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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Greatest accomplishment in life?

Favourite videogame of all time?

Favourite Zone in Sonic CD?


Edited by James Bond
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1. Do you have any historical figures you particularly like/look up to?

2. Were you always so drawn to simplicity and practicality?

3. I know you're e-ancient, but exactly how long have you been internetting and what do you think of your experiences so far (can say if you regret or anything)?

4. What is your favourite dish (no desserts allowed)?

5. Your number one favourite video game?

More to come if you will.

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How do you feel winning the interview?

What made you the person you are today?

What would you change?

Favorite color?

1. pleasantly surprised that nobody broke the tie

loki and soledai were worthy opponents and i respect them

2. that's... actually pretty vague, so it's hard to answer

but let's blame high school and post-uni unemployment

3. my country's elite, who would rather sell the country and move to miami

i think that's ultimately the #1 thing i'm not cool with

4. grayish blue

first and current impressions of the fe4 thread

first: hey isn't that fia from fess, i should troll her

current: why is ntg being fia, is she trolling me

Greatest accomplishment in life?

Favourite videogame of all time?

Favourite Zone in Sonic CD?


1. getting this job

which isn't much of an accomplishment at all, but hey they can't fire me without good reason (and this has already come in handy recently)

2. you know, picking a single favorite is actually really hard for me because i usually don't replay games over and over

but while i'm fond of mentionting trails sc for falcom propaganda purposes, i suppose fe4 would be a more honest answer

though i haven't felt like replaying it for a while

3. tbh i've only played it once, so i don't actually have a favorite stage

4. jp/pal, except for the speed up music

How do you feel about the progress of your kouhais?

Why did you feel like you were going to leave the FE4 Thread SF forever at one point?

1. haven't heard from agro for a while, and you're mostly too busy fusing with belinda for me to really know anything

but i suppose that's okay

2. i actually tried to, it's just that my strategy failed miserably

1. Do you have any historical figures you particularly like/look up to?

2. Were you always so drawn to simplicity and practicality?

3. I know you're e-ancient, but exactly how long have you been internetting and what do you think of your experiences so far (can say if you regret or anything)?

4. What is your favourite dish (no desserts allowed)?

5. Your number one favourite video game?

More to come if you will.

1. obligatory jesus aside, brizola comes to mind... though he's only been dead for a decade, hm

otherwise, i tend to find noteworthy historical figures far too controversial

2. i became increasingly more inclined towards them as time passed

but i was never particularly fond of fancy things

3. i first came into contact with the net in 1998, but only got home internet access in september '99

discovered internet forums three months after that and... well, they've been a key point of my internet life ever since

i'd say they're one of the enviroments where i feel most comfortable

i regret some particular choices but not the internet road in general

(obviously life offline is another matter entirely)

4. DO- damn

actually i'm really fond of simple local food... as long as it's well-made

so while frango com quiabo (chicken with okra) comes to mind, it's incredibly easy to make it bland

i've been enjoying bobó de camarão lately though

5. see above

o-okay, just don't do like elieson

batches of five please




Also why is Dragonair the best?

What is your current favouritestest lego build? (pics required encouraged!! if any)

1. yeah, my house is indeed all out of desserts right now

sad isn't it

2. it's cute and versatile

would poke-amie

3. i rather liked that parisian restaurant, but i haven't started seriosuly building my own things yet

here's the thing about that

back when i was a child, we sorted our bricks by color, inside drawers in the living room (they don't exist anymore btw)

eventually i stopped playing with them (my brother was never very big on lego) and mother was kinda sick and bored, so she decided to build the models and put them back into their boxes

now i'm kinda thinking how i should sort them so they can serve my purposes

1. What do you think of FE5?

2. Favorite Sonic game?

3. Favorite Book?

1. it's hilariously rushed (just look at those magic ranks) and i wouldn't play it without savestates

otherwise it's great to see it making people suffer

2. i'd say 3&k, but i respect the s2 lovers

i didn't have direct access to 2 at home, so i didn't get many chances to finish it fair and square

which reminds me, knuckles in sonic 2 is bullshit - ridiculously easy until the final boss, then impossible to finish

3. surprisingly enough, i don't have enough attention span for them

i'm not particularly proud of that though

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What's your opinion on Gunstar Heroes

What's your favorite Mario game

If you've had Pringles, what kind is your favorite

What are your favorite pizza toppings

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Are you comfortable being asked so many questions?

Why do you sometimes make me want to hit you over the head with something very heavy?

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1. How's work lately?

2. What questions are you dreading?

1. better but i haven't recovered entirely just yet

also fairly busy

i need vacations, two months to go

2. #3-5

What's your opinion on Gunstar Heroes

What's your favorite Mario game

If you've had Pringles, what kind is your favorite

What are your favorite pizza toppings

1. didn't play it a lot, since i didn't have access to it back in my internetless days

the weapon system seemed really cool though

2. i've never played a mario game

3. i'm afraid i only had the classic one, i don't usually see variant pringles for sale around here

maybe i should try looking harder

4. i like simple pizza, but i'm terrible at translating food

a lost as there's nothing sweet, fish or chicken, quality matters more than the ingredients

Are you comfortable being asked so many questions?

Why do you sometimes make me want to hit you over the head with something very heavy?

1. not quite but those are the rules of the game

2. because of your burning love for fruit

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What do you think of penguins?

I have to ask that.

penguins are okay

on a related note, empoleon is cool and i'd like to actually use it someday

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1. Why do you tease people?

2. What do you look for in avatars?

3. What do you look for in other people?

4. What makes you, you?

5. First and current impressions of me?

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