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It's Amiibo time


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Btw. it looks like Palutena will be an exclusive, perhaps to Walmart since it didn't get a wave 4 exclusive. Best Buy didn't get one either, but Palutena's SKU isn't showing up in its database while Dark Pit is there. If she is exclusive to Walmart, I'm glad I live just around the corner from one... I haven't played KI, but I like Palutena.

Oh boy, sounds like yet another unicorn rarity amiibo like the Rosalina one.

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The US restock has happened? I need to check out the GameStop right outside my work at break! :O

I do think he looks better than the first wave of Marth, but his eyes are up just a bit too high...

EDIT: I don't see Marth listed available online aside from the obvious eBay and Amazon... Must be in-store only or something. Unless they sold out online already, which I wouldn't be surprised... -_-

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The US restock has happened? I need to check out the GameStop right outside my work at break! :O

I do think he looks better than the first wave of Marth, but his eyes are up just a bit too high...

EDIT: I don't see Marth listed available online aside from the obvious eBay and Amazon... Must be in-store only or something. Unless they sold out online already, which I wouldn't be surprised... -_-

Check his location.

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The US restock has happened? I need to check out the GameStop right outside my work at break! :O

EDIT: I don't see Marth listed available online aside from the obvious eBay and Amazon... Must be in-store only or something. Unless they sold out online already, which I wouldn't be surprised... -_-

Hey, Ana, you should know if anyone's found any news on US Marth, I'd be the first to post it.

These restocks have hit the East, mostly Australia. Others include Villager, whom people have reported to have a bigger forehead. (Making him much more similar to the art!)

I've continued to check my GameStop day after day, and I haven't seen any restocks for any amiibo, so I can only hope we're overdue.

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Ah, okay. I didn't find anything in the GameStop anyway. xP

But I did find, holy shit, CAPTAIN FALCONS in our own stockroom!! I can't buy one yet because they're not on the floor yet, and I would feel like a dick if I snuck them out there since it's not my department, but here's hoping! I want to trade it for a Meta Knight. ^^

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Playing around with the Lucina Amiibo in Code Name Steam. She is disgusting good it's crazy. I've been winning online multiplayer matches with her it's insane. As awesome as it is, I really hope this doesn't make a sign of Amiibos are pay to win kind of scenarios in online multiplayer games.

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I still don't get why Lucina is so good in that game while Ike sucks. This isn't just a little bias either (as many know, I love Ike and hate Lucina), but how does a small girl out-do a big muscular man in overall power? Ike does little damage and Lucina does a lot. It makes no sense to me. All I can think of is that IS decided that Lucina should be powerful because she's popular... >_>

And those Captain Falcons I saw in my store's stockroom didn't get put out, uggh. Hope they're out there tomorrow morning. And that there are more than two. This is actually likely though, since we had seven Little Macs a few months ago.

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Zmart in Chile finally opened waiting lists for the upcoming amiibo lines and I was able to book Pac-Man, Robin, Lucina, Ness and the Squid Trio. Tentative release date is 06/15 here, but I hope it releases earlier (Wave 3 also got a later date but ended up releasing on par with the US).

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Gotta love that "Hurry Up!" print on the back of his jacket. And I can see that they tried to make his pink pants textured to look as if they're made of denim!

Yeah, Wario looks amazing~ Good/bright colors, texture, and shape... might be the best looking one I have~

Also, I love the way the new Marth is looking~ I would say I'll try to pick one up... but who am I kidding, that would probably require way too much effort at this point @_@ Amiibo hunt has left me tired...

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From what it looks like, the amiibo figures seem to get better in terms of quality as time passes.

Getting Palutena and ZSS amiibo most likely would be a nightmare.

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From what it looks like, the amiibo figures seem to get better in terms of quality as time passes.

Getting Palutena and ZSS amiibo most likely would be a nightmare.

I hope not. Those two are the (last?) ones I want.

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I still don't get why Lucina is so good in that game while Ike sucks. This isn't just a little bias either (as many know, I love Ike and hate Lucina), but how does a small girl out-do a big muscular man in overall power? Ike does little damage and Lucina does a lot. It makes no sense to me. All I can think of is that IS decided that Lucina should be powerful because she's popular... >_>

And those Captain Falcons I saw in my store's stockroom didn't get put out, uggh. Hope they're out there tomorrow morning. And that there are more than two. This is actually likely though, since we had seven Little Macs a few months ago.

It's all bias dear

Lucina is a clone of a higher-tiered character than Ike, so it makes sense that she is better in the game than Ike, who seems to float around low-mid tier? (I don't really follow tiers closely ~o3o~).

Even then, are you seriously questioning a game where some of the best characters are a tiny green dinosaur and a fucking monkey


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Uh, what? There aren't any green dinosaurs or monkeys in Codename Steam. And Lucina isn't a clone of anyone in the game.

