from a scalper anyway because there's no Toys 'R Us within fifty miles of me, but now I'm going to have to request off on the 29th of May (not that I usually work Fridays in the first place) and show up to work anyway and hope they have Jigglypuffs in stock.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Gamestop was brutal. I went there right after work (got off at 11:30 Central Time, like I said last night) and I just got home. Good news is that I had just enough store credit saved up to get all the Smash and Splatoon Amiibo plus a $50 eshop card. Bad news is that I missed the Jigglypuff and Greninja window. I mean, Greninja was probably going to have to be a buy from a scalper anyway because there's no Toys 'R Us within fifty miles of me, but now I'm going to have to request off on the 29th of May (not that I usually work Fridays in the first place) and show up to work anyway and hope they have Jigglypuffs in stock.

Greninja isn't available until tomorrow, as a Toys R' Us Exclusive...how'd you miss the window today when you can check online?

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Yeah, everybody on Reddit is complaining about GameStop too. They say that even if they were first in line, they weren't guaranteed a figure. So much for first come, first serve. Man, I never expected GameStop to handle these preorders in such a shitty way. Of course, Nintendo also has to take some of the blame because of not producing enough stock.

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Gamestop did this to:

  • Prevent scalpers from ordering bunches of them
  • Prevent accidental overselling
  • Encourage full payment to prevent snipes of full payment buying out preorders
  • Put together the "Bundle" to make things go much faster, rather than clicking-to-add 6 items to a cart, just click to add 1 item to cart

What they didn't do was:

  • Prepare for server overload
  • Communicate this with enough time
  • Offer enough stock for the initial launch
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Yeah, I can see why GameStop wanted to do those four things you list above there, but the three things you say below just kind of killed their efforts here.

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Greninja isn't available until tomorrow, as a Toys R' Us Exclusive...how'd you miss the window today when you can check online?

Heard a rumor that it was already up and sold out. Didn't actually check yet. Hey, I just spent nearly four hours standing around in a Gamestop, the last hour or so of which was incredibly stressful because I didn't know if my order would fail and it would be all for nothing. And right before I went there, I worked for six and a half hours. I'm kinda tired out. Although, like I said, the nearest Toys R' Us to me is more than fifty miles away, so I'm not sure if they'll even ship to where I live. I'll try to get Greninja tomorrow, but I doubt I'll be successful.

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Fucking 'course.

I had my Dad call GameStop when they opened this morn, while I was in school. I guess he figured out that you had to go in-store to pre-order them, which I suppose he did so at around 2:00 p.m, which is when they were up for grabs.

Go to the GameStop, apparently, and Dad puts down $5 each for them. Ness, Lucina, and Robin.

End of school comes around, he's pissed I pestered him via texting about it, and he tells me they haven't logged our pre-order in the system, and he needs to go back there and fully pay for them.

We head there and a good few others are waiting on their orders to go through. The GameStop's servers were slow, and they literally were putting in orders once every 20 minutes. Dad had to leave to go to one of his Tennis Lessons, and while I offered to stay to get the order through, he wouldn't let me. We gave one of the employees my number, and other things so they could call us when they put it in, and we hastily headed home: My Dad's had to teach in like, 30 minutes, lol.

Not but 20 minutes later, in fact, a few earlier from typing this, the man whom we talked to calls me and tells me Lucina and Robin aren't able to be pre-ordered anymore. I literally stopped breathing when I heard that: I pushed and pushed my Father to pre-order these figures, and I only hoped that we could get them. He isn't someone who understands my love of games.

He explains Ness (wtf, isn't he exclusive?) IS indeed available to go through, so I got that. The man whom I struck up conversation before seemed really sorry he couldn't get me those two figures, and I explained how much of a Fire Emblem fan I was.

Well, he mentioned that it was confirmed that, supposedly, on May 1st Marth's are supposed to be in stock, GameStop-wise. Not by some article, either: The store itself was told. He said he would certainly remember, "The Fire Emblem Ness boy," and said if I found out when those ships were supposed to go out, that if I called and ask, he (for sure) or the other employees would save one for me. He again explained how it was possible that at the moment his fellow employees wouldn't do it, since it would seem as if it was just some kid, but he reassured me he would explain the situation.

So, yes. I apparently am supposed to get a Ness, which I might sell or trade in the future: After all, it's supposed to be rare, yeah? But more importantly, when I go to get my Radiant Dawn shipment at the store later, I plan on getting the man's name and thanking him.

He even called me, "man," when he said he was sorry. "I'm real sorry, man." I got a real kick outta that, haha!
So I guess I'll consider this a win for the time being.

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Man, now I'm starting to feel pretty bad that I'm sitting here with a Best Buy Robin preorder that I got with no problems while practically everyone else is going through shit trying to get him or others at GameStop... :(

Your dad is awesome for what he tried to do though, Silver, so big kudos to him!

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Gamestop.com is back up, but Wave 4 is mysteriously absent.

Fairly trustworthy Polygon has updates on Greninja being available for preorders tomorrow from Toys R' Us, between 7-9a EST


Gamestop over phone reports Ness + Pac-Man still in stock for "Web In-Store Order" as of 30 seconds ago

Edited by Sara.
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Gamestop had run out of Robin and Lucina preorders... and the employees were in the middle of getting my preorder in amidst the massive server lag when the preorders did run out.

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Gamestop.com is back up, but Wave 4 is mysteriously absent.

Fairly trustworthy Polygon has updates on Greninja being available for preorders tomorrow from Toys R' Us, between 7-9a EST


Gamestop over phone reports Ness + Pac-Man still in stock for "Web In-Store Order" as of 30 seconds ago

Really? GS is still down on my end.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I finally found a classic Peach amiibo online so I ordered it then and there, and I should be getting it some time tomorrow.

You know, I thought that I'd have more trouble finding an Ike amiibo...

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