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'dat Peanut Butter tho


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Peanut Butter log #9001

I made peanut butter these days. Bought 220g, then another 200 the next day (over a cup, each). Wish it would last more, but it just doesn't help that I can't make it last much more than a day ): .

Lower-fat recipe (that actually yields same, great taste):

When blending, moisten up with small splashes of milk or even water. Yes, it works. Came on as a sort of happy accident, while trying to remove the salt from the peanuts. The result? Roughly the same. Great taste. Just sugar & salt to taste (I use artificial sweetener).

Brown bread + banana + peanut butter



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I would suggest stevia I use it all the time and it is 100% natural and does not have any calories, but some people say it tastes metallic but I only have that problem if I use to much. The thing you have to watch is that stevia is much sweeter then sugar so you only need a little of it to make something sweet. As a type one diabetic I avoid sugar when I can, but some man made sweeteners like astpartame gives me secures if I use it a lot, so I look for natural substitutes for sugar that won't raise my blood sugar.

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Soul, use honey. Despite more calories than artificial sweetener, the health benefits are exponentially better than things like sweet-n-lo.

Stevia works too.

Actually, just consider nutrients per calorie, it might help you in decisions.

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To be honest, I literally used, liek, 5 drops. It just doesn't need that much sugar to begin with (at least, not to my tastes). However, I had to add quite a bit of salt to start "feeling it"...

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Don't be worryin', now.

Look 'ere. This is the truth and only but the truth:

The myth: Artificial sweetener such as aspartame and sucralose should be avoided at all costs since they cause brain tumors and other horrible stuff.
The truth: Assuming you’re now downing 12+ cans of diet soda per day, there aren’t any real proven dangers of moderate artificial sweetener consumption.

It's only bad...in excess. Like many things.

I appreciate the concern, however. ;o

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