Also, please don't call me dear.

Anyway, got my fingers crossed to land one of those Captain Falcons we got at work!

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Must have missed the part where you said you were talking about S.T.E.A.M and not SSB4. Either way, I really doubt the reason Lucina is better is because she's popular.

Even so, it becomes even more ridiculous to try to bring that sort of comparison in when you can play as a steam punk cyborg and a lion.

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Must have missed the part where you said you were talking about S.T.E.A.M and not SSB4. Either way, I really doubt the reason Lucina is better is because she's popular.

Even so, it becomes even more ridiculous to try to bring that sort of comparison in when you can play as a steam punk cyborg and a lion.

The main difference between them are night and day.

Ike Amiibo in STEAM while dishes out incredible damage up close, he has little to no damage output in range nor does he have any proper defense mechanism. Marth has the same problem except he has no range attack at all and his defense range is poor. STEAM is all about utilizing your spacing and range attacks and only going up close for the finisher. Lucina is like two characters packed into one in the entire game. She has an amazing long arc range single target hit over John Henry and has the ability of Lion combined into one. She in the game is by definition one of the most useful sniping character in the game and is one of the most mobile one too because of her low steam usage. Guess that archer reclass has some uses for once.

I'm playing my 3rd playthought of the game and she has made all the early missions really freaking easy without John Henry.

Checking my tracking on Robin, it's been held in customs for like 4 days now. No idea what's going on there since Lucina went through in like 2 hours based on tracking.

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Well, at least up close Ike can lower the boom. I still intend to use him and Robin anyway, because I love Ike and Robin is also cool.

Anyway, lookie what I got. :D


I decided the heck with it and put them on the store floor anyway! I just HAD to buy one! I don't think I'm going to trade it after all though, I'm still pretty wary about it even though Sara told me Reddit is pretty good about trading. I don't have a box to mail things in right now anyway, and Meta Knight is supposed to get restocked since a new CSPIA or whatever it's called (can't ever remember all the letters. >_<) was made for him.

Still, the first and only rare Amiibo I've been able to go into a store and buy!

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Zmart in Chile finally opened waiting lists for the upcoming amiibo lines and I was able to book Pac-Man, Robin, Lucina, Ness and the Squid Trio. Tentative release date is 06/15 here, but I hope it releases earlier (Wave 3 also got a later date but ended up releasing on par with the US).

Congrats. :D
Even though it sucks that most of us cannot get these for retail. -.-
But...even with Nintendo's restock, they still will be gone in minutes and it'll just be like before. Nintendo shouldn't bother unless that they can provide enough as much as the Mario gang.

From what it looks like, the amiibo figures seem to get better in terms of quality as time passes.

Getting Palutena and ZSS amiibo most likely would be a nightmare.

ZSS is the Smash communities favorite, so they will be gone almost instantly.
Palutena for poor stock and never replenishing which the same will happen to Jigglypuff and Ness. Already happened with Rosalina.

Well, at least up close Ike can lower the boom. I still intend to use him and Robin anyway, because I love Ike and Robin is also cool.

Anyway, lookie what I got. :D


I decided the heck with it and put them on the store floor anyway! I just HAD to buy one! I don't think I'm going to trade it after all though, I'm still pretty wary about it even though Sara told me Reddit is pretty good about trading. I don't have a box to mail things in right now anyway, and Meta Knight is supposed to get restocked since a new CSPIA or whatever it's called (can't ever remember all the letters. >_<) was made for him.

Still, the first and only rare Amiibo I've been able to go into a store and buy!

His boots are very well detailed.

It looks so good! ^_^

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Yeah, Captain Falcon is the best-looking human figure other than the Mario squad, imo. Wish Ike could've looked this good. I mean, not that he looks bad at all, it's just that the captain's got him beat. xP But maybe the shipment my local GameStop is supposed to get at the end of the month will have better-looking Ikes than the first time around!

About Palutena, she's only getting one month for production... Couple that with her likely being a retailer exclusive and how much of a detailed paint job she has have... Yeah, she will likely be the rarest figure. :(

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About Palutena, she's only getting one month for production... she will likely be the rarest figure. :(

Months of production mean nothing.

Compare the new Ike's who have apparently had two months of production, compared to Mario Party Luigi who had one month.

But I don't know about you, I still manage to find them endlessly.

Check Reddit. Someone's posted something similar: Months if production mean nothing.

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I haven't seen SMB Luigi anywhere. I saw one in one GameStop here. That's it. I've not seen Ike anywhere, of course.

Also, you ignored the part where I said that Palutena is also likely to be an exclusive in the US and requires a really detailed paint job. Thus, she will take longer to reproduce than other figures. Also, months of production do mean something. They don't mean EVERYTHING, but they do mean something.

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