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ORAS which game/starters?


OR? AS? Starter?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Game

    • Omega Ruby
    • Alpha Sapphire
  2. 2. Which Starter?

    • Treecko
    • Mudkip
    • Torchic

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This threads main purpose is to see which game and what starter people are going with for curiosity sake.

I'm going with Ruby and Torchic just like I originally did back in the day the original gen 3 came out.

Edit: Whoops forgot to make votes public..

Edited by Jedi
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I'm getting Alpha Sapphire because even though I prefer Groudon over Kyogre, I'd rather help Team Magma than Team Aqua. And I like sapphires more than rubies. :P

Treecko is the only starter whose final form I like (especially the Mega form), so I'm picking Treecko.

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Gonna get OR

Might go Torchic for old times sake lol

if only i remember my old team. i would do that again~

I'm tempted to recreate my old team tbh haha.

I'm getting Alpha Sapphire because even though I prefer Groudon over Kyogre, I'd rather help Team Magma than Team Aqua. And I like sapphires more than rubies. :P

Treecko is the only starter whose final form I like (especially the Mega form), so I'm picking Treecko.

Haha sounds like legit reasons. I love all the starters in Gen 3, but Blaziken became my favorite mon back when I first saw it. So badass

Edited by Jedi
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Haha sounds like legit reasons. I love all he starters in Gen 3, but Blaziken became my favorite mon back when I first saw it. So badass

Torchic is kind of cute, but imo, Combusken and Blaziken are ugly and dumb as sin. I don't like any part of the Mudkip line and of Treecko's line, I only like Sceptile. Take it how you wish.

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Ooh goody!

Share time!

Treeko, because: nostalgia. When I got Sapphire for the first time, I had NO IDEA what I was doing, so I #YoloSwagged my way through the game.

...until I got stuck trying to get the second gym badge.


(If he reappears in the sequel, I swear)

And... Alpha Sapphire.


Oceans. :D

Like the case with X and Y, I'm guessing Nintendo won't push their luck making a sequel (Pokémon Z, Pokémon... Excellent Emerald?) so Treeko won't feel fitting in either game, getting him.


I'm surprised people are even considering Torchic, with the event when it was given out in X and Y.

But then again...



Edited by ~Silver
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I'm surprised people are even considering Torchic, with the event when it was given out in X and Y.

But then again...



I didn't get X/Y until after said event was done. Not all of us are lucky enough to be blessed with funds or means to get things instantly after all.

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Going with Alpha Sapphire because I prefer a blue color scheme over a red one, and I love Kyogre more than I do Groudon.

Going with Treeko because he was my original starter (though I did get Mudkip during the demo back when they had the kiosk at GameStop), and I already have the Speed Boost Torchic. Now if I can just figure out what I want my team to be.

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I'm probably going to get OR, since I prefer Groudon to Kyogre and because Team Magma just makes more convincing villains to me (curse Archie's new design...). However, due to college I may hold off until Christmas or even summer. Now if they could just remake Emerald, I'd buy it for sure. As for starter, I'm going to (eventually) pick Torchic. I chose Mudkip in my Emerald run, but Mega Swampert is just too damn ugly for my liking. Also, I want a good Fire type on my team. Camerupt sucks.

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I'm surprised people are even considering Torchic, with the event when it was given out in X and Y.

But then again...



Reason #1: Someone may not have gotten X/Y in time (or at all).

Reason #2: Someone may not have used that Torchic.

Reason #3 (also my reason): I don't give a shit, Torchic is my favorite Hoenn starter and I'm using it.

Also OmegaRuby.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I didn't get X/Y until after said event was done. Not all of us are lucky enough to be blessed with funds or means to get things instantly after all.

Reason #1: Someone may not have gotten X/Y in time (or at all).Reason #2: Someone may not have used that Torchic.Reason #3 (also my reason): I don't give a shit, Torchic is my favorite Hoenn starter and I'm using it.Also OmegaRuby.


I just wanted an excuse to use that picture/meme.

I admit, 'twas a big insensitive of me, but... Was the lashing needed?

Wait, but seriously... Nobody remembers Peeko?

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I don't believe any of that was "lashing."

From your perspective, no, but I would believe that I'm entitled to what I take offense to.

"I don't give a shit..." Is preferably what I felt was a lash.

Though looking back on it... I guess I was just hot-headed.

What shifted my attitude from being such a hot head?



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Reason #1: Someone may not have gotten X/Y in time (or at all).Reason #2: Someone may not have used that Torchic.Reason #3 (also my reason): I don't give a shit, Torchic is my favorite Hoenn starter and I'm using it.Also OmegaRuby.


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Question: Does anyone think we will get a second bunch of starters?

Like... In X and Y, we eventually got Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle options?

Anyone think we'll get those again...?

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