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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Is there an internet meme that you enjoy the most?

Favorite video game character of all time..?

Dress in drag and do the hula...yes or no?

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1. what do you think of this song

2. draw you are impressions of me

1. i think of gainax

2. i don't know what to draw

1. Do you speak any languages besides English?

2. Are you interested in languages/linguistics?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Do you cycle?

5. Any interest in playing the older FE games?

1. spanish is my first language, plus i speak some portuguese too

2. for sure!

3. oh yes. i love late XIX/early XX century history especially

4. nope

5. nope

6. who is your favorite naruto character?

6. shikamaru was my favourite sasuke sucks ass

5. who is your favorite dragon from my lair

6. the ghost of a deceased historical figure or otherwise famous person has to start haunting you, but you get to pick who it is. who is your new ghost roommate?

5. celes and niko

6. anne frank

how did you come up with the UN Stolypin Necktie?

i answered this some questions abck actually

7. what's your favorite manner of headgear?

8. was gwen stefani better or worse when she was a part of no doubt?

9. if you went down as a historical figure, what would you want your "the <adjective>" title to be?

10. what culture's naming scheme do you like the most?

7. i don't like headgear it looks horrible on me

8. i have literally no idea

9. the Fully Sick

10. i mean, i think ours is pretty alright

Is there an internet meme that you enjoy the most?

Favorite video game character of all time..?

Dress in drag and do the hula...yes or no?


i don't know possibly vivi from paper mario


and is perhaps not even entirely dissimilar from the kind of guy he makes fun of the most


Edited by fuccboi
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7. what do you think it is about football that makes it your favorite sport?

7. i think it's the fluidity of the sport. most other team spots are fairly stop and go and have set strategies, whereas in football strategy is dynamic and flexible. in american football, you admire a well-executed play. in association football, you admire a stroke of genius, a beautifully placed pass, etc. also it's plain fucking fun

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5. If the cuckoo does not sing, what will you do?

6. How would you rank Alexander, Cao Cao, Genghis Khan and Nobunaga among themselves?

5. what god you nerd

6. alexander, nobunaga, khan. who the fuck is cao cao

If you could be a bird, any bird, which would you be?

Have you played Hatoful Boyfriend?

a tero. so i could annoy everyone and be a useless cunt all day

no but i have considered it. it seems like something that's really funny at a glance but that i would probably get tired of very quickly actually playing it

6. Why did you join Serenes Forest?

i liked fire emblem at the time

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Oh yeah, I've heard King of Fighters is more popular than Street Fighter in central and south America, whereas if anything it may only be more recently that KOF has started to get even a modicum of name recognition up north. Not to expect somebody who's not big into fighting games to know all the minutiae, but if you have any relations who do play them in Argentina, do you know what they play most? (Also whether you've seen one or the other advertised more or anything)

Edited by Rehab
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Any other sports you enjoy?

If so, favourite teams in those sports?

i don't really follow other sports, sorry

Oh yeah, I've heard King of Fighters is more popular than Street Fighter in central and south America, whereas if anything it may only be more recently that KOF has started to get even a modicum of name recognition up north. Not to expect somebody who's not big into fighting games to know all the minutiae, but if you have any relations who do play them in Argentina, do you know what they play most? (Also whether you've seen one or the other advertised more or anything)

nnnno idea. i am fairly sure what you're talking about is more of a thing up north rather than down here. most people i know that enjoy fighting games seem to be into all kinds of shit so idk

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