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An FAQ reguarding getting the Mii Hats


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See comments as some folks are having trouble getting them. This topic exists, because we absolutely need an FAQ manipulation RNG system, etc regarding this matter. FFIV has one (Enemy rare weapon drop rates). This needs one.

There has been a problem with getting the hats as some people have already given up and quit and didn't get all of them. -.- We do need an FAQ regarding this matter, because this has to be the utmost time consuming/hardest matter in all of the series as this goal rivals with getting the Diskun trophy in SSBM which was hard enough to ensure that you don't obtain it without codes. Does anyone have any way to make this an easier task without taking so much time as people have jobs and have to work? Any RNG manipulation skills, because that would be very appreciated if you've found them. Well...the best way that I've found is that you have to do the trophy rush to get some of them. Only three hats left and been doing Classic+Roulette wheel trick for three days and haven't found a single new hat and by doing only two rounds of Trophy Rush afterwards have found a new hat. It looks as though that all cannot be obtained in one game (Classic Mode, etc.) Because they don't seem to happen with some hats in certain games. The Mario and Princess Peach hats can be found in the Smash Run/Trophy Rush game! Both games are where you can obtain the very rare hats like those.

Smash Run-Come in 1st place to get the rare stuff. Though, you also can get hats in 2nd place, but it is unknown if you can get the rarer hats that way.

Classic Mode-A gamble that may not work. As the RNG often is weak in this mode and it's even worse that you can lose things by losing.

Trophy Rush-Some people wonder why that they always get crap in it. The answer is simple, you have to ensure that you don't die there by the amount of hazards that they throw at you there. By completing the game with no dies will almost guarantee to get you the rarer stuff such as the Master Jackets, Rare Mii hats, etc.

Target Game-Also good to get the hats. Villager with Bowling Ball works well in this game. Pause the game to see if there is a wrench icon upon it, so you know on where to hit the wrench. Better yet, go with this one. Just pause the game and retry it whenever there is no wrench in the game as this mini game is so much quicker and don't have to do any combat!

VS Smash-No good as you only can get customs with Mew.

All Star-No point. Only do this mini game to get the Regal Crown.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Not entirely sure, but it is possible that Mii Fighters have a slightly higher chance of scoring hats as item drops in modes like Classic mode.

Missing hats: Capt. Falcon helmet, Chomp hat, Cow Skull hat, Dog ears

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Just got the Dog Ears today in the Target Game! The Target game is the greatest source to get the remaining few hats as the RNG is strongest there than anywhere else and that you can obtain any hat there! Finding three Princess Peach crowns was no fluke either which got me to further searched this game which I've found one of the two hats needed in under four hours with two resets after getting about ten hat repeats. Resetting does also help sometimes too. Keep this in mind! :)

The last one the Captain Falcon helmet will take a good amount of time!

I don't know what to say...
But...nightmare is over for my Eng cart. Time to finish up my Jap one. :D
To get the remaining few hats that paople have trouble with...the Target game!
Edited by PuffPuff
